Retiring From Goldman Sachs
Retiring from Goldman Sachs should be the easy part, right? Yet we know it can be far from easy, until we make it easy!
Feeling stuck retiring from a top job?
You want a method to navigate and explore.
You’ve massively achieved.
What’s so hard about riding off into the sunset?
That is!
Riding off…
Into the sunset…
It’s a common phrase, right?
But think about it for a moment.
All it implies.
That you’re riding off, from where?
What are you leaving behind? Who are you leaving there?
And what about the sunset?
It seems beautiful, but in this context it also implies the sun is setting on your illustrious career.
That you’re in the sunset years of your life.
Not so easy through that lens is it?
The word itself makes it harder.
Retire. Retiring. Retirement.
Think about some of what’s implied and it’s easy to see where retiring can get hard.
When we use “re” in front of a word it often means to do it again…
We’re tired. Very re-tired. Beyond tired, we’re re-tiring!
Like a piece of factory equipment at the end of its useful life, being retired…
Put out the back to gather dust and rust!
Also, notice the word is backward-looking.
Not describing this most amazing phase of your life…
Only the familiar place you’ve spent all this time, you’re now leaving behind.
We know us humans have a bias away from loss and uncertainty.
And at a time when we could perhaps be the most excited about our lives…
Just the word itself can strike some of our deepest fears.
“I feel like there’s more in me.”
Years ago my first Goldman client came to me thinking about retiring.
He’d had a terrific career and for some time had been asking, “Do I keep doing this or not?”
It was a tough decision.
He loved the firm. Loved his job. But he felt perhaps it was time for him to move on.
Problem was he was still young.
He felt there was much more he could do, wanted to do, but he wasn’t sure it was in the same job.
For months looking at his list of pros and cons over and over again hadn’t helped him decide.
“What’s so hard about retiring?”
Another Wall Street leader said to me.
He’d absolutely annihilated his career.
Driven far beyond where 30 years ago he had dreamed.
Back then he was one who imagined riding off into the sunset.
But now, all these years later.
After having put in and achieved so much.
He found himself stuck, debating whether to retire or not.
And worse, stuck not knowing how to even figure it out.
This program isn’t literally for Retiring From Goldman Sachs…
Goldman Sachs is a metaphor for people retiring from a job that’s hard to leave:
I never want to retire!
What will I do with my time? I’ve done this for so long. It’s all I really know. I’m worried I’ll get bored.Here I feel valued, relevant.
I do something that matters every day. Where people need me, where I’m relevant. Doing things of great value.Who am I then?
I’m just someone who used to do this? What is my life now about? What do you want it to be about?If I leave I want to do something impactful.
What is that? How do you explore it? Line it up? Make it happen?
Great questions…
Of course it’s not hard for everyone!
For plenty of people, retiring is one of the highlights of their life.
The time in their life they’ve been dreaming about.
A reward they get for working hard, to do what they want with the rest of their life.
I imagine some of them asking, what’s so hard about retiring from Goldman Sachs or another top career?
You’ve made a ton of money.
Had an incredible career.
Surely there’s lots of other things you might want to do with your life?
What’s so hard about leaving a job you’ve done for so long?
Well, there’s of course lots of reasons why you might want to keep doing your job.
We love being engaged, doing things of value, contributing, competing, part of a team, making money, and so on.
But also, for many people, working is simply what we enjoy.
And we want to keep playing the game.
Like a pro athlete.
Recently when NFL quarterback Andrew Luck prematurely ended his career retiring at age 30…
We all felt for him.
At a point in his career when he should be at his peak, a broken body was forcing him to retire from the game.
We all get a pro athlete wants to keep playing their game.
It’s obvious why many like Tom Brady will do anything they can to extend the time they get to play.
Yet the same is true for many professionals and others in our careers.
It’s not a job.
Many people at senior levels are beyond doing it for the money.
And just like a pro athlete, it makes sense we want to extend the time we get to play!
And then, there’s the darker side…
That we stay because we don’t know how to leave.
We’re fearful of what it means to be… retired, over the hill, put out to pasture.
We’re scared of the uncertainty.
Even if we don’t love what we’re doing anymore, it feels safer than the massive void of uncertainty retiring can connote.
What will we do with our time?
Will we miss it?
Feel irrelevant? Undervalued?
What’s our identity?
Who are we now?
Do we have enough money? How many more years might we live? Doing what?
