How happy would you say you are?
If you score yourself out of 10, what would you say?
Of course we all know that this thing called “happiness,” or I prefer to label “feeling good” bounces around for each of us each day, week, so on.
But, in general, where would you say you are out of 10?
And by “10,” btw, I mean, that’s your peak.
10 is as good as it can possibly get, it’s the absolute best feeling you’ve ever experienced.
This is your Highline.
Your Highline
The Highline is your peak.
It is the high watermark of sorts for being your absolute happiest.
Contrast, in our system of therapy and transformation, Rapid Sustained Transformation, RST, your Baseline is where you are on average right now, and your Lowline is your darkest pit.
So if you think about every moment of your life so far, looking back, can you identify your Highline?
Maybe it was just one moment?
Where for whatever reason you were feeling at your peak, such as a client who “smells the sunshine.”
Or one day?
Like your wedding day, or some other special day?
Perhaps you are hitting new Highline peaks a lot of the time?
Such as a day I refer to as my Top of the World, which was this one most magical day when I was living in the mountains of Vail, Colorado launching off a peak.
Whatever this moment is, or these moments are, really challenge yourself here to find these times.
So you can relive and raise them.