One of my clients just needs a good quote to get him going.
That’s it. Once something lights his fuse, he’s got it from there.
Quotes by famous people appeal to the part of our brain that responds to “social proof,” which can powerfully open our minds to new ideas.
From there, I suggest going deeper and cracking open the quotes you like to seek deeper levels of meaning.
As Picasso Said…
Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.
Sounds about right, doesn’t it?
Especially if Picasso said it, must be pure wisdom, right?
So, let’s take a closer look, and see how you can squeeze more juice from it.
1. Goals
Notice his first word, “our.” To begin with, he’s not at the top of the hill barking wisdom at us, but joining us in this idea.
And you see, right away, what this idea is all about—reaching your goals.
A good way to read quotes is to step into them, to, in this case, as you’re reading his quote, imagine it applying to one of your goals.
Read it again now doing this, thinking specifically about one goal in your life you’re applying this to.
2. A Plan Is a Vehicle
See how definitive he is?
He’s not saying you likely need a plan or that a plan can help. Picasso says, definitively, the “only” way to achieve your goals is through a plan.
You may not agree, but here he’s forcing us to check our assumptions, and think about what plan you might have as the vehicle for your goals.
The metaphor of a vehicle is powerful too, right?
Just like a car, a plan is a vehicle that moves you towards your destination. Do you have a plan to reach your goal? Is your plan like a rusted-out bomb sitting out back on blocks, or well-maintained and constantly driven?
3. “Fervently” Believe!
Here Picasso is saying that “belief” isn’t enough.
To reach your goals you must believe “fervently,” passionately, strongly, emotionally, getting all of you behind your goals.
We all know this distinction between believing enough and really truly passionately believing, even if we can’t always get to those feelings.
Pause for a moment and think about your goal—How passionately do you believe?
On a scale of 1-10, where are you? How might you take it up a notch?
4. Vigorously Act
Again, it’s pretty obvious, right?
Set goals. Have a plan. Believe it’s possible. Take action. But, what about this adjective, “vigorously.”
Again, on a scale of 1-10, how vigorously are you taking action on your goal?
If you think back in your life when you went after a goal with 10/10 vigor, how do your efforts compare?
What might you change to bring more vigor to your goal?
Your belief? Your plan? More rest and rewards?
5. No Other Route?
“There is no other route to success.”
See, this is where Picasso and me don’t fully agree.
“Success” is a squishy term. “No other way” is a little too declarative for my liking. Plenty of people have achieved great “success” with very little method to their madness.
But in the context of his quote, and in “engineering success,” you see he’s applying a very simple, formulaic, and repeatable formula—
Goal + Plan + Belief + Action = Success
How Did That Work For You?
When you run your goal or goals through that quote, what do you discover?
Is your goal valid according to his wisdom? How is it not? What might you change?
What other quotes and ways of thinking might inspire you to discover new ideas on how you get what you want?
What quotes best get you fired up about your goals and life?
Send them my way when you get a chance. I’d love to see them.