Without being able to answer these types of big questions…
Even if we know it’s time to move on, or indeed even if we’re being forced to move on, we can hold on for dear life.
“I no longer feel relevant.”
A retired law firm partner said to me—
“I was in a role for so long where people relied on me, the phone was constantly ringing, I had important things to do, and now, well…”
On the flip-side a retired consulting partner said to me—
“That’s one thing I absolute love about it… I no longer have to be in the middle of all this stuff.”
One way of seeing it is, well, those people are different. And they are.
But also it’s MOST IMPORTANT to see that either of them could train their brain to have any other perspective.
The point being…
There is no truth about what we think or feel in retiring.
Only the truth we choose…
The same is true on how we feel.
“Just don’t feel how I want.”
A client said to me years after he’d retired from Goldman.
For the first few years he’d had a good time.
Compressing. Doing new things. Hanging with the family. Doing some travel.
But now he felt “empty.”
Didn’t know what to do with his time.
Didn’t know his “identity.”
Lacked “meaning.”
I taught him it was all in his mind!
And trained him to feel amazing at will, right now.
Not when we had figured out what he’d do with what might be the most amazing phase of his life.
Feeling amazing right now, it’s much easier to figure out the most amazing things to do with your life!
But not yet able to see it this way, many facing retirement can find themselves…
Gripping the ledge.
Of course we all know people who have held on too tight for too long.
Like an aging boxer who should have given up the fight a long time ago, they just keep stepping into the ring.
Not knowing what else to do.
Failing to value the massive optionality of ALL the other things they might do in their life.
They cling on.
Hold on to the ledge for dear life.
Holding themselves back from exploring what might be the most amazing phase of your life.
“But, what is it?”
Was a question a retiring banker put to me.
He’s in a hard but also easy position where retiring is no longer his choice.
The firm is retiring him.
This means we’d have to work through some stuff on mindset—e.g. self-worth, belief, the knowing how it ends says little about how amazing his career has been.
But it also means the first of the hard questions has been solved…
Should you retire or not?
That’s where many people find themselves stuck, not even holding on for dear life, just not knowing how to answer the question, they default to the status quo.
But that decision has been made for him.
And now he’s focused on the second hard question…
What now? What do I do with the REST of my life?
Lucky for him… I CRUSH this question!
Because I spent 10 years figuring out the answer to my question—
What do I want?
Whether being stuck asking the same question reading thousands of books, writing thousands of pages of ideas makes me an expert or insane…
What matters is…
Well, I figured out…
Not just what I wanted.
But something far more important…
Not just the answer that was right for me, but a powerful method to solve it quickly and easily for everyone else.
What do I want?
I don’t know.
Well, you really gotta figure that out.
Yep, for sure, OK, so what do I want?
I don’t know…
Well, you’ve really gotta figure that out.
Yep, for sure, OK, so what do I want?
I don’t know…
Well, you’ve really gotta figure that out.
You get the picture…
Round and round and round and round we go asking these types of questions.
Whether we’re junior or senior.
Starting our careers. Mid. Or ending them.
Where we often find ourselves stuck answering these big questions is, how do you decide?
Not having an answer, asking the same question over and over, we don’t just fail to get anywhere.
We grind, grind, grind our gears.
Definition of insanity.
Asking the same question over and over expecting a different answer is of course the definition of insanity.
And not only do these types of endless loop questions drive us insane, but they keep us stuck.
When instead, as it took me an insane amount of time to figure out…
The solution is decidedly simple.
Instead of asking a question you can’t answer over and over and over again.
You want a process, a method, that enables you to keep moving forward…
Answering your question over time.
Coz when you think about it, it’s terrible to be stuck thinking about this stuff, isn’t it?
When instead you can be…
Launching the most amazing phase of your life!
While many bankers and others who love their career might grip onto that ledge for dear life.
How many others are living what is the most amazing phase of their life?
Sure, you might be leaving something amazing behind.
But, that’s just ONE thing.
Out of EVERY thing you might now do with your life!
With plenty of wealth.
Incredible experience.
A ridiculous network.
What isn’t now possible for you?
Just about anything is possible for you!
You can see plenty of people who left Goldman or other top jobs and went on to do incredible things.
Leaping to even bigger opportunities in the private sector.
Taking on massive jobs in government.
Building their own firms.
Sitting on Boards of the most prominent colleges, companies, and non-profits.
Why can’t all that and anything else you choose be possible for you?
