Ultimate Days
How many of your days are Ultimate? How often do you bounce out of bed? Feel your best? Take your best actions? Live your most Ultimate Day?
Wouldn't you want every day to be Ultimate?
How many of us are living Ultimate?
Why live any other way?
Are your days Ultimate?
How many of us wake up feeling how we want, bouncing out of bed excited for our days?
Or is it more normal to wake to a blaring alarm, wanting to hit snooze, probably hitting snooze…
To eventually sit yourself up enough to grab that phone you’ve so desperately missed cradling throughout the night.
Check email.
Maybe check other news or social.
And get your day started exactly how most of us say we don’t want—
Feeling anxious, overwhelmed, fearful, stressed, worried…
Thinking about all those things happening in the world you can’t control. Everything you must do for the day.
And they’re off!
Like a thoroughbred bolting out of the starting gates halfway down the track, there’s no catching it now.
And our brains are the same way.
Once we start our day thinking and feeling that way, how do we expect it to continue?
What happens next?
A client would check his email before his shower so on good email days he could feel relieved, and on bad ones he could stand there worrying, ruining that precious time with his wife and kids.
Sound familiar?
How does the rest of the day play out this way?
Massive cup of caffeine to get yourself jacked up for the day, and to keep that anxiety machine called a brain racing full steam.
Some wild ups and downs depending on what the world is stimulating in you.
Email. Boss. Reports. Clients. News.
All of us are on the roller coaster day if we choose to live this way.
Getting off at the end, shaken up we need more than a tonic to take the edge off.
Couple drinks. Glass of wine. That’s normal.
Maybe six, a bottle. Pretty normal too.
Perhaps pop some pills to get to sleep, maybe pop some more to get going in the a.m…
Are these our Ultimate Days?
Is this what our lives are destined to be? How many of us—
Feel our best?
Or do we have all sorts of unwanted feelings like stress, worry, anxiety, fear, overwhelm, depression, addiction, etc.?Think our best?
Or do we near constantly think about stuff that creates those so-so at best feelings?Are taking our ultimate actions?
How many of us are powering through our days, in our peak performance states, focused on what most matters driving our best actions and results?Living our Ultimate Days?
If each day is a snapshot of our life, how many of us are living Ultimate? Being Ultimate?
What are your Ultimate Days?
What does it mean to live Ultimate?
I’m not talking about a special day like your wedding day or the day you’re a billionaire on your yacht.
I’m talking about no matter what day it is, how do you make it Ultimate?
On your Ultimate Days how are you thinking and feeling?
What actions are you taking?
Who are you being?
Really, what do your absolute best days look like? Feel like?
Imagine you could live this way every day?
You can think and feel exactly how you want, and just be absorbed in loving your day?
This is the point of the System For Ultimate Days.
We aren’t boats but we are sailing!
This brain of ours is set up to believe that how we think and feel is dependent on what is happening in our day.
Some days are “good.”
Others not so good.
And like a flag blowing in the wind this dictates the quality of your day.
No boat in a rough sea thinks to itself, this has been a rough day.
The crew might, but to the boat, it just is.
Rough or calm, so-so or gorgeous, the boat is, the sea is. And the boat is just getting on with its day.
Now, of course you and me are not boats, or at least I doubt you are a boat!
But we are vessels making our way through our days.
With our feeling bodies and thinking minds adding the commentary that create the experience of our day.
And here’s the thing…
No matter the day, we get to choose how we think and feel!
Living at your PEAK.
So much in life we are striving to get some thing or some there, believing that when we do we’ll feel, what?
Amazing? Fantastic? Happy? Content? Awesome? Fulfilled? A winner?
Whatever you call it, this is Ultimate!
The System for Ultimate Days is about living your peak experience now.
Delivering your peak performance, living in your peak happiness.
Not because some thing showed up or happened, or because it’s a special day, but because you’re choosing to make it e-special-ly Ultimate.
