When I’m doing what I want, then I’ll feel amazing.
I didn’t tell myself that.
If you had asked me all those years ago when I was just so desperately scrambling to escape my life and be living the life I truly wanted…
I would have said I was happy.
Running like mad to figure it out, sedating myself with escapes, thinking that was “happy.”
Knowing, not just believing, but knowing, with certainty…
When you’re doing what you want, then you’ll feel how you want to feel.
The biggest human lie
It’s the lie your brain is constantly telling you.
The lie our consumer economy is selling you.
The lie our society spoon feeds you from cradle to grave.
The lie that nearly everyone will live and die by.
The lie that keeps nearly every human on the planet at some low level of what you might call happy.
The lie that—
Something in your life needs to change is how to feel happy.
My greatest discovery
For years I imagined that when I was doing what I want I’d feel amazing.
Yet then I was doing it…
Feeling worse than I ever could have imagined.
Whereas before I thought all those “normal” ways of being were “happy.”
Now I was actually unhappy I could see the truth staring at me.
From that pit of shit, the truth that would set me free.
Not just free to feel truly happy.
But free of the lies of the human body-mind machine.
Free of the lies of how to feel happy we’re fed by our society.
But if only…
If only I had more money.
If only I had more love.
If only I had a spouse.
If only my spouse did or didn’t do this or that.
If only my career was better.
If only my business was working more.
If only we weren’t locked up.
If only he wasn’t president.
That’s “normal.”
You’ve been led to believe that how to feel happy is something must change.
Yet if only we could learn that none of that drives how you think and feel.
Wow, just imagine how amazingly happy all of us could be, right now!
Coz this is the truth
Of how to feel happy right now.
It’s the truth I often write about that Viktor Frankl discovered in the Nazi concentration camps.
That no matter what they do to your body and mind, you get to choose how you think and feel.
It’s the truth I discovered when I was finally doing what I wanted, but felt like crap.
Take a drink.
Hit some weed.
And wow, suddenly you feel how you want to feel.
What gives?
Nothing in your life has changed.
You’ve simply ingested something that has changed your physiology and neurology.
And wow, suddenly you feel amazing.
Yet, come out from that coma and the brain again starts thinking about all the things that it needs to think and feel how it wants.
Many people of course get confused that the booze or weed or pill or sex or some other crutch is how to feel happy.
And those addictions destroy them.
When instead seeing they merely point to the hidden truth.
That how you think and feel is merely something created within you.
And that just like the drug NZT changed Eddie Morra’s life in the book and movie Limitless, this limitless mind is inside you.
You are limitless
You can have limitless good feelings.
Limitless positivity.
Limitless optimism.
Limitless generosity.
Limitless gratitude.
Limitless forgiveness.
Limitless feeling joy.
Limitless love for you, me, and all fellow men and women.
Limitless good feelings are locked inside you…
And yet nobody ever hands you the key.
I don’t want to say it’s all wrong
But generally most of it is flat out wrong.
Literally, as wrong as our smartest scientists were killing anyone who didn’t agree the Sun revolves around the Earth.
Or as wrong as the science of physics was before we understood there was such thing as quanta.
See, this is the thing, people say but where’s the research?
Surely, someone with a title Doctor can’t be wrong?
Well, surely someone who has nothing more than a pill to offer you can’t be all right either, can they?
Yet, I don’t want to say it’s all wrong.
I might be all wrong.
And I merely suggest that you go deep into yourself on how to feel happy.
Going to therapy talking about your problems for years can’t be all wrong.
Popping pills to try and feel good can’t be all wrong.
Sedating yourself with booze or weed or other drugs can’t be all wrong.
Escapes like entertainment or yelling at the TV can’t be all wrong.
But most of it is.
Like walking around on a set of crutches pretending that your leg isn’t broken.
When the answer to how to feel happy is right inside for you to see.
But now here’s the thing
That’s not to say those are the wrong solutions.
When your leg is broken you need to walk around on those crutches for a bit, until your leg is strong enough for you to walk on your own.
So those crutches are an essential tool, yet if you stay on them too long, you’ll never walk again properly, let alone run.
And here’s the other truth that some people simply won’t want to hear.
For many people, the crutches are the best they can ever do.
The antidepressants.
Talk therapy.
Self-medicating with booze and other drugs.
By far, at least in my opinion, all that is better than being miserable, anxious, fearful, etc.
It’s nowhere near as good as the solution I’m offering here, but it’s also being honest to the fact that this solution isn’t right for everyone.
Why are we so fat?
Really, what is easier than losing weight?
Eat better. Exercise more.
Sure, there’s tons of nuances around this, but quite simply if you cut calories and burn more you’ll get in better shape.