If you look back on everything you’ve achieved, you know you can do anything you set your mind to.
Of course a lot of options can create a paradox of choice, but we can also see it real simply.
ONLY three choices.
You can get stuck thinking about, do you retire or not?
But, in the end, this is just one question. One choice.
That you can make to feel as easy as sitting at dinner asking, Do you want a salad or steak?
Now, to be clear, these so-called “exclusive or” choices can be real tricky to navigate.
But not once we’ve worked through it together and you’ve converted it to a simple process that leads you to your answer over time.
And once you’ve navigated this ONE decision…
Well, you only have three choices as to what you do next!
Do you do nothing productive?
What I think of as doing ANYTHING you want!
Do something else full time?
Or do you do something part-time, perhaps a collection of things that one of my friends calls his mixed grill?
As another buddy thinks about it…
“It’s easy to miss being in the middle of things but I just keep focused on, how can I be living the most interesting life I can imagine?”
Just about anything is possible for you…
When you have a powerful method!
Sure, these can be real tricky questions to navigate.
And of course it all seems super simple to me now having spent 10 years working on this for myself…
Plus nearly 10 years doing it for other people.
And even though we can get stuck at choice making these types of decisions.
As you’ll see we do…
We can also convert these hard questions to a simple method that…
Step by step…
Enables you to figure it out.
To go from where you might have been stuck.
To anywhere you want to be!
You can stay stuck in these questions or with a powerful method easily solve:
How do you navigate the decision to retire or not?
There’s lots of ways we can stay stuck here, or we can build a process that leads us to our answer over time.How do you explore your options?
What do you want to do? What options are available to you? How do you explore them? And decide?How do you simply keep moving forward every day?
Forget asking questions you can’t answer, and just keep loving making progress getting to your answers!
Retiring from Goldman Sachs
Discover a proven method for solving all your retirement woes!
Here’s just some of what you get with this 10 hour masterclass.
- A Method For Retiring.
Why can it be so hard to navigate the decision to retire? How do you best explore your options and get it done? - Navigating The Decision.
Why does the word “retire” keep us stuck? What is hard in navigating the structure of choice? How do you get beyond stuck navigating the decision to retire or not? - Exploring Options.
The question “What do you want?” can keep us stuck for decades! How do you dream and scheme your grandest options to keep moving forward towards what you want?
- Limitless Retiring Mind.
Big topics like what it means to retire can mess with your mind. But massive topics like meaning, purpose, identity, fulfillment can ruin your life. We crush them! - Getting It Done.
We’ve worked through the theory, here we work through The Macro Process for sourcing options and getting it done. - Deep Learning Track.
We bring together the Masterclass, integrating this method deep in your brain.
Track One
Introducing Retiring From Goldman Sachs.
Many people say they never want to retire, but at some point you most certainly are…
Perhaps at this point it’s not your decision, which makes it easy to decide, but can still be hard for you to navigate.
Navigating these types of “either, or” (this or that) choices are hard.
And so too can be exploring your options for what you do with the REST of your life.
When you could be living the most amazing phase of your life!
- Exploring what makes retiring hard…
We’re focused on laying out a map for navigating the decision and exploring your options. Whether it’s your choice or not, you’ll feel good navigating! - How do you navigate?
Get beyond feeling stuck not knowing whether to retire or not, to being certain on at least your process for deciding… - And explore your options?
Again this can be tricky, and although you might not walk away from this program certain of what you’re doing next, you’ll certainly have your method for figuring it out!
Track Two
Retire Or Not? Navigating The Decision.
“The problem is choice.”
Neo gets in the second Matrix movie…
And we’ve covered, one of the hard things on retiring is we can get stuck in the question itself.
This type of “exclusive or” question, can be tricky to navigate and keep us stuck. This I refer to as the structure of choice.
- Now, of course choice is a “good” thing, right? But with great choice comes great responsibility!
- We’re faced with this type of question a lot—do you take this job or that? Marry this person or not?—yet nobody teaches us how to navigate.
- We also discuss complexities like forced choice, false choice, paradox of choice, so on.
Even if you’ve decided, navigating can be hard.
Calling a spade a spade, the hardest way to retire is when it is forced upon you, perhaps by the firm, or for health or other reasons.
But this also relieves you of having to make what may be a hard decision to retire or not.
Yet no matter how you’re deciding, this choice can be hard to navigate.