By training your Ultimate Days.
Why I built this for myself
How many of us get what we want to discover…
For a while we feel satisfied, satiated, perhaps ecstatic, but then, soon enough, our brains start thinking about what we now need next?
New car doesn’t smell how it did. New iPhone not as cool as it was.
That wedding day we so imagined for decades doesn’t feel the same a decade after.
Most our lives we’re focused on Getting There, only to discover we now crave another there.
10+ years into this work my greatest discovery
Came along with my greatest pain!
The hardest time in my life, having left Wall Street to do this work for other people, should have been the most amazing time.
For a decade researching my two questions—What do you want? How do you get it?
I had it. I was doing what I wanted. The work I absolutely love.
Living the life I had dreamed.
Yet I didn’t feel it.
In fact, I felt far from it.
Having taken on a massive goal that was way too hard for me I was suffering emotions I’d never experienced, even in a career on Wall Street.
Massive fear. Uncertainty. What some might call anxiety, overwhelm, spiraling down into depression.
Yet with this package of blah came my greatest gift…
I learned what it means to be happy!
I remember the night.
I’d been sinking down, but now like laying at the bottom of the ocean looking up I could see.
All those years researching these topics I would have said I was happy, but now I could see the waterline was my old definition of happy.
That was the normal way of being—
Constantly thinking, so desperately striving to get some thing, some there.
Caffeine to get the machine started, drinking, drugs, just to cap off the week.
Wound up like a steel ball barreling through the world to get what I want.
Yet now I had it…
Now living the life I truly wanted my brain still believed I had to achieve these massive goals to feel, what?
Amazing? Happy? Like I’d made it? A winner? Safe from fear?
Whatever… I was now seeing through it clearly.
And beyond that waterline.
That old level I would have called happiness…
I could see all the way to the sky.
To that radiance shining down.
And I knew. I just knew…
In this moment there is nothing you need to change.
Nothing you need to get.
Nowhere you need to achieve.
That right here in this moment you can smell the sunshine.
You can train yourself to experience your ultimate life right here right now.
I just didn’t know how!
I’d read all the books, thousands of them.
New age self-help. Old school. Psychology. Happiness. Neuroscience. Whatever.
Written thousands of pages of ideas.
Plus thousands of pages of the book I was writing.
Yet there was something big I was missing.
I was highly skilled at time management. Execution. Getting things done, etc.
I’d dabbled with meditating. Had played around with other mental practices.
But what I’d been missing was…
It’s not what you know, it’s how you use it.
I could see that I had learned a lot, but frankly, I’d not taken enough of that learning and practiced it.
See, it’s one thing to learn about say being grateful or being fulfilled or optimistic, thinking positive and so on.
It all sounds good.
We can say it to other people. Post it on a little status update.
But that’s very different to be training yourself living it.
Feeling it.
Being it.
And even though I could now see this clearly, it would still take me some 8 years to really be able to live it.
I tricked myself into it!
When I first started thinking about all this it was ONLY to get unstuck in my work.
Stuck feeling bad it’s impossible to write about doing what you want!
So I reasoned I needed to feel amazing. so I could do my work, so I could achieve my goals…
So I could feel amazing!
And in “forcing” myself to train feeling amazing, so I could do my work, so I could achieve my goals, so I could feel amazing…
I realized, ha, actually, that’s the lie.
That’s the discovery.
I tricked myself into learning you can feel amazing at will!
So instead of thinking you need to feel your best to take your best actions to get some thing or some there to feel Ultimate…
You’re starting here, feeling Ultimate now.
And it was through this type of thinking and tens of thousands of hours of research and development.
Building thousands of strategies and tools to master this.
That over nearly 10 years I built this System for Ultimate Days.
So you can live Ultimate Days too!
How many of your days are Ultimate?
Where you’re on top of the world? Walking on sunshine? Waking up bouncing into your day? Going to bed at night feeling like hells yeah I’d love to do that again?
