I build billionaires.
It will soon become what I’m known for.
Hard-charging people with massive visions will keep coming to me for the small role I play in helping them make massive leaps.
Clients are leaping to the stratosphere right now.
A number materializing seemingly impossible leaps.
I expect it.
We’re seeing the same in our business, and that’s my map of reality.
It’s also my business model, and life.
As I write about here, my life is transformation.
I’ve never been interested in small incremental improvements.
I’m into making massive leaps.
And that’s what I’ve seen.
Reality leaps massively
The conscious, time-based mind is a linear processor.
Processing second after second, minute after minute, day after day, things materialize in time.
This of course is the “normal” way of orienting to reality, but it’s not the only way.
In your dreaming reality, which is 1/3 of your semi-conscious life, all time is happening at the same time.
A paradox in quantum physics is how a cat can be perceived dead and alive at the same time.
The same is true for quantum leaps, how an atom can seemingly materialize at multiple points in space time.
At the basic physical level, the binary computer-like brain needs one or the other to be true.
But at the quantum level, even glaring contradictions are true.
For any and all things at all times are possible.
This now isn’t some tiny sliver like the space between the second hands that the computer brain naturally equates it to, but a vast expanse of all time materializing as now.
Not saying this is the truth of reality.
Just that if you perceive it is one truth, rapid, massive leaps become more possible for you.