- There’s a lot to think through, many variables in play, that nobody ever gives us a Roadmap to navigate.
- Change can be hard. The word itself ”retirement” is heavily loaded. And then of course there’s what do you now do?
- We need more than basic advice, incomplete solutions.
Start with separate questions.
In many ways these topics go hand in hand—Do you retire or not? It all depends on, what do you now do?
If you have 5 incredible options. All of which are much better than staying, well it’s easy.
- But the same is true on the other hand.
- If you don’t know what you are going to do. If you just have uncertainty, well, then it can be much easier to stay, even if the right move for you is to retire.
- Hence, even though it might seem counter-intuitive, the best method is to see these as two separate decisions.
Navigating the decision-point.
In this track we go deep into ideas like navigating the structure of choice.
- How do you get to answers on these type of hard questions?
- Resolution on questions like: Do I have enough money? Have I achieved enough? Do I feel I have more to do or prove?
- And we hone in on a process that keeps you moving, far beyond the decision-point towards what might be the most amazing phase of your life!
BONUS: Deep Exercise.
We wrap up this track with a specific mental exercise, akin to the way Einstein might navigate this choice!
Track Three
The Roadmap. Exploring Your Options.
Stuck with choice.
We’re separating our two questions—Do you retire or not? And what do you do next?—but of course they go hand in hand.
Coz certainly it’s in not knowing what we want to do next that we get stuck on both of these questions.
- What are your options? How do you explore them?
- Often the problem isn’t in having too little choice, but in the paradox of choice, with lots of things you might do, how do you choose?
- Not knowing, we, once again, can find ourselves stuck.
How do you keep exploring?
How do you best get unstuck? Identify your options? Build a process to keep moving forward?
It can be a huge challenge to keep moving forward when we don’t know what we want.
- Fortunately for you, less fortunately for me…
- Over 10 years asking my question—What do I want?—I built a process that enables you to keep exploring your options even if you don’t know what you want!
- This so-called Dirty Secret of Doing What You Want is that you don’t need to know what you want to keep moving forward.
- You only need a process that keeps you focused on your Grandest Visions, Roadmap, and next steps.
Many paths.
When we think we need to know the one destination we’re headed we can become stuck moving towards any destination.
But seeing you could have many Grand Visions for this phase of your life, and many Roadmaps to get here…
- Now you simplify your process down to Dreaming and Scheming, continuously looking forward, only focusing on those next steps that keep you moving in the right direction.
- Here we also discuss helpful ways of seeing this phase as merely part of your journey, rather than a destination.
- And the power of having a Glidepath for getting here.
BONUS: Deep Exercise.
As we do in the previous track we also finish this track with an Einstein-like mental exercise.
- Like riding a beam of light, taking your brain on a journey far beyond where you might feel stuck exploring your options, laying a pathway to keep moving forward.
Track Four
Limitless Retiring Mind.
This track derives its name from my book and Masterclass on Building Your Limitless Mind.
See, the topics that make retiring hard, such as what the word “retirement” means to us, how we navigate hard choices, explore uncertain options are all in our heads!
Many people say they never want to retire, but at some point you most certainly are.
Perhaps at this point it’s not your decision, which makes it easy to decide, but can still be hard for you to navigate.
Is retiring scary? Hard? Uncertain? Fearful of what you’ll do next?
Or is it entering what might be the most exciting phase of your life?
You get to decide with your Limitless Retiring Mind.
- Beware retiring BS!
We go deeper into the idea we’ve been hitting on how the word “retirement” and topic itself can make this hard and what you do about it. - Where the mind can mess with you…
Yes that’s a technical term for how our brains wired for our work can ruin our lives, such as our massively over-developed worry muscles. - Limitless scheming and dreaming.
From thinking about retiring to imagining and creating this next most amazing phase of your life! - The MASSIVE existential topics.
Like meaning, purpose, identity, being relevant, valued, so on… We crush! - The topic of topics.
Beyond all this, why are so few of us truly fulfilled? How do you become fulfilled right now? - And a BONUS… The Cure
My most potent mental training exercise for feeling amazing at will.
Track Five
Getting It Done.
Let’s get it done!
In the previous tracks we talk about a lot of topics around this, and here we’re focused on how, specifically, do you get this done?
We’ve laid up the theory. Gone deep into your mind and here in this track we’re bringing it all together in a real practical way.
- How do you define your process to decide whether to retire or not?
- How do you build your Roadmap and process for evaluating your options?
