To What You TRULY Want
Over 24+ years I’ve researched the best methods for creating the business, career, life you TRULY want.
All of these programs I first researched and developed for myself over countless hours, and then made better with clients, before building for you the program that I wish someone had once handed me.
These programs would have been life-changing for me, and they may be for you too.
Geoff Blades

Video programs have MORE impact.
I’ve migrated from writing books to recording audio programs to now video programs because I perceive it is the FASTEST and best way that you quickly learn.
We’re creating a number of programs at this moment, and for now you see our latest for achieving any goal, as quickly as possible.
Get The Trillion Dollar Formula
It’s quite remarkable what Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have achieved so quickly, isn’t it?
What more could you achieve in your career or business with some of their SECRETS?
Researching Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos you quickly see how differently they think and operate to even most highly successful people, and the OPPOSITE to how you’re often taught.
What might you learn from the 12 HIDDEN Principles decoded from Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos so that you can rocket to the top too?
Upgrade YOU: Free short video course
Your phone gets a software upgrade, don’t you deserve one too?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could upgrade your capabilities just as simply?
So whether it be to better cope with what you’re doing now or to leap to higher and higher levels, you want to keep unleashing more of your POTENTIAL.
This free video program lays out a method for upgrading your goals, and transforming how you think and take actions for ACHIEVING want you want, as quickly as possible.
Musk & Bezos
They rocketed to the top super fast, and you can too.
One thing you learn researching Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos is that they don’t just think and act differently to even highly-successful people, but often the OPPOSITE.
The things that hold most of us back and would otherwise propel you forward Bezos and Musk rocket through.
With these 12 HIDDEN Principles you DO too.
This program brings together 12 HIDDEN Principles decoded from Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos with my revolutionary transformational method that you can QUICKLY learn and put to work so that you can ROCKET to the top too.
How might these 12 HIDDEN Principles of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos be valuable for you in rocketing to the top in your business or career?

You can benefit from doing these audio programs anywhere, anytime, over and over.
This is why audio programs are still my go-to style of learning. I’m creating video programs now because you learn faster with more visual cues, but one way I learned extremely rapidly is by training audio programs over and over again.
All of these programs I developed over decades, and trained myself many times over. I still live these programs such as Ultimate Days, System For Winning, Focus Tools, which I am using right now.
These programs have transformed my career, business, life, they’ve done the same for my clients and others, and I guarantee they do for you too.
Rainmaking Bankers
Which banker doesn’t want to make it rain?
Even when you love the job it’s much more fun when you’re WINNING more and getting paid more and promoted faster.
Banking is always going to be hard, but it’s easier when you have a powerful, repeatable method to make it rain week after week, year after year.
Raise Your Fund Bigger, Faster, EASIER
When is capital raising most rewarding?
When your meetings are most succesful because you have a winning method. Oh, and you’re raising your fund bigger, faster, easier.
Who’s looking to raise your fund smaller, slower, harder? This is for managers looking to raise your fund bigger, faster, easier.
Land That Crazy Job
This program is a little crazy over the top for many people.
That’s because it’s a hardcore program for people looking to do something crazy hard.
Setting your sights on that CRAZY job, the one that is way out of reach, that others will be shocked you landed, because you built your method for landing it.
Public Speaking Natural, FAST
Public speaking was once uncomfortable for me.
Back then I didn’t often speak publicly but when I did it was pretty so-so. Then I learned from a great speaking trainer and through tons of practice built more skill.
But when I needed to do live TV, I needed way more. So I built this program to take public speaking to an entirely new level, to become a public speaking NATURAL, fast.
Win Every Meeting
Much of your business life comes down to a small number of successful or unsuccessful meetings.
Whether they be big meetings like job interviews or Board meetings, or even just daily communications they either progress you forward, or hold you back.
Pro athletes have rigorous methods for preparing to win every game. The meeting room is your stadium. You want a winning method for playing your best winning game.
Focus Tools
Over eight years of doing hard things that made it impossibly hard for me to focus on the work at hand…
I advanced decades of research on focus down to just these 3 powerful, short, easy to use tools for quickly training your focus.
Focus we don’t often enough think of as a trainable skill but nothing matters more to your happiness and achieving than this crucial skill of focus.
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger.
You may know the song, and now you can have the program for building yourself harder, better, faster, stronger, as quickly as possible.
For driving top performance, achieving goals that truly matter, feeling your absolute best, you want to get harder, better, faster, stronger.
Ultimate Days
Do you want to make the most of your days?
Feel your ultimate?
Think your ultimate?
Take your ultimate actions?
Live your ultimate life, right now?
Retiring From Goldman Sachs
This program is specific to Goldman Sachs partners because this is where I’ve had my most direct experience working with clients on this topic.
But it is directly applicable for anyone evaluating the difficult decision of retiring from a top job on Wall Street or otherwise.
You can find yourself mulling over the same type of questions, flip flopping not knowing what to do, and this program will guide you through.