Do you wish you could be getting more done?
Have moments when you sit down to get started and it’s just too hard?
You can’t quite get into it?
Your brain is seeking distraction?
Oh, just better grab a drink before I do this.
Haven’t checked email in 9 seconds!
Hmm, maybe I should just check in with…
Resistance, avoidance, procrastination…
Whatever you call it, sucks.
It sucks time from your life, and energy from your accomplishing.
If you’ve procrastinated throughout your life, you know how much it has hurt you.
All the way back to school I’m betting you’ve been living with that awful feeling.
Us pros call it inner conflict.
One “part” of you says, I want or I’ve gotta do this.
And the other part of you, meaning, the part of you that actually must do the work says…
Coz the part of your brain and nervous system that is holding you back doesn’t talk.
It does. Or doesn’t.
In the same way that your stomach signals you, I’m hungry, feed me.
That part of you gives you a feeling.
The picture I’m getting for this feeling is one of those rhinos you see in the reserves in Africa.
Just standing in the middle of the road.
Honk honk.
It’s going nowhere.
Try to push it.
Good luck.
It’s just gonna look at you like you’re confused who’s in charge!
Getting yourself flowing
There’s lots of methods to solve holding yourself back taking actions.
The specific mental tools I’ve built for this—like the House of Flow you see in the Focus Tools Masterclass—are incredibly powerful.
Yet, getting your mind aligned with driving your goals is only part of it.
Because, ultimately, what’s holding you back isn’t in your mind.
It’s in your day!
So not only do you want to focus on aligning your mind with your goals and actions.
But you want to engineer your day for flowing this way.
We’ve been building to this
In Upgrade YOU, we started Module 1 with your goals.
In some ways, a powerful goal can help you drive through this type of resistance.
But too, this is where basic teachings like knowing your why fails.
e.g. a bigger why can lead to bigger pressure and bigger avoiding.
That’s a reason we dropped into Module 2, covering powerful methods for aligning your mind with your goals.
Which then drove us into this Module 3 for taking your best actions.
Engineering your days for flow
We started this Module laying out what actions most drive your winning.
Then we hit building powerful skills.
And here in this final Routine for taking your best action we’re engineering your day for flowing.
So rather than getting stuck at taking action, you’re clear on what you’re doing, and you’re just getting it done.
And not just getting it done any old way.
You’re getting it done flowing inside the peak human state for happiness and top performance.
Crushing your actions all the way through to getting what you want!
So if you’re looking to eliminate stuck and keep driving forward…
Here’s the video for engineering your days for flowing this way.