- And, how, specifically, do you get systematic in the way you explore your options, all the way through getting it done.
The two steps.
In the previous tracks we said that even if you don’t know what you want, you only need to know these two things…
- 1. Create Grandest Visions of what you want, and see there are many Roadmaps that take you here.
- 2. With a general direction in mind you only need to hone in on those next steps that are right in front of you.
And in this track we’re focused on actually doing it.
The three step method.
This Macro Process is a highly methodical way for best exploring your options:
Without going into detail here we use this to get more specific to how you source opportunities, spinning up funnels like a top salesperson.
And methodically work through your process to evaluate your options and ultimately close in on your choices.
Track Six
Deep Learning Track.
A secret to using this program to quickly get beyond stuck and living your most amazing life is the way you’re deeply learning.
At the end of Tracks 2 and 3 you’re doing an exercise that takes your brain beyond making these choices, creating new pathways for your life.
And here we go even deeper, recapping the program in a way that you can better and faster get it working for you.
In the previous tracks you’re doing a lot of work, listening to the tracks, doing the work in the Workbook, working through this topic of retiring.
And in this track, you sit back, relax, and allow it to do all the work on you!
- A deeper learning experience.
This track reviews the program in a way it becomes deeply ingrained in your mind. - Not just a review.
This is a different type of learning experience many of us aren’t used to, one that quickly, deeply, gets this method for retiring locked into your brain. - So you don’t just walk away from this program…
Knowing more about retiring, but you’re automatically more free to make these choices moving forward living this most amazing phase of your life!
What's This Program Worth To You?
What's The Value of This Program?
Here’s some of the value you get from this 10 hour program.
I can’t know what this is worth to you.
- Only you can know where you’re at and how this program might be valuable for you.
- Do you find yourself stuck with the question whether to retire or not?
- Or perhaps navigating the complex dynamics around it?
- Are you thinking about what you might do, and would like a systematic method to explore your options?
- Perhaps you’re already retired and you’re wrestling with some of the mental challenges like identity, meaning, purpose, and feeling fulfilled?
- Or simply want an end-to-end method for navigating these topics and getting on living this most amazing phase of your life!
But I certainly know how valuable this program would have been for me.
- I was of course at a very different point in my career, but I was exploring the same ideas.
- How do you navigate these hard choices in life? Get clear on what you want?
- Get your mind aligned, and keep moving forward creating it?
- Back when I was stuck asking these same sort of questions I would have given near anything for a simple, highly-systematic method to work through this.
I’ve also seen how valuable this is to my clients.
- When I began doing this work for others I hadn’t expected working with people on this topic.
- Winning more. Driving your career to the top. Leaving to start your own firm. These topics I most imagined.
- But I’ve found many of us are too busy head down driving forward in our work to step back, until the point we’re actually stepping back.
- The clients I’ve worked with on this topic have made their money, driven tremendous success, yet for the same reasons perhaps you’ve read all the way to this point on the page!
- They come to me to help them navigate what can be a difficult stage.
Access to ideas clients pay me 5 or 6 figures to learn.
- Until now this program was only available to my private clients.
- Like them you get an exclusive audience with me ranting and raving in your ears!
- In a program you can listen to over and over again, anytime, anywhere you choose.
- At a fraction of the investment clients pay me for one hour of my time.
Tens of thousands of hours of research in 10 hours.
- Retiring From Goldman Sachs brings together the best of what I’ve learned in nearly 20 years researching these topics.
- From thousands of books, hundreds of training programs, hundreds of thousands of dollars invested traveling the world training with the best experts on these topics.
- All boiled down into a simple end-to-end method you can use for right now navigating what might be a hard series of choices for you.
A proven end-to-end method built for YOU!
- Not just some random ideas on things that might perhaps maybe be helpful in navigating your decision to retire.
- An end-to-end method for navigating your decision, exploring your options, getting your mindset in an amazing place, and getting this done!
- Built by someone who knows the challenges of leaving a firm like Goldman first hand, and who works with others just like you.
- But this method isn’t built for me or my clients, it’s built to be tailored to work specifically for you.
10 hours plus the Workbook.
- This is designed as a comprehensive program to bring all these ideas together for you.
- 10 hours of action packed audio.
- And a Workbook in document format you can easily fill in.
Purchase the Retiring From Goldman Sachs Masterclass today and get 30% off
Secure checkout / 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

I Get It!

