In all arenas of success there’s a small number of things that make the most difference.
If you get these things right, you massively move the needle in your favor, but there’s no such thing as a free lunch.
Doing these “hard things” often requires overcoming debilitating fears, and training yourself to do things other people won’t do.
Going After It
There’s a young guy in London who I’ve been giving my time to.
He’s very good at getting me to help him, and other leaders too.
Coming out of college he earned himself a top job, and already in his business of wealth management he is producing way beyond those years ahead of him.
I suspect that’s because he influences others the way that he influenced me…
He Reached Out
He wrote me an email.
He told me what he was about, how he was going after it, and asked me if I could be helpful to him.
You can see it in someone can’t you, when there’s something about them that just says I’ll do whatever it takes to make this happen.
That’s infectious to me, and I wanted to help him win.
And he is. He’s making it happen. And he’s only just getting started.
In his business, his willingness to reach out and ask for the order is a superpower that will take him a long way.
The Hardest Thing To Teach
Much of what we’re taught about motivation is WRONG.
Truth is, most of us have all the motivation we’ll ever need, it’s only, the fear is stronger, and holds all of us back.
I have seen that I can train influencers and salespeople in top skills, but only they can decide to no longer be afraid of things that have held them back.
Because most of us lie to ourselves about what we’re afraid of, this can be particularly hard to do so we never address our fears.
Putting yourself out there, asking for the order, facing “rejection,” these are normal fears in our world, and those who overcome them achieve abnormal results.
Some might think that this young guy in London is “lucky” because he’s immune to the fear that has held them back…
No, he’s not.
He’s Just Better At Proceeding Through It
Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina once said—
The difference between people who succeed and people who fail, I think, in many cases, it’s not fear, everyone experiences fear. The difference is, what do you do with your fear? Do you work to overcome it or do you let it defeat you? I think that is actually what distinguishes very successful people from others.
This young guy is that way. To some people he might seem fearless, but I’ve seen him fearlessly do the work.
He reads the books, and really studies them. He comes to me with esoteric questions deep from books like Think and Grow Rich that few people have discussed with me, such as the true power of Sex Transmutation.
He trains his mind every day. He uses affirmations, visualizations, hypnosis, and other tools to consistently get his mind in the right place.
And, most of all, he takes bold actions.
While many others in his business are like high school boys still scared to talk to girls, he’s asking for the order from the adults in the room.
That’s scary to many people, but to him it’s one of the things he most enjoys about the game.
Embrace No
In selling it is often said that the sale happens after the fifth closing attempt, meaning that a successful salesperson must keep asking for the order over and over again.
Framed one way, this takes getting comfortable with “rejection,” but seen differently, you can enjoy getting those no’s out of the way to get to more yes’s.
You can’t hit a home run unless you’re willing to swing and miss, and just standing over the plate is half the fun.
Top influencers love asking for the order. They love working through objections. It’s a reason they love playing the game.
This is hard for many of us, which is why those who deal with their fear eat their lunch…
As Zig Ziglar put it, “Timid salesmen have skinny kids.”
When You Ask, You More Likely Get
Often in life, if you just ask, you’re likely to get it.
Even if you don’t, you were nowhere without leaning in for the kiss anyways 🙂
Yet, too often in life we hold back. We constrain ourselves. We make up excuses. Buy ourselves time… And the early bird eats our breakfast.
This young guy in London is getting what he wants because he keeps asking for the order…
And then he shows up as someone who is worthy of investment.
What Hard Things Will You Add?
If you’re reading this, you’re already doing hard things. That’s my audience!
But you can almost certainly also identify other things that are still holding you back.
What are those things?
How might you begin to put a dint in them?
Imagine how good you would feel to show up tomorrow no longer being constrained that way!