A few weeks ago I decided to stop focusing on the virus and the choices we’ve made around it.
I’d said enough, and needed to eat more of my own cooking.
“Focus on what you can control,” I told the camera here.
But in my own mind I was still afraid.
Our species under attack
We all have our own interpretation of this situation that breeds many fears.
Is the virus the greater threat or our response to it?
However you see it, this virus has exposed our fragility.
With all of our advances in healthcare, we’re wildly unprepared.
Just one mutation away.
Completely vulnerable to any biological threat anywhere in the world.
And our world government responses have reinforced the same.
Lockup is the new normal
We now clearly see that even just the perceived threat of a substantial loss of life is enough to lockup our world.
You see that any day your way of life can be taken away.
Your ability to run “your” business or earn an income.
To leave your home.
Whatever “rights” you thought you had can overnight be stripped away.
Our governments have clearly spoken and will keep speaking for expanded powers.
And our fellow men and women have clearly not spoken.
In the face of a potential threat, at our governments’ discretion, we’ll happily respond in lockstep.
So much more is now known and not known, which had me afraid for the future of the human race.
So I stopped, and focused
Knowing to focus on what you can control, and even having spent some 15 years building my most powerful Focus Tools, isn’t enough.
A key doesn’t turn itself.
So when my mind was still caught up in all that stuff, I made the decision to go deeper into my Focus Tools.
I can’t describe how freeing it was for me, and it also reminded me of something you and me already know—
Your life has always been fragile.
You’ve never had any control, other than where you right now put your mind and actions.
And if there’s anything to be afraid of, it’s focusing on all those things that you can never control.
This is the power of Focus Tools—and I can’t recommend enough the value in checking out this free video program.