Win Every Meeting
A top athlete has a rigorous process preparing for winning every game. The meeting room is your stadium. You want the same.
You walk in and out of meetings all day, don't you want a system to win?
You can walk in and sit down hoping to best use your time and drive your best results.
Or prepare like a top athlete walking into every meeting.
Ready to play your best game?
A pro athlete steps into their game prepared to win.
How many of us step into meetings the same way?
Highly prepared.
With game winning plays.
Knowing exactly what we are here to achieve.
With a clear method for driving our best results?
And not just a rigorous method for crushing one meeting, but a System For Winning Every Meeting?
It might seem extreme.
An entire Masterclass just for Winning Every Meeting.
It might have seemed extreme to me when I first started this work at Goldman Sachs.
Why would I want this?
You walk in and out of meetings all day, why do you need a method for it?
That’s exactly why…
You walk in and out of meetings all day, yet how good are we at making the most of our time?
Driving your best process?
Getting your best results?
Don’t you want to win more?
Best prepared, with clear intent, we drive our best results.Isn’t your time worth it?
We waste far too much time in meetings driving far too little results. This method is for driving better results, faster.What about when you only get ONE shot?
When it really counts, don’t you want a method to drive your best performance?
That’s when this REALLY counts.
Consider a Board meeting.
You’re walking into a room with a highly intelligent group of people whose time is extremely valuable.
You get together infrequently.
To discuss the most important topics for your company.
Again, there are plenty of Board meetings that don’t have such consequence, but what about the ones that do?
When it really counts, don’t you want to be your best prepared?
What about other crucial meetings?
CEOs. Leaders. Founders. Bankers. Money managers.
The sorts of people I advise, many of their meetings are high stakes.
Often we’re focused on just one meeting, building a rigorous method to drive top performance when it really counts.
But more so, we’re focused on conditioning top performance each and every time.
You practice how you play, as top athletes say.
Consider a startup.
In those early years many meetings can be life or death.
Certainly capital raising.
If you can’t convince investors, well, you’re out of business.
And what about those early customers, the ones who help you launch… or not?
Where you need customers to take some risk on you, those meetings really count.
What about hiring early employees.
The right technical founder. The right head of selling. The right product development team.
Each one can make or break your trajectory.
How many of these meetings do you get to waste?
And even if it’s not a make or break meeting, how much opportunity can you create showing up your best?
What about you?
What are those crucial meetings where you would benefit from a rigorous method for driving top performance?
The top job interview?
Important deal or sale?
Board meeting?
Meeting with your boss, key leaders, investors, or other crucial constituents?
What’s your method?
Where you’ve only got one shot like an Olympic athlete, how do you best prepare?
And even when it’s not all on the line, how do you show up best prepared to be as efficient and effective as you can be?
At using your time to drive your best outcomes, and win more?
This is what I needed.
I started developing this method more than 20 years ago when I was first applying for jobs in university.
Back then in those meetings called interviews it was all on the line, and I began developing a rigorous method that is now the Masterclass for Landing That Crazy Job.
But it wasn’t until a few years into my career at Goldman Sachs, when I began this work that I started seeing all my meetings the same way.
There were important internal and client meetings where I wanted a more rigorous method.
But most of all I could see how much time got wasted in meetings all day every day.
With no clear intent. And no process and skills to drive a meeting, so few meetings are effective, let alone efficient!
Back then, starting with what I had used in my interviews, I began adding lots of ideas from researching communications and influence, selling, and mindset, top performance, and so on.
And over time I continued developing a method to bring it all together.
It wasn’t until I started doing this work professionally that this method made a massive leap.
That’s because I needed it!
In meetings I was doing much harder things than I had done before, now convincing people of what I do.
And also in working with clients I needed a method to not just deliver top performance, but to consistently, repeatedly, hit it each and every time…
Ultimately in bringing all this together I could see…
There are a number of crucial things that must come together for driving your best performance and results.