You might already live this way, but too few people I’ve met do.
What about how you think?
How focused is your mind? How much does it jump around from one thing to another? Constantly seeking distraction? Brain candy? Anything that pulls you away from being focused on what matters most in your day?
And, how do you feel?
Anxious, fearful, angry, sad, and the types of emotions many of us live in this most amazing time for humanity.
Or do you feel how you want to feel? Be how you want to be?
Thinking Ultimate. Feeling Ultimate.
Tearing into those things that matter most, taking Ultimate actions, living your Ultimate Day?
You might already be excellent at this, and after this program you’ll be even better at—
Feeling your Ultimate.
How do you want to feel every day? How do you feel at your best? How committed are you training feeling this now?Thinking your Ultimate.
How are you thinking at your best? What thoughts are gone? What thoughts are you constantly seeding and cultivating?Taking your Ultimate actions.
No matter where you have been stuck in your mind and actions, how are you on fire? Crushing it? Getting it done? And every other metaphor for taking your Ultimate actions?Living your Ultimate Days!
Who are you being? Why wouldn’t you want to be living this Ultimate every day?
Ultimate Days
Discover the system for living your Ultimate Days.
Here’s just some of what you get with this 6+ hour masterclass.
- A System for Ultimate Days.
Not just some good ideas here and there, an end-to-end, day-to-day system you can put to work right away. - 3 Phases and 6 Paradigms.
Where all this came from, and how it evolved for me, informs our journey together too. - The System.
Beginning from the moment you open your eyes in the a.m. till you close them at night, how do you make your days Ultimate?
- System For Unleashing Your Time.
Inside the Ultimate Days System is my System For Unleashing Your Time, which is, specifically, for managing your time and energy during the day. - Going Deeper.
We go deeper into some of the nuances for living your Ultimate Days. - Deep Learning Track.
We finish the program by a deep review, firmly embedding your Ultimate Days System in your mind.
Track One
Introducing Ultimate Days.
Not just time.
I started building Ultimate Days to get myself unstuck in my work. Beyond the avoiding, procrastinating, resisting that comes with doing something incredibly hard.
To get yourself to prioritize what truly matters, and take your most crushing actions!
- But this isn’t just about time management. Or energy. Or focus. Or mental conditioning. Or getting things done. Or feeling your most amazing. Living in the flow state.
- It’s about all of these things, and more!
- It’s about feeling better, thinking better, and taking your best actions, which too increases your capabilities and everything that is possible for you.
What are your Ultimate Days?
My Ultimate Days are about my work, driving my mission in the world. This comes back to thinking my best, feeling my best, taking my best actions every Ultimate Day.
But this System isn’t about me and my Ultimate Days, but you and yours.
- Why do you want to live your Ultimate Days? Why does this matter so much to you?
- Are you looking to feel more energized? Focused? Happy? Love your days more? Get beyond those things that hold you back? Take your best actions? Drive your best process and results?
- Great. It sounds smart, but how? What is your specific method?
You decide what is Ultimate.
Ultimate Days is a system for your days that you custom build for you. Ultimately, this is about you, your priorities, what matters to you.
- I don’t teach people to Do What I Want, but to Do What YOU Want. Every element of the Ultimate Days system is about you and what your Ultimate Days mean to you.
- There is no dictionary definition of an Ultimate Day. Only you having a method to plan your Ultimate Days and get yourself consistently, repeatedly, better and better living.
Your guiding philosophy.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey talks about his extreme choices, such as a lot of fasting during the day and weekends, ice baths, so on. He perceives this keeps his mind clear to be at his peak performance.
Does it work? Who knows? Who cares?
- He has a philosophy that he lives by and Ultimate Days is about what is the right philosophy for you?
- How do you define it? Measure it? Hold yourself accountable to living Ultimate?
- This here is what we dive into.
Track Two
3 phases and 6 paradigms.