So, why is it so hard?
The answer I write about in this sexy article that gets a lot of play on my site is far from easy.
We’re fat in our minds, not our bodies.
And it’s simply wrong of us to shame people who can’t do this for themselves.
It’s easy for someone who was “lucky” to be born into a body and mind that is inclined to exercise and eat well.
Or who, for whatever reason, was gifted with discipline to say that other people are simply lazy, or unwilling to do the work.
But, what do they know about walking around in that person’s body and mind?
With all their BS about trying harder, or just gotta do it, what do they know about being inside a body and mind that can’t just do it?
Sure, losing weight is simple, but for some people, it’s simply too hard to do.
For them, this prescription is wrong
Coz what you’re going to see as my ABSOLUTE SOLUTION on how to feel happy is…
You are taking control of your body and mind.
You’re getting clear about what’s going on in there, and deciding that you want it to be different.
And, quite simply, this isn’t for everyone.
Many people simply lack the will and skill.
It’s not their fault.
And that’s OK.
They never deserve to be berated for it, but to be loved and encouraged to do the best they can.
It’s easy to judge them for it, yet live in their body and mind for a week and then you’ll understand the truth of their reality.
For them, these solutions are out of reach.
And they are far better off seeking whatever crutches or medical solutions they can find.
These 3 truths will set you free right now
How to feel happy?
You are taking control of your body and mind.
Doing this you are deciding that whatever is going on inside there, you are now taking control of making what you want it to be.
This is just as simple as getting in shape.
Just about a million times easier and harder!!
It’s easier because you are practicing how you’re using your body and mind every waking second.
This means you have every waking second to be conditioning how to be happy right now!
Yet it’s also much harder because…
Well, your entire life you’ve been fed all those other lies of how to be happy.
Meaning, it’s been conditioned in you.
Also, it’s been programmed.
That machine inside your head is built to work a certain way.
It’s time-based, works on cause and effect, so your most basic wiring is that some thing leads to another thing.
Meaning, the most natural thing is to “think” that some thing needs to change is how to feel happy.
Yet, as we’ll go into, the only thing you are changing is how you’re using your body and mind.
The prescription—
Do these three things every second you can remember to keep conditioning feeling amazing at will.
1. Reset your triggers
When you’re firing a gun you learn to reset your trigger.
This means as soon as you fire a round, you get back on the trigger ready to fire another.
Your body and mind works much the same way.
People want to know how to feel happy, yet the only map they have for it is the triggers that have been conditioned.
They hear the word “Trump,” and they fly off into a fit of anger or outrage.
Of course in their brain that’s “valid.” that’s true, he’s the worst of the worst.
And he may be.
Yet what matters most in our example is that they respond how they’ve been triggered to.
Hear the name “Obama” and that person’s body and mind likely respond differently.
To them it’s completely bizarre that someone else would be triggered another way.
That person wears their Maga hat and yells about Obama much the same.
They say that’s because he’s a good guy, or he believes what they believe, or whatever other because comes into that mind.
Notice my point here.
We backward rationalize
Something happens – > it pushes one of your buttons -> you respond accordingly -> then have a story for why that response is valid.
Someone flips you off in your car and you go into a fit of rage, chasing that person down putting your kid’s life at risk so you can give them a piece of your mind.
Another person laughs it off.
The response obviously has nothing to do with the event of being flipped off, but based on how you’ve been conditioned.
By what “automatic” response is triggered in you.
This is happening to us all day every day.
You’re walking down the street and see a man or woman you’re into.
What happens in your body and mind?
Do you decide to feel that spark of mmm, I want a piece of that 🙂
Or is it happening naturally in you?
Know your triggers
How to feel happy?
Know that EVERYTHING happening inside your body and mind is automatically happening TO “you.”
You can’t choose how you think and feel any more than you can choose to stop digesting your food.
It’s an automatic process inside that body-mind machine you consciously associate as “you.”
And only you can choose to monitor those triggers that are being fired off inside of “you,” (that machine) and choose to change them.
Well, there’s a hardcore answer, and there’s a basic answer that anyone can do.
The hardcore answer is that there are a small number of people on the planet who can easily change your triggers for you.
They are pros with job titles that many don’t want to believe, such as “programmer,” who are absolute experts in the mind.
Every day of the week, every second of the day, I would send someone to one of these people than a so-called “Doctor” of psychology or psychiatry.
Because not only do they understand what is really going on inside you, they can easily change it for you, quickly.
But that’s not the hardcore answer.
Hardcore answer is…
You become your own programmer.
This means you invest real time and energy in understanding what is going on inside you, and you train the will and skill of changing it.
To be sure this is a serious craft that you can spend years of your life learning, but the rest of your life benefitting from using.