First, we all know that top performance and results demand a goal.
So you want a way to step into your meetings with clear intent.
Also, of course top performance comes down to who you show up as.
So how do you best prepare yourself to show up like an absolute pro?
And what about from there?
How do you drive a meeting from beginning to your desired end?
Sports teams have winning plays. Chess grandmasters know every winning move.
Top salespeople and influencers know exactly how to move people from where they are to where they want to be.
And over decades bringing all these pieces together, this is what you now see in The System For Winning Every Meeting.
Show up ready to win.
Formula One champion Fernando Alonso said—
“Good things don’t arrive by themselves. You need a consistency and method.”
No pro athlete just wakes up, throws on their gear, and pretends to be game ready, do they?
They are highly systematic about the way they train and prepare, showing up on Game Day ready to win.
An athlete only plays some days but every day is Game Day!
And you want a method that best prepares you too.
Not just some loosey-goosey ideas on how you might perhaps maybe prepare for a meeting…
But a highly systematic method for delivering your best performance and driving your best results over and over again.
Repeatable. Consistent. Systematic.
That’s what pro athletes seek and in driving your top performance and results you want the same too!
An end-to-end method.
For how you best prepare and execute in your meetings.The processes and skills you develop to win.
How you repeatedly, consistently, methodically drive your best process and results.A system you can put to work right away.
To drive top performance and results, and continuously improve over time.
Win Every Meeting
Discover the proven system for Winning Every Meeting.
Here’s just some of what you get with this 5 hour masterclass.
- A Rigorous Method For Winning.
Consistent, repeatable winning results are driven by rigorous process and a systematic approach to building excellence over time. - A System for Winning Every Meeting.
Not just random ideas… Three pillars for driving top performance using the System For Winning Every Meeting. - The Four Step Protocol.
The best I know on human performance in four simple steps for showing up game ready like a pro athlete.
- The Meeting Protocol.
How, specifically, do you drive your meetings from beginning to your winning end? - Winning Skills.
You win every meeting with winning skills of mindset, communications and selling. Quickly build these skills with five principles and practices. - Deep Learning Track.
This track brings together the Masterclass, integrating Winning Every Meeting deep in your brain.
Track One
Introducing Winning Every Meeting.
Your method for winning every meeting.
To perform your best and drive more winning results you want a method…
That emphasizes short and long-term preparation.
- Long-term preparation is like a pro athlete trains, prepares, conditions themselves every day for top performance.
- What are your winning processes? How do you every day keep building your winning skills?
- Short-term preparation is akin to the top routines pro athletes have for getting game ready on Game Day, and you want the same too.
What’s your game ready routine?
A pro athlete only plays on Game Day, but every day is your game day!
How do you best prepare yourself to walk into a meeting and drive the results you want?
- What’s your clear intent?
- Who must you be, a notion we call The Character?
- What energy must you be in to drive your top performance?
- What winning tools have you prepared?
Inside the meeting, now what?
Even with a clear agenda, how many meetings go around in circles?
When you’re there to drive your winning result, you want a method to stay on track.
- Like a chess grandmaster, how do you keep moving your meeting forward towards your next step?
- Here we introduce our method for getting real methodical…
- Driving your meeting in six clear steps.
What about winning skills?
What does it take for you to step into every meeting with the skills you need to win?
What are these skills?
How do you quickly build them?
And over time keep continuously improving, with better and better skills, driving more and more winning!
Track Two
The System For Winning Every Meeting.
Even the best ideas are not enough.
All of my work is highly systematic because that’s what you want to win!
Because systems drive your best process, results, and give you a powerful method for continuously improving.
- Knowledge is impotent. Who cares how much you know on these topics if you can’t step into a meeting and win?
- People hear the word system and it can sound all fancy, but all that matters is how effectively you can put them to work.
- So systems must be simple, and actionable.
- Like an auto production line. There’s a lot that goes into putting a car together, but laid out on a production line it’s just a series of small steps.