In this track we go deeper into why I built the Ultimate Days System, why it matters to my clients, and why it may be of great value to you.
We don’t go deeper into the 3 phases I evolved these learnings and the 6 paradigms that underpin it so you can know more about the old me, but by starting with a deeper understanding of where this comes from, The System is far more valuable for you.
- Phase 1: Wakey wakey.
Waking to these ideas transformed everything for me. Here we discuss paradigms, the Getting There Program and Feeling Amazing at Will. - Phase 2: Getting this, FAST.
Is where I began to deeply integrate these ideas, including the paradigms of Focus and Simplify. - Getting higher.
Higher and higher I still climb, as I so much hope this program will do for you! Here we discuss Hardcore Conditioning and Owning Your Power.
Track Three
The Ultimate Days System.
What? Every second, Ultimate!
That’s the Ultimate Days System. Literally, from the moment you wake till you go to bed at night, how do you best optimize your days?
Note, this isn’t a schedule. Or how you get stuff done in your days. That’s the next track where we go into the System for Unleashing Your Time. This is about:
- How, specifically, do you wake, get energized, and get your mind and actions focused on what matters most, all day every day?
- Again I want to say, you see the purpose of this Ultimate Day System isn’t just getting stuff done. It is, how good is the quality of your day?
- Sure, you might be crushing it, but if you feel like arrrggh all day every day hoping to one day Get There, is that your Ultimate Day? How you want your life to be?
Phase 1 of your Ultimate Days: Pre-production.
Is everything you do from the moment you open your eyes until you start your work for the day.
If your work isn’t work, say you’re a stay at home mom, the same still applies. How do you set yourself up for your day? Here we discuss two blocks of time:
- Your Waking Routine, including how you Wake Up. Get Up.
- And your a.m. routine, which is everything you do before getting productive.
- Here we also go into your Energy Management System, which is fancy speak for how you best manage your energy with food, exercise, hydration, etc.
Phase 2 of your Ultimate Days: Production.
This is the meat of your day, whatever it is you would call being productive.
Here we’re focused on how do you optimize your day for how you think, feel, and take your best actions? We cover three blocks of time:
- Block 1 is getting started by being organized.
- Block 2 are your a.m. blocks, which is where you are building momentum Eating Frogs and getting into the House Of Flow, a tool we go into.
- Block 3 are your afternoon blocks, which are how you come out of lunch with energy, and power through your afternoons.
Phase 3 of your Ultimate Days: Post-Production.
What do you do at the end of the day? How do you best close out your day for your Ultimate Night?
- What are your Ultimate Nights about and how do you reset from your days?
- Finally, your Ultimate Days begin at night, so what is your pre-bed routine for waking up Ultimate?
Track Four
System For Unleashing Your Time.
The Ultimate time management system.
This track, a previous version of me walks you through The System For Unleashing Your Time from the System For Winning Masterclass.
The System For Unleashing Your Time you might think of as a more traditional time management tool.
Whereas the previous track is about the overarching method for how you approach your day from the second you wake up till the second you fall asleep at night.
This track is about, how, specifically, do you optimize your actions during the production phase of your day?
Not about time.
Perhaps the most important principle of the System For Unleashing Your Time is seeing, well, it’s not about time.
Time management isn’t a thing. It’s your life! And the skill of time management is how are you best using this most precious resource, the time of your life?
- You’ll hear me talk about my number one rule of time management… Delete.
- As well as shifting your time to its highest value use. Having more impact per unit of time. And so on.
Ultimate Output
Like all my systems you’ll see the System For Unleashing Your Time is decidedly simple.
- Your Summary Output is designed to fit on one page.
- It’s not a “schedule,” but an overlay for how you think about your day in productive blocks.
- How do you best get your day moving? Get set up for Deep Work? Enforce 80/20 Militancy? You get the picture!
Hitting what matters most.