And helping everyone else around you too.
The simple version of this is basically any of my Masterclasses on the mind such as: Ultimate Days. Harder Better Faster Stronger. Focus Tools.
And also my free book for Building Your Limitless Mind.
In all of these programs this is essentially what we are doing—identifying your triggers and conditioning new triggers for you.
An even simpler answer…
That you can do right now as a way how to feel happy.
Simply start writing down your triggers.
e.g. When my spouse says X I feel Y.
e.g. When I hear the name Trump / Obama I feel Y.
e.g. When I think about money I feel Y.
e.g. When I see a billboard for ice-cream I feel Y.
Hopefully you can see what I’m saying here.
The first step to changing your triggers and how to feel happy at will is…
Well, becoming aware of what is triggered in you now.
And then re-wiring these automatic programs in you.
Sure, you can do it the fancy way with a programmer or learning to program yourself.
But you can do a quick and dirty simply by conditioning your triggers differently.
e.g. When I see a billboard for ice-cream, I know my body will automatically respond with Y, but then I’m going to redirect it to seeing a picture of myself in a bikini.
e.g. When I hear Trump’s name, I know my mind will automatically think X, and instead of getting all upset / angry / fearful, I’ll remind myself to focus on what I can control and stay absorbed in how to be happy.
I could go on, and on…
And you want to…
Just keep working your triggers over and over again just like you would condition a dog to salivate when you ring a bell. 🙂
2. Emotional conditioning
As I started this article with, by far the biggest lie on how you feel is that it relates to your life.
I feel sad because.
I feel angry because.
I feel lonely because.
I would feel good if X happened.
This cause and effect lie of the body and thinking mind is what keeps most of the human race unhappy.
What I refer to as the Getting There Program I detail in Ultimate Days.
Believing that something in your life must first change to feel how you want, most humans will forever blame how they feel on their lack.
Intel 3 tells the truth
The chart at the top of this page is one of my hardest earned teachings on the mind.
Literally, tens of thousands of hours researching and conditioning led my mind to give up this simple truth.
As I wrote about here, unfortunately it’s not this obvious to our brains.
Even though we know when you get something you want, about 5 minutes or 5 weeks later now your brain has moved onto what it wants next!
It’s insatiable because it’s built to be this way…
And despite their best efforts, the laughably childish happiness research will never seem to get how to feel happy isn’t about changing what’s “out there.”
But simply mastering how you condition the way you feel.
The Cure [To The Human Condition]
When I felt the worst it opened the door to learning how to feel happy.
I didn’t know it at the time.
And it took me about 6-8 years of mental conditioning, tens of thousands of hours learning hardcore programming, and building my most powerful tools.
As you see in my tools like The Cure—a simple 6 minute tool that you can easily use all day every day for feeling amazing at will.
It doesn’t work by changing your life.
Or even trying to change how you think and feel.
The absolute simple truth on emotional conditioning is that it doesn’t start with your feelings at all!
It doesn’t come back to talking about your feelings.
Or labeling them.
Getting in touch with this or that.
Practicing gratitude or other nonsense.
Your emotions are MERELY a product of how you’re using your body.
Use your body to feel amazing at will
You know that feeling of winning a gold medal?
Of course you likely haven’t won a gold medal but you can imagine this feeling can’t you?
Seeing the athlete thrusting their arms in the air, celebrating.
How do you feel when you’re celebrating your life this way?
Are you sitting around doing some mantras on gratitude, hoping to feel good?
Drinking a Bud to get your buzz, knowing ultimately you’ll feel worse?
Or are you simply seeing that by changing how you’re using your body, you’re changing how you feel.
It doesn’t get talked about by the shrinks who make all their money talking to someone week after week.
Or who are incented to deal drugs.
But one of the most powerful conclusions of neuroscience and psychology is that just by smiling you change how you feel!
Right, coz you’re not waiting for something good to happen so you can smile.
You’re smiling because this does something good in you right now… changing how you feel!
It’s simple mechanics
How you feel reflects your energy, which is why this topic of how to get more energy matters so much.
Your emotions are literally ONLY a result of your body.
And by far the best way to keep conditioning your emotions for how to feel happy is to keep conditioning the energy of your body.
Sometimes people talk about this as “state,” but that’s a very limited way to see it.
Instead, see that we are energetic beings, every day our bodies accumulate and burn energy, which simply changes how you “feel.”
Meaning, get too little sleep, how do you feel?
Have a heavy lunch and get sluggish in the afternoon, do you feel all fired up, energized, optimistic, confident?
Get smashed the night before and walk around with a headache, how do you feel?
Does practicing gratitude help?
Do you believe that something in your life now needs to change for you to feel how you want to feel?
