Headline—”Democrats See Weak Spots in 2020.”
They’re only just seeing that?
I pay as much attention to politics as a headline that flashes across the TV I see on the ab bench at the gym.
I’ve never watched any of the candidates speak…
Just from their t-shirts and headlines it’s obvious they lack winning campaigns.
But everyone knew that, right?
Really, Who Believed This?
When the 2020 Democratic presidential contest kicked off earlier this year, the massive field was hailed as the most diverse in history, with candidates who spanned the ideological spectrum and offered enough in a broad buffet of options to entice any voter. But after 10 months of campaigning and 15 hours of nationally televised debates, another emotion is rising: anxiety.
Did anyone ever see the stacked Democratic field full of contenders?
Everyone I’ve talked to on the left and right saw 20 odd distractions, with 2, maybe 3 candidates.
As I wrote before I got bored of myself on it—No Hope. No Choice. No Fun
It’s a bizarre way for a team to go after the championship.
And with all them attacking each other, so not fun for a party.
But in all fairness the shallow field is just like 2016.
Back then it was a few others I bet you can’t name, with a distant Bernie and Hillary the only choice.