Again, simplify, and delete are staples of time management and the same is true here. We only cover a small number of the most important principles and practices for unleashing your time.
- Principles like: Making active choices. Shifting your time to its highest value uses. Doing what you choose. Focus and concentration. Seeing time as an emotional topic.
- And practices you train right now and each Ultimate Day for mastering them.
Laying It Out Together.
We’re not just doing this in theory, either.
In the Workbook we work through the Summary Output as well as the backup schedules so you can be putting this to work right now, this Ultimate Day.
- How do you simply get organized around your 80/20 mind and actions? How might you use a time audit to ensure you’re doing what you’ve decided matters most to you?
- What are your common time leakages? Where are your avoiding and resisting, and how do you solve it? How good are you at distinguishing what’s urgent vs. what’s important?
Track Five
Going Deeper.
We cover a lot of ideas in this Masterclass and this track was added so we could go deeper into some of the specific tools and protocols.
Some deeper philosophies are laid out in this program such as seeing your Ultimate Days as the vehicle for your life.
And big topics like taking back your power, energy, focus, simplifying, the Getting There Program, feeling amazing at will, and so on.
This track doesn’t add any more, so much as it goes deeper where it counts.
- Drilling into the core.
Here we go deeper into the core ideas and tools covering topics like using your blocks of time and the Restore Cycle. - Deeper into my most powerful tools.
Together we walk through tools that have most changed my life—the House Of Flow. Heightened State of Awareness. The Cure. BSG. - And hit potent topics around it.
We go deeper into ancillary tools like The Monitor and Thermometer, as well as further clarify 80/20 Mind and Actions, drifting, so on.
Track Six
Deep Learning Track.
This system isn’t just built for regular old learning, but to deeply, quickly get these ideas stuck in your mind.
As you know, the trick to great learning is for it to happen automatically, unconsciously, like driving a car, and this track works the same way for you.
In the previous tracks you’re doing a lot of work, listening to the tracks, doing the work in the Workbook, training your System For Ultimate Days.
And in this track, you sit back, relax, and allow it to do all the work on you!
- A deeper learning experience.
This track reviews the program in a way it becomes deeply ingrained in your mind. - Not just a review.
This is a different type of learning experience many of us aren’t used to, one that quickly, deeply, gets the Ultimate Days System locked into your brain. - So you don’t just walk away from this program…
Knowing more about living your Ultimate Days, but you’re automatically living more Ultimate today and more and more Ultimate Days over time.
What Are Ultimate Days worth to you?
Value in Ultimate Days.
Here’s some of the value you get from this 6+ hour Masterclass.
Access to ideas clients pay me 5 or 6 figures to learn.
- Until now this program was only available to my private clients.
- Like them you get an exclusive audience with my Aussie accent in your ears!
- In a program you can listen to over and over again, anytime, anywhere you choose.
- At a fraction of the investment clients pay me for one hour of my time.
Tens of thousands of hours of research in just 6 hours.
- The System For Ultimate Days brings together the best of what I’ve learned in nearly 20 years researching these topics.
- From thousands of books, hundreds of training programs, hundreds of thousands of dollars invested traveling the world training with the best experts on these topics.
- All boiled down into a simple end-to-end method you can use for right now living your Ultimate Days.
- What wouldn’t I have paid for this System if I had the chance to just buy it? I can’t say!
An end-to-end system for living your Ultimate Days.
- Not just some random ideas on time management. Or managing your state. Or getting things done. Efficiency. Effectiveness. Happiness. So on.
- An end-to-end method for all day every day thinking your best, feeling your best, taking your best actions.
- The Ultimate Days System is engineered to work for you from the minute you wake up till you go to sleep every night.
- And the System For Unleashing Your Time for optimizing how you use every minute every day.
Custom-built method designed to work for YOU!
- This program brings together the best ideas I’ve developed for myself and my clients on these topics, yet this isn’t for me or them.
- It’s custom built for you!
