My friend is contemplating quitting his job and he is vexed by the decision.
Does he stay where he is?
Take the offer someone else is putting in front of him?
Or go seek another opportunity altogether?
Like being on The Price is Right, he feels he has one of three doors to choose and he’s unsure of how to make the decision.
It’s a tough choice, particularly when you lack a clear roadmap for your career.
As good little rational beings we tend to apply logical tools to these types of questions.
We draw up pros and cons.
Weigh up this versus that.
But the problem with weighing up marginally is that you are left with a marginal answer!
You can’t hide from the fact that if 60% of your ideas support “Yes,” then 40% of you is still saying “No.”
If you want an optimal answer you need to get beyond the marginal approach.
Einstein once said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
If you are thinking on a logical level—pros and cons, etc.—then you will keep coming back to the same dilemma, weighing one option against another.
Instead you want to take your thinking to an entirely different level.
Check out this chapter from The Guide.