Too many incomplete solutions.
In life we come across many basic and incomplete solutions.
If you’re hunting for a job people say, you just have to get out there. You have to network. OK. With whom? Where? When? How?
It’s a decent sounding idea but it’s weak.
- Getting what you want in meetings is the same way.
- People say you need an agenda. Or know exactly how you’re leading people to your outcome.
- OK. Great. How, specifically?
An end-to-end method.
The System For Winning Every Meeting isn’t just some basic ideas on having better meetings.
It’s an end-to-end method for showing up best prepared for driving the results you want.
- Preparation is how you show up your absolute best. What you do leading up, and right before stepping into winning your meeting.
- How do you hone your execution, so you step in best prepared to deliver your best performance, and step out prepared to drive even better performance next time?
- And what about skills? We know winning takes skills, but how do you build winning skills and organize yourself to best use your skills in Winning Every Meeting?
Track Three
The Four Step Protocol.
Showing up prepared to win.
The Four Step Protocol you see in a number of my programs where it counts for you to show up your best.
Like a pro athlete on Game Day, when you need to perform your best, you want a rigorous method for being prepared.
- A pro athlete on Game Day doesn’t just wake up, throw on their gear and pretend to be game ready. They have rigorous routines preparing for top performance.
- And the Four Step Protocol does the same for you.
- Rather than just stepping into a meeting as regular old you, how do you show up the best version of you?
20 years of researching personal development in one simple tool.
As I said earlier… Knowledge is impotent.
It doesn’t matter if you know everything there is to know about showing up best prepared, if you don’t actually have a way of doing it!
- Knowing goals are valuable is irrelevant, if you don’t have them!
- Knowing your mindset and skills drive top performance is equally irrelevant if you lack a way to step in the room using them.
Yes! This is extreme.
I’m the first to admit it’s extreme to have a protocol to get yourself game ready to Win Every Meeting.
Who does that?
- Well, someone who is focused on top performance does this.
- An Olympic athlete spends their life training for one meet!
- And it’s not to say you want to approach every “meet-ing” this way, but the more you practice top performance routines, the more top performance you unleash.
Start with clear intent.
We all know goals are crucial to top performance, but how often do we have them, let alone keep driving them deep into our brains?
- Walking into a meeting, what’s your clear intent?
- What’s your outcome intent? The result you’re seeking?
- What about your process intent? How do you intend to be your best?
What Character are you being?
Kobe Bryant stepped onto the court as Black Mamba.
To play his best game he showed up his best self.
Who are you showing up as for driving top performance in Winning Every Meeting?
- That regular old you who just steps into a meeting however you’re being?
- Or the best you that you’re deliberately being for winning this meeting?
What’s your state?
Top athletes are maniacal about getting in a peak performance state for playing their best game.
What is your peak performance state for Winning Every Meeting?
How good are you at being in it?
- The world of top performance is full of talk on state…
- But what specific states matter most for you? How are you accessing them?
- What’s your body state? Your state of mind? How do you tap that most powerful, yet elusive, flow state?
Winning takes tools and skills.
It’s one thing to have a lot of tools and skills.
- It’s another to use them well.
- And it’s another thing altogether to bake into your Four Step Protocol your best tools and skills for Winning Every Meeting.
Track Four
The Meeting Protocol.
How do you Win Every Meeting?
It’s one thing to show up your best prepared, and another to show up best prepared for driving your meetings from beginning to end.
The Four Step Protocol prepares you like a pro athlete stepping into your meetings and the Meeting Protocol is for driving top performance once you’re there.
- All sports teams have plays. Chess grandmasters know their opening, middle and closing moves.
- The Meeting Protocol is your playbook for game-winning moves. How, specifically, you’re driving the meeting from open to close, from your intent to your outcome.
- In this track we review each step, including 3 powerful tools of influence, framing, and conveying a point.
