Public Speaking Natural, Fast
Do you fear public speaking more than death? Many of us do because nobody teaches us public speaking naturally, let alone to learn it fast!
How do you feel for poor Michelle?
We try our best to be supportive of her.
But it’s just so awkward.
Watching her up there…
Her best friend has been imagining this day her entire life.
They’ve perfectly prepared every detail of the wedding, including Michelle’s bridesmaid speech.
She’s written and re-written every word.
Read and re-read it hundreds of times, and now she stands up to read it for the last time.
Hands shaking, even after the obligatory handful of drinks.
Voice quivering, she begins awkwardly reading—
So, I’ve known Carol since I was 11…
And who would have thought that girl chasing boys around the school yard would be here today having caught her man….
We try our best, don’t we?
To support the Michelles and Michaels we see reading nervously at most weddings, right?
We do the same in the workplace, encouraging people uncomfortably boring us on stage.
And just about everywhere else where people are forcing themselves to speak unnaturally in public.
But it’s often hard, isn’t it?
Certainly in business where you’re forced to listen to tiring speakers.
But also at celebratory events like weddings where the speech they’re reading is laced with wonderful emotions and sentiment…
Somehow falls flat when it’s read like a boring earnings report.
Not to be critical…
I don’t write this to mock all of us who struggle with public speaking because…
I’ve most certainly been here too.
In business and life I’ve done plenty of awkward speaking.
And even when standing in public became my career, I had no clue how to do it well.
At the first live training I did for public speaking…
The teacher went around the room and asked, “How many of you are nervous about public speaking?”
In a room of hundreds, only a small number of hands went up.
Partly I learned because many of the participants had done plenty of public speaking, and some others were still too nervous to even put up their hands!
I put my hand half up.
The straight-to-the-point teacher asked me, “Why is your hand only half up? You either are or you aren’t nervous about public speaking?”
I said, “Well it’s because I don’t know…
I’ve never really done any public speaking, so I don’t know how hard it will be for me.”
Chuckling to himself and the room he said…
“Well you’re either incredibly stupid or brave showing up to an advanced training having never done it before.”
Perhaps stupid, certainly impatient.
Brave I am not.
But moreso I was there because I wanted to get good at public speaking, FAST.
Here I was having never written anything of substance, now writing a book.
I was already recording video programs and starting to line up public speaking without any clue what I was doing.
And I needed to learn fast.
Not over two years.
Not from showing up doing fake speeches to fake audiences like Toastmasters.
I was already taking it live and I needed to learn how to do it well, fast.
Get good, FAST!
I only jump in the deep end which means I must learn to swim fast.
Before I’d ever trained MMA I was standing in a gym full of UFC fighters, and I’ve learned most things the same way.
The same is true for most of my clients.
Anyone with serious goals wants to get moving now, well, actually yesterday, so if you can’t get the skills you need fast you’re already behind.
But it’s not just about speed either.
It’s about precision, and skill.
Often in life we think that it takes time to get good at things, that learning is simply a matter of experience…
Whereas we can get as good as we choose at things as fast as we want, so long as we’re willing to dedicate ourselves to learn.
Often necessity is the mother of learning and forcing ourselves to do something demands we learn fast.
It’s like AOC.
Whatever you think of her politics, this young woman was thrust onto the world stage somewhat overnight.
It’s too late then to spend years learning to publicly speak.
By the time you must get up and speak, it’s often all on the line, and to do it well…
To do it fast…
Do it naturally.
See, one thing that is very strange in this fear worse than death of public speaking is…
We’ve all been speaking in public most of our lives!
It’s just our brains are led to believe that doing this thing called public speaking is some special type of speaking.
When we can train ourselves to see it as natural as any conversation.
This was one of the most massive evolutions for me.
Not just that when you see it the same as any conversation you never need or want to see your audience naked.
When you can simply public speak naturally, you can do it naked!
Meaning, without the usual type of preparation.
Like needing hours or days or weeks to write a script.
That you best try to memorize.
That you best try to stand up there and regurgitate.
Here we’re learning to do it naturally.
This was the biggest challenge I found.
Even after I had read perhaps hundreds of books on communications and influence, trained in public speaking, and been doing some speaking and video programs.
There was still something massive missing.
I’d done all that training, had a good grasp on the many nuances of public speaking.
Yet, I still didn’t know—
How do you best prepare your materials to speak?
Back then I was still doing the best I knew, which was writing up a script to memorize and try to regurgitate.
That approach was a