Believe me… I get it!
Hi, I’m Geoff Blades.
When I first stepped back from my career at Goldman Sachs and began to focus on these topics, I had no clue how to navigate the hardest choices in my career.
Before that I’d been a lifer.
Having joined Goldman out of university I thought I’d be there for the rest of my career.
But when I began thinking about what else I might do, I had no idea where to begin.
I hadn’t thought about it before.
And now stepping back and asking my question—What do I want?—I was forced to find new ways of navigating my career.
Of course I wasn’t retiring.
In some ways the choices I was making earlier in my career were easier.
I didn’t have 30 years of my life at the same firm.
With all of my friends.
And relationships that I had built there.
But in other ways it was harder too.
I hadn’t made my money.
I had limited experience and choices as to what was available to me.
And I was forcing myself to make these types of hard decisions at an age I was far less wise than you!
Since then, over nearly 20 years on these topics, I’ve seen no matter who we are, navigating these types of choices can be hard.
Of course many people might not get it.
They’d be thinking…
What’s so hard about all that?
Perhaps hunting for their violin to play a sad song for us gifted with incredible choices not knowing what to do!
But even still, many of us, at Goldman and other top jobs, as well as just about anywhere else…
Don’t look forward to retiring in the same way others do.
We love what we do. Love being engaged. Want to keep doing valuable things in the world.
And see retirement is merely another transition where you’re asking, what now do you want to do?
You CAN do what you want!
One of the things that I’ve seen over and over again on Wall Street is people selling themselves short.
Coming from top firms like Goldman, which proudly has a culture of insecurity, we know many of us can be overly humble.
But often this goes even further, to massively discounting what is possible for you.
One retiring GS partner said to me, “Well I didn’t run a group.”
Another said to me, “Well, plenty of people have similar experience.”
Plenty? Perhaps some, but with certainty we know many places in the world massively value what you bring!
With your incredible experience.
Skilled judgement.
Decades of working in a high intensity environment.
Where can’t you add massive value in the world?
What isn’t possible for you?
Look at what others have gone on to do.
It’s a long list of former Goldman Sachs partners who have gone on to prominent positions in government.
Hank. Jon. Phil Murphy. Just to name a few.
Or top roles in other businesses, like Calcano or Tercek or Winks.
Plenty have started their own firms like Cole, Byron, Kimmelman, again, just to name a few.
Too many to name sit on prominent college, corporate, and non-profit boards.
And then of course you’ve got the ultimate chameleon, Rob Kaplan, who proves there’s just about anything you can do!
You only need a method to navigate this.
To be sure, navigating your decision to retire can be real tricky.
So too can exploring and maximizing your options.
But with the right method we’re laying out here for you, it really is just a matter of taking small steps—
- That keep you moving navigating the decision.
- Dreaming and scheming up your options, and exploring.
- Systematically evaluating opportunities all the way to getting this done.
I’m way beyond insane by now!
I asked the same questions over and over and over again for so long…
That I now so clearly see the path through.
I get that from where you might be now it might not seem this straight forward.
But having developed this method over nearly 20 years.
Including putting it to work for others at Goldman Sachs and in other top jobs.
I’ve seen over and over again…
With the right method it really is just a series of small steps.
To navigate beyond your decision to retire.
Explore your grandest options.
And glide, soar, leap, your way into this most amazing phase of your life!
Purchase the Retiring From Goldman Sachs Masterclass today and get 30% off
Secure checkout / 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

Keep in mind!
You're retiring eventually!
Whether you’re retiring now or not, don’t you want a method to—
- Think about retiring in a way that feels amazing.
Rather than reaching that point and feeling stuck, planning it to feel amazing. - Best navigate the decision to retire.
How many people get stuck at this decision, when it can be as straightforward as salad or steak? - Best exploring your options.
Exploring your options can feel hard, or it can be methodical, systematic, easy. - And more importantly, lead to your absolute best outcomes.
By having a method you maximize your choices.
- Have a Roadmap and Glidepath.
Instead of reaching the cliff and feeling like you need to grip or jump, have a map to glide your way here. - Feeling amazing now and in retirement.
Many of the things that feel hard in retiring can also feel hard each and every day of our lives. We solve these! - Feel like you’ve got this.
That you know exactly what you’re doing and you’ve got it lined up. - For creating this most amazing phase of your life!
Why make retiring so hard, when now is your time to be living your most amazing life!