Do you think that’s air you’re breathing?
Or it is just so damn obvious that you feel that way because of how your body feels?
See, this is my point.
Conditioning the way you feel is merely about conditioning the way your body feels.
OK. How to feel happy?
Do things with your body that feel good!
Get fired up.
Bounce up and down.
It’s this damn simple, but let me come back to why this is so hard for many people to do.
Because, the times that it matters most.
When you’re all down and out, being depressed, talking about how much your life sucks…
Those are the times when it’s hardest to get yourself to do it.
And I don’t just mean hard…
I mean for some people it is impossible.
Even if they know to change your state.
To put a smile on your face.
Bounce around like you won a gold medal.
Those awful negative body and mind states can be so debilitating that it can be impossible for them to do.
So, what do you do?
You do what I did for years and years.
Write big reminders on your wall.
Detail it in your Daily Exercises.
Do audio recordings.
Whatever it takes, you train yourself to do these things that simply get you feeling how you want to feel.
Yes, it’s not easy, and not everyone will be able do it.
But everyone can.
3. Mental conditioning
OK, so here’s the massive lie.
You can choose your thoughts.
It’s total BS.
When I write about it, I try to put it in context.
I talk about it in a certain way like I do here in this article of how to take control of your thoughts.
The problem with most pop psychology.
And even the real Doctor version of psychology is…
They have absolutely zero clue
Of what leads you to think that way!
They talk about it like will power.
You’ve just gotta choose a better thought.
Or get some new perspective.
Like some stupid little affirmation will change your day.
The problem for those people is that they’ve never thought this way.
They’ve never been so deep in the shit that they simply couldn’t get themselves to change their thought.
Like the people who label someone lazy for not exercising.
They have no clue what it’s like to live in that mind, and therefore have zero clue how to be happy.
Yet, they are still telling the truth!
You can choose your thoughts
But you can’t do it simply because whoa you decided you’re now going to think that way.
Instead, you want to come back to what we covered above.
EVERY single one of your thoughts is merely automatic in you.
That brain of yours is having some 70,000 mostly negative, redundant thoughts every day. (this is why meditation “works” by training less and better thoughts)
In the same way you can’t choose to stop digesting your food, you simply can’t stop it having those thoughts.
Also, come back to what we talked about on feelings and energy.
Your thoughts have NOTHING to do with the computer in your head.
That computer merely responds to energy.
If you just won a gold medal and you’re bouncing around celebrating, try to have a crap thought!
Really, try as hard as you can, and you see it’s impossible.
The same is true on the flipside.
Trying sitting in bed at 1 in the afternoon, all depressed, feeling down, telling yourself sad stories…
And now try to have a good thought.
You must begin by changing your body to change your mind.
This is the art and science of mental conditioning
Just like you get strong at the gym by doing the same exercise over and over again.
You get strong in your mind by repeating the same process too.
Oh, your mind has triggered some crap thought?
That’s OK.
You know it’s just some old wiring in there.
Also you know that it just comes back to the current energetic state of the body and mind.
You know how to feel happy.
So you do what The Cure trains you to do.
You start to change how you think and feel by Leading With The Physical. (e.g. put a smile on your face, bounce around like you won gold)
And now.
Now you can change those thoughts in the head.
The skill of mental conditioning
Is to see that the worst time to try and change how you think and feel is when you’re in a bad place.
Instead, the skill of mental conditioning is to be constantly working on how to feel happy.
Literally, this is why it can be so much easier than getting in shape at the gym.
Because every second every day you can be monitoring your body and mind and moving it exactly where you want it to be.
But, again, this isn’t for everyone.
Not everyone will have the will to be able to build the skill.
Which Is Why It’s Our Job To Make It Easy
If you know someone who doesn’t have this will and skill…
Love them for who they are.
Allow them to be how they’ve been, and give them the support and tools that you can to help them help themselves in whatever way is possible.
And if it’s you…
Love yourself even more!
What I’m writing about here is hardcore.
I’m talking literally tens of thousands of hours I’ve put into this.
Maybe 5,000 to 6,000 pages of Daily Exercises tracking the mind.
Thousands and thousands of audio recordings.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of my life invested training with masters of the mind.
Yet, this has bought me something priceless.
The greatest joy I’ve known, and the skill to feel amazing at will.
And also, all this work I’ve done for GB hopefully makes this much easier for you and anyone else to do.
Sure, there’s lots of complexity to these topics.
But there’s lots of lies too.
The truth of how to feel happy is to keep working these 3 simple truths proving to yourself you know exactly how to feel happy!
btw, can’t emphasize enough checking out the free video programs for Ultimate Days, Harder Better Faster Stronger, or Focus Tools.