- A systematic method we work through together in this Masterclass to build your Ultimate Days System.
6+ hours plus the Workbook.
- This is designed as a comprehensive program to bring together all these ideas for you.
- 6+ hours of action packed audio.
- And a Workbook in document format you can easily fill in, that we work through.
What ISN’T this worth to you?
- To perhaps get beyond ways you’ve been stuck in taking your best actions, as I was.
- Or to build the habits to eliminate bad ways of thinking and feeling.
- Heck, even just to stop hitting snooze, to be bouncing out of bed into your Ultimate Days.
- Living in the flow state all day…
- Powering through to your Ultimate Nights!
How much IS this worth to you?
- To unleash you and your time every day?
- Unlock your Ultimate ways of thinking and feeling?
- Consistently, repeatedly, get yourself taking your Ultimate actions?
- Being who you dream to be living your Ultimate life!!
Purchase the Ultimate Days Masterclass today and get 30% off
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What I Wish I'd Had.

If Only…
Hi, I’m Geoff Blades.
If only I’d had this program handed to me, it would have saved me a lot of pain…
Would have gotten me working effectively on my massive goals much faster and better.
And of course would have enabled me to be living my Ultimate Days much sooner.
Back then I would have paid near anything to have been handed this end-to-end method that—
- Would have helped me quickly become unstuck in my work.
- To get thinking and feeling your best, taking your best actions.
- And even more importantly, given me everything I wanted to know on how to be feeling amazing at will, right now, living your Ultimate Days.
But, alas, I didn’t have that.
And, instead, over tens of thousands of hours of research and development I was forced to develop this System for myself.
Which has many silver linings…
You see, if I’d never gone through those hardest times in my life.
If I’d never seen the view from deep down, like laying at the bottom of the ocean looking up, I never would have seen how high I could go.
Before that I would have just wanted to feel as “good” as I did before!
But now, with a new lens I could see that you can feel as good as you train yourself to feel.
I wouldn’t have learned these lessons any other way.
And although I had to go through some manure to grow these ideas, there is nothing more valuable I have developed in my toolkit than being able to now live my Ultimate Days.
And most importantly for YOU…
Going through all this forced me to build a system that you can use too.
I can’t know where you are in your life.
How you’re thinking.
Where you are at taking the actions that matter so much to you.
But I do know that putting this System to work will only add fuel to your fire.
Getting you thinking more Ultimate. Feeling more Ultimate. Taking more Ultimate actions.
Living your most Ultimate life!
Purchase the Ultimate Days Masterclass today and get 30% off
Secure checkout / 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

Fair Warning!
This Masterclass is extreme.
Beyond extreme.
This isn’t just a System you put to work every day.
It’s a system for every second, every day, optimizing your Ultimate Day.
And moreso, a repeatable, consistent method you put to work every day, continuously improving your Ultimate Days.
Of course I recognize that for some people this method is crazy.
Far too extreme.
They’ve never focused on thinking and feeling their best, taking their best actions.
Let alone have been seeking a method to optimize each and every day.
Waking up, but still sleeping, drifting through their day, their life, wasting most hours most days.
This program isn’t for those people.
Nor is it for the people who happily live in a negative mindset, people who are good with being anxious, overwhelmed, fearful, depressed.
Gulping their coffee for energy. Popping pills to get started. More pills at night to end their day.
Constantly seeking the distraction of news, social, and just about anything else to avoid focusing on what truly matters.
It’s also not for people who are safely nestled in their comfort zone.
Happy to show up and do their 9-5, never thinking much about what more they could be doing or what else is possible for them.
This program isn’t for them.
It’s for YOU!
For people who want to optimize each and every day.
Who live like professional athletes serious about delivering their top performance.
Who want to think and feel Ultimate.
Driving their peak performance, taking their best actions, powering through their Ultimate Days.
For people like you, no method for unleashing your time living your best life is extreme.
You would never settle for anything less than your Ultimate Days!