Writing this article earlier in the week, I thought I was so insightful highlighting the amount of worry that was wasted on North Korea.
Then, Drudge, with his sirens blaring and massive headline—NKorea Threatens To Cancel Trump Summit—reminded me that we can still find plenty to fear.
At first I thought, crap my article is outdated, but then I realized, actually, it’s even more timely.
We can allow our emotions to be whipped around by things that we can’t control—e.g. the worst people in our world, stock market, nearly everything else—or we can…
Choose Our Thoughts
In nearly 20 years of researching these topics, there’s one crucial lesson that most stands out—
We are what we think.
Literally, what we think about is our ENTIRE experience of reality.
If you’re a football fan and spend all day every day immersed in football, this becomes your life.
If you’re an investor who spends every waking moment thinking about opportunities in the market, the market is your reality.
And if you’re tuned into fearful news all day every day, your life is full of fear and worry.
Guard Your Mind
Around the time ding dong North Korea was doing his little public display of disaffection, my client told me about a weekend retreat he attended with a group of business leaders.
Over dinners and lunches they spent hours talking about the situation, indulging the fears, debating what to do…
None of them could do anything.
They knew nothing beyond what the media had told them. They aren’t in any way involved in military or government or any group that solves such problems, yet they spent their weekend infecting each other with fear.
While it’s important to be informed of some of what’s happening in our world, it’s equally important to be informed about how our world is using us and our attention.
It’s not just that we live in a world of propaganda—which is so dominant that presidential elections are, literally, won off of it—but because, especially in this case, it’s obvious there is plenty of theatrics going on.
Over time the so-called experts and propagandists gave us many intelligent-sounding explanations of the threat from North Korea, but I’m yet to hear an intelligent explanation of how it was resolved!
How did two mortal enemies who’ve been spewing hatred and K-pop across the DMZ for decades get to this WWE gesture?