Me, me, me, me, me.
“Enough on upgrading you, upgrade me!”
So I keep hearing.
It seems all this upgrading of Geoff Blades has created some upgrade envy 🙂
I’m listening.
So we’re starting a series for upgrading you.
“Partner, let me upgrade you
Flip a new page
Introduce you to some new things, and upgrade you…
Partner, let me upgrade you.”
Sings Beyonce in Upgrade U.
Together that’s what we’re gonna do.
Whatever is your wish list
When I start working with a client is how it goes.
I ask for a wish list of whatever you want.
Whatever goals you want to annihilate.
Whatever you want to rapidly change in how you think and feel.
Whatever skills and capabilities you want to quickly build.
Whatever, whenever, that’s what I deliver.
And in Upgrade YOU, I’m here to deliver the same for you.
Whatever you want to upgrade, whenever you want to do it.
Upgrading hardware and software
Apple is constantly upgrading software.
And regularly upgrading hardware too.
While we constantly buy into their upgrades, how much more value do you get upgrading you?
What value might you get upgrading your hardware, your body?
Here you would use this upgrade to get yourself eating and exercising to a harder ware.
But of course we’re not gonna be laying out physical workouts together.
Upgrade YOU is about upgrading your software which drives every single thing that you think, feel, and get your hardware to do.
Shortcut codes is Upgrade YOU
As the software on a device operates everything, so too does your human software.
Every single thought.
Every single feeling.
Every single action you take is the result of how you are “programming” and “conditioning.”
You’ve seen me write tons on this over time, and you may be deep in my Masterclasses and books where we do this in great detail.
But here in Upgrade YOU we’re massively simplifying it.
Instead of laying out long answers, I’m giving you shortcut codes.
What you need right now to quickly, easily, powerfully upgrade you.
3 Modules to Upgrade YOU
As you see in my fancy chart, there are three modules to Upgrade YOU—
In a cycle.
Over and over and over again, cycling your goals, mind, actions is all you need for driving whatever you want.
It’s like driving a car; just follow the GPS, keep your foot on the gas, keep steering.
See, and this is the point of Upgrade YOU.
It is this simple.
Rather than spend your life reading thousands of books or listening to rambling podcasts, most of us simply want to know what to do.
It’s like working out.
Many people will only ever read, listen, watch, talk about doing it!
Some of those who are serious will work with a trainer, while others want a program that you can put to work on your own too.
That’s what we’re building.
Working through these 3 modules (the best we can in this format) building out your program for Upgrade YOU!
9 Routines to Upgrade YOU
All software has routines that run over and over again, and this is how Upgrade YOU works too.
A bench-press or yoga can continuously upgrade your hardware, but only when you keep doing the routines!
The same is true for the 9 routines we’re covering in Upgrade YOU—
Now you see on this even fancier chart we’re keeping it simple, with just 3 routines for each of the 3 modules—Goals. Mind. Actions.
Over 20 years I’ve done the work to massively simplify this for you, yet all the “not easy” work is on you…
That’s actually doing it!
So to make it even easier for you to do, rather than write long-winded articles, for each routine I’m going to share a short, actionable video with you.
Now, I’ll be keeping it short and sweet, yet I’d suggest you might invest hours a week…
Or even hours a day (as I do) if you’re serious about quickly, powerfully upgrading you.
You decide how you Upgrade YOU
Partner, let’s upgrade YOU!
I want whatever you want from this upgrade.
I’m doing my best to share with you the cheat codes to keep this simple and actionable.
And only you can decide how best you are upgrading you.
If you want to get a head start on me, I’d suggest setting up a document where you begin giving thought to the 3 modules and perhaps even the 9 routines.
Where are you on goals?
How’s your mind? What might you want to change?
What about your actions?
Based on what you’ve seen me writing upgrading Geoff Blades, what might you upgrade?
How about more generally?
Whatever is your wish list, partner, how will we Upgrade YOU?