This matters most because…
A common mistake we make in meetings is we get focused on what we’re talking about (the content) and pay too little attention to the “structure” of the meeting.
This means we can get to the end of the meeting having failed to address what most matters.
- This is notoriously bad in selling meetings where people can drone on and never clear the objections or build demand for their product.
- But no matter the context, how do you best walk into a meeting and get through those things that most matter?
- What matters? What must you do in the meeting?
- It’s like baking a cake. You want to include the right ingredients, and often in the right sequence.
- It’s a playbook, a map, for driving your meetings through to your next steps.
Making your best opening moves.
What does it mean to pre-frame?
This is the context you set for the meeting.
- The pre-frame happens before the meeting. Think of someone calling you up and saying, “Let’s get together.” Obviously, you would ask, “What for?”
- At the start of the meeting you want to pre-frame again leading the meeting with your intent.
Then you want to be building rapport and profiling.
Rapport is crucial at the outset too because all communications happen in the context of rapport.
Even if you are meeting with people you know well, who are they being today? How do you step in and kindle rapport for best driving your meeting?
- Profiling people in the meeting you have a better sense how to keep driving your meeting forward.
- Once again, even if you know the person well, profiling you’re getting a specific read on who they are being in this context, and how you keep moving forward.
Benefits and objections are the core of selling.
Although this isn’t a program on selling, we’ve set up the Meeting Protocol this way because in every meeting there are thing that move you forward, and others that hold you back.
- Every salesperson knows selling is about benefits, and here you’re similarly focused on what benefits you in moving forward.
- What about their objections?
- What are the things that get in the way of driving towards your intent, and how, specifically, do you clear them out of the way?
Driving to next steps.
A mistake we often make in meetings is not knowing exactly what next steps we’re driving towards.
Also, thinking too far ahead, such as an interview candidate thinking 8 interviews ahead to landing the job, we can often overwhelm ourselves rather than hone in on exactly how we’re driving this meeting to a next step.
How do you get clear on your next step and right size it for Winning Every Meeting?
Track Five
Winning Skills
Winning processes and skills.
In this program we’re walking through a number of processes for Winning Every Meeting and here we’re talking skills.
This isn’t by accident, but by design. It mirrors my System For Doing What You Want, which too breaks down into processes and skills.
- Over many years researching these topics I saw that one without the other fails.
- A football team must have winning plays, or processes for winning, but if they lack the skills to catch a ball, well, it doesn’t matter how good your process is.
- And the opposite is true too, where all the throwing and catching is useless if you have no strategy to actually drive your winning.
Skills are ultimate long-term preparation.
As I mentioned, this program is about short-term and long-term preparation and skills might be the most important long-term preparation.
How do you Win Every Meeting?
- Well, the same way you win a game of tennis or anything else that you do…
- You get so good at the way you step in and execute every meeting that you win more!
- So no matter what meetings you’re focused on winning, the more highly skilled you are, the more you win.
Three Power Skills.
Driving winning meetings ultimately comes down to 3 Power Skills—Mindset, Communications and Selling.
Of course communications and selling are the core skills you need for using your language to move anyone from where they are towards your intent.
And like a pro athlete, skills of mindset are crucial to getting yourself in your best mindset for doing it.
You could spend the rest of your life mastering these skills—and indeed, I hope you do—yet for the purpose of this program we must be able to rapidly train what matters most for you.
Five Principles and 5 Practices.
As you will see in my Do What You Want book, in the topic of Getting Skills which is included with this program…
There’s a 3 step System for Learning we go through.
- First. We accumulate knowledge.
- Second. We summarize this knowledge and develop a review of sorts, just like preparing for an exam.
- Third. We best learn by converting these Principles into Practices we use to actually develop skills.
Here we work through a method for rapidly building these 3 Power skills using the Principles and Practices from my Do What You Want books, so we can quickly and powerfully cover these skills, and give you a method to keep building them too!
Track Six
Deep Learning Track.
As you know, the trick to great learning is for it to happen automatically, unconsciously, like driving a car, and this track works for you the same way.
In the previous tracks you’re doing a lot of work, listening to the tracks, doing the work in the Workbook, training your System For Winning Every Meeting.
And in this track, you sit back, relax, and allow it to do all the work on you!
- A deeper learning experience.
This track reviews the program in a way it becomes deeply ingrained in your mind. - Not just a review.
This is a different type of learning experience many of us aren’t used to, one that quickly, deeply, gets The System For Winning Every Meeting locked into your brain. - So you don’t just walk away from this program…
With a method for Winning Every Meeting, but you’re automatically doing what it takes to step into meetings and win more and more too!
What's Winning Every Meeting Worth To You?
Value of Winning Every Meeting
Here’s some of the value you get from this 5 hour Masterclass for Winning Every Meeting.
A highly systematic method you put to work right away.
- Hopefully it’s clear that this winning system is built to be simple for you to put to work right away.
- As I said you want systems to be sophisticated yet simple, because all that matters is how good you are at putting knowledge to work.
- This method is built to be fast and easy to learn, so you can quickly drive better results right now.
- And as you keep using this method, through continuous improvement, to keep driving better and better process and results over time.
Access to the ideas clients pay me 5 or 6 figures to learn.
- Until now this program has only been available to my private clients.
- Just like them you get an exclusive audience with me ranting and raving about winning in your ears!
- In a program you can listen to over and over again, anytime, anywhere you choose.
- At a fraction of the investment clients pay me for one hour of my time.
The best of what I’ve learned in 20+ years.
- As I said I’ve been developing these ideas for over 20 years.
- Tens of thousands of hours research and development has gone into the various disciplines that come together in this program.
- And not just bringing together the best ideas I know but into a highly systematic method that you too can put to work right away.
An end-to-end system.
- This Masterclass is far beyond random ideas on having effective meetings or communications and influence, etc.
- It’s a custom-built, end-to-end method bringing together everything you need for Winning Every Meeting.
- Not just ideas on goals or mindset or state or showing up your best… But a rigorous protocol for actually showing up game ready like a pro athlete.
- Not just some ideas on setting an agenda or moving a meeting forward, but a rigorous method for how, specifically, you drive a meeting from beginning to end.
A method that’s built to work for YOU!
- This program brings together the best ideas I’ve seen into the best method I can imagine, yet it’s built to be tailored for your best ideas.
- This isn’t a bunch of ideas telling you what you must do, but a framework that you can adapt specifically for you.
- As Bruce Lee put it, “Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”
6 hours plus book and Workbook.
- This is designed as a comprehensive program to bring all these ideas together for you.
- 6 hours of action packed audio.
- A Workbook in document format you can easily fill in.
- And also included with this Masterclass is the chapters on Getting Skills from my book, Doing What You Want for Professionals.
What might this be worth to you?
- With all the hours, days, nights, weeks, weekends, years, decades you’re investing in your career what is it worth to you to nail your most important meetings?
- Or even just to have a method that helps you feel your most prepared and confident walking into every meeting?
- This method has paid off for me over and over and over again in my career, helping me show up game ready to drive the results I want. The same is true for my clients.
- And I’m betting if you’ve made it this far down the page you’re imagining how it might be valuable for you too!
Purchase the System For Winning Every Meeting today and get 30% off
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I know it's just a meeting...

But this is how I go after it…
Hi, I’m Geoff Blades.
Someone asked me the other day, “What’s that meeting Masterclass about?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why do you need 6 hours just for showing up to a meeting?”
“Well, it all depends on how important is this meeting?”
When it really counts, when it’s really on the line, don’t you want a method to show up like a pro, prepared to drive your best performance and results?
That’s how my clients operate.
A reason I started building this method more systematically to train my clients…
Is because we often spend a lot of time getting real strategic about one specific meeting.
A Board meeting.
Job interview.
Big sales meeting.
See, often we think about success as this “big thing,” when it often comes down to just the smallest winning moves.
A chess match might be won or lost in a couple of game-winning moves.
So too is a football game. In all the minutes of a game, the result may come down to just one play.
A season might be determined by that play and the result of that game.
When it really counts, you want to do everything you can to deliver your best performance.
That’s what my clients often need.
And that’s what I needed too.
In doing something very hard building this business.
I needed to go far beyond the tools I used in building my career on Wall Street.
There plenty of meetings had low significance.
But certainly in getting this business started, and still very much today, often when I’m meeting with someone…
It’s game on.
I either show up game ready prepared to really draw them into my world, or I fail.
So I don’t just use this method for “big” meetings.
I use it for nearly every meeting, and also some calls with clients, simply to keep conditioning your best ways of operating.
To keep building the muscle memory and skills to show up your best not just when it counts, but each and every time.
What about you?
What might you be imagining using this System for Winning Every Meeting to do?
Arguably, just to crush one crucial meeting it might be of great value to you.
But most certainly, if you’re looking for a method to crush every meeting.
To show up your best prepared for driving your best process and results.
And to continuously improve over time.
Well, I’ve been getting incredible value from this method I’ve been using and refining for 20+ years.
My clients have gotten tons of value from thinking this way and training this method too.
And I’m betting that if you are serious about top performance, you’ll get tremendous value from Winning Every Meeting too!
Purchase the System For Winning Every Meeting today and get 30% off
Secure checkout / 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

Warning: Over-prepared.
I want to say…
One might easily attest that this is going too far.
This is walking into every meeting over-prepared.
But is it really?
Would a top athlete see it that way?
Of all the hours and years that they spend honing their craft.
The training they do week in and week out.
They still wake up on Game Day and put to work powerful routines for showing up game ready.
One might say that’s over-preparing.
But when you are there to win, is there such a thing?
Sure there is!
It is true, this method is for over-preparing.
And, to be totally honest, that’s one of my things.
In university I got crushing grades because only weeks into the semester I was preparing my exam notes.
Starting to review the course already, which I’d do all the way up to the minutes I was walking into the exam.
I bet I burned hundreds if not thousands more hours preparing than I “needed” to.
But I also got the best grades in the history of my department and landed the only job Goldman Sachs offered that year!
To me, that’s far beyond worth it.
Can an Olympic athlete over-prepare?
For something they dedicate their entire life to training to win…
Is there such a thing as doing too much work?
Spending too many hours focused on how they win?
Fussing over their absolute best game plan?
Doing whatever preparation they need to drive their best performance and results?
Yes, again, that might be over-preparing.
But it all depends on how serious you are about winning!
And this is over-preparing for many meetings.
For massive meetings.
That job interview.
The make or break Board meeting.
Or negotiation.
You might spend hours preparing already, so having a method to win those big meetings might be obviously valuable to you.
And perhaps that’s all this program is good for you.
But the side benefit is…
Even if you’re only using this method for showing up at your most important meetings best prepared…
The work you’re doing in this program makes it easy for you to show up for every meeting just as prepared!
Coz what you’ll see is this program isn’t about time, but method.
It takes very little time.
Consider the third pillar of The System, on winning skills.
If you are, over time, constantly building your best skills, you’re of course taking them everywhere with you.
Once you’re building these skills, you’re simply more effective in every meeting, every encounter, every thing you do.
The same is true for the protocols you’re learning.
The Four Step Protocol and the Meeting Protocol are deep, powerful protocols that you benefit from spending real time developing.
Yet, once you’re in the habit of using these methods…
They become easy for you.
Then you get to choose—Do you spend real time developing these protocols for Winning Every Meeting?
Or do you just invest 30 seconds to review the steps as you’re walking in?
So, yes, this may be going too far.
May be over-preparing.
And that may not always be the right use of time for you…
Yet you get to choose.
However you use this System For Winning Every Meeting, it’s set up to drive more winning for you!