That’s a question I keep getting.
With all the uncertainty in the world.
The real tough economy that we’re headed out into.
All the things changing in the way you work and interact.
Lots of things you’ve done in the past might not work now.
Yet, in my book, your path to success is EXACTLY the same.
Navigating your path to success
When I first stepped back from my career nearly 20 years ago, and began this work I had no idea where it was headed.
I really liked my job, in some ways really loved it, yet I was asking the bigger question—
What do you truly want?
I didn’t know.
And I had even less of a clue on how you figure it out and get it!
How do you chart a path forward if you don’t know where you’re headed?
Also, like today, those were highly uncertain times, after the Internet bubble burst and 9/11.
Yet I came to discover that you can navigate it all the same.
Building your path to success
A reason it took me 15+ years of research to write my first book is I was developing a method. (oh, and I sucked at writing!)
Of course there’s tons of great ideas out there on topics of success, winning, goals, getting better, mindset, skills, and so on.
Yet, I was focused on something much more specific, and practical.
How do you take the best ideas, and actually get them working for you?
You can spend your life pouring through books, listening to podcasts, accumulating idea after idea.
Or perhaps worse—you can hustle, hustle, hustle, head down work hard, grinding it out, and still fail to carve your path to success.
And what I most discovered is no matter who you are, and where you are headed…
In good times and bad…
Your path to success is simply a method that you put to work every day.
That’s what my system is built to do for you
Super simple.
Just five steps. A system of continuous improvement.
For navigating a highly uncertain path.
Even if you don’t know what you want, or certainly don’t know where the world is headed.
This method gives you the confidence you can keep driving forward continuously iterating your path to success.
Now, with that said, I’ve already written more than I set out to do.
Because really I was writing to share with you this detailed article I wrote last year on this.
Which I thought might be especially valuable to you now for re-engineering your path to success.
Also, you might want to go deeper in my book or this Masterclass on the System For Winning.