I wish I had this human tech decades ago.
It would have made my life experience so much better.
In so many ways I’ve lived such a blessed life, and we all have so much to be thankful for, but there were plenty of years where it didn’t feel enough this way.
All those years I was ferreting away thinking that this or that needed to change so you can feel how you want.
Even studying the best teachings was never enough until I built the tools for actually getting yourself thinking and feeling your best, at will.
Irrespective of conditions
A teaching that greatly impacted me is the notion of happiness irrespective of conditions.
Back when I began reading about it some 20+ years ago when I started going deep into the mind, it resonated powerfully.
Because before this my life was about “getting there.”
What I now refer to as the Getting There Program, that’s the thing in our brains that has you believing this FALSE cause and effect—
You must first get what you want to feel how you want.
There are good reasons why the brain is set up this way—namely, survival—and also why our society is set up this way—namely, consumption and control—but this keeps many people thinking and feeling worse than they could.
And it’s also simple, factual, and immediately provable that no matter what is happening or not happening in your life, you choose how you think and feel.
While this fact is too much of a stretch for many people, it’s also what Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl concluded in the worst hell of Nazi concentration camps in World War II.
As he wrote, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”