Before I met him I used to crap all over Simon Sinek.
His notion of start with the why is just marketing speak I’d say.
Maybe in some ways I was right, but I was also insecure!
Bringing down someone who has been incredibly effective at spreading a positive message.
And it’s a great message too.
Sure it’s been said
The world of personal development is full of topics on why your why matters.
Tony Robbins even refers to himself as the “why guy.”
But what Simon really captured was a powerful message that resonated.
First with him.
It captured him in such a way that he couldn’t not spread it.
Until it deeply resonated with others.
Because he was so deeply starting with his why.
We started here with your why
Because it deeply matters.
What you do is important.
But why you do it is what gives you the fuel to keep doing it.
Around here we’re only about going after your biggest, hardest, grandest goals.
This requires you must find powerful fuel to persist.
And there’s no better way than knowing why it deeply matters to you.
In this way starting with your why is crucial for tapping into your grandest drive.
Especially in our context of Upgrade YOU, where you’re tying together your goals with your mind and actions.
It is the fuel we started with.
But keep in mind, your why is only a vehicle.
Finish with your why
In Upgrade YOU 1.2 we’ll be talking about what your goals are.
Here you’ll be seeing your goals as the destination, but more importantly, as the journey you’re now on.
Your why is part of this journey.
But that’s never to be confused with the destination.
See, look, and here’s the thing, there’s lots of nice sounding stuff around goals.
Being inspired. Becoming the best you. Living your journey, etc.
But in the end.
Or at least through my lens, the purpose of your goals is one thing—
If you set out on a roadtrip, you’re doing so with the destination in mind.
And if you’re starting with your why, it’s because you’re focused on finishing.
Tap your smaller and bigger why
This is the third time I’ve shared with you this video for your smaller and bigger why.
And you’ll see we do this for each Routine in Upgrade YOU.
There’s power in repetition.
And it’s especially powerful on starting and finishing with your why.
You want this so buried in your brain.
So when you wake up on those days when it feels hard, you know exactly why you’re getting your mind in gear and driving your actions.
You’re driven.
You have a why.
Whether this is your smaller why, such as making more money, or building your empire.
Or your bigger, deeper, higher why, like serving humanity.
All that matters is you’re using this step in Upgrade YOU to start.