That’s right…
An awful, debilitating disease that so many kids are born with.
There is nothing we can do about it other than jack them up on speed.
That’s the ONLY solution our medical profession prescribes.
They’re Right, It’s A Disease…
Of bad thinking.
The mind at dis-ease.
Swinging around like a monkey in the trees, unable to focus on one thing.
Well, all but some things…
How many kids who suffer this awful dis-ease struggle to focus on video games?
Or watching TV?
Or doing something engaging and fun?
How Many Adults Are Dis-Eased?
How many adults have mastered focus?
Did kids catch the bad focus disease from their parents?
Or do we live in a world that fuels our lack of focus?
That bombards us with noise.
Constantly fights for our attention.
Do the many adults who struggle to focus have a lack of speed in their system?
What Else Can We Do?
Well, like losing weight, first we must choose to do something about it.
To accept that mental skills such as focus are within our control.
I’m not saying that some kids and adults don’t have a disease of thinking…
That demands a not-so-magical pill that has untold side-effects.
Only that before we’re doping like a bodybuilder, it’s worth asking…
What else can we do?
Recognizing focus is a skill.
Like every muscle, we learn to build this mental muscle too.
That’s What Einstein Did
Einstein’s system for training focus was decidedly simple.
It didn’t involve any drugs, meditation, or fancy technology like EEGs.
When reading, he’d simply sit with a pad and pencil.
Every time his mind wandered he made a check on his page and said to himself—
That won’t bother me again.
Apparently, using this method he reached some 42 minutes of interrupted focus!
Simple, and impressive, right?
How Do We Train Like Einstein?
For 10 years I’ve been deep in exploring this skill of focus and building tools for training it.
As I write about here, that’s because, there may be no more important life skill.
For success.
Being sane.
Getting things done.
Focus may be THE life skill.
That we can all EASILY train.
Here I walk through more of these ideas and some of my other favorite Focus Tools.
And here you can listen to my favorite, most basic Focus Tool that anyone can easily use in 6 minutes: