I came across this cool idea from Dr. Wayne Dyer.
For too many of us, life feels like a “struggle,” where have to keep “pushing,” just to keep “making” things happen.
For many years I fell into that trap, and I spent even more years building and doing the mental practices to break out of it.
Yesterday, I heard Wayne Dyer’s solution to this problem, to simply remember that nursery rhyme you drilled as a kid.
Paraphrasing from his tape series, “Real Magic:”
- “Row, row, row YOUR boat: Notice that it doesn’t say your spouse’s boat, or your kid’s boat, or your neighbor’s boat… it says, YOUR boat
- GENTLY: Keep rowing every day, but do it easily, don’t struggle
- DOWN the stream: It doesn’t say, swim against the stream. It stresses that the right direction is down the stream, in the flow of the current.
- MERRILY, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily: You choose how you approach every aspect of your life.
- Life is but a DREAM: Or a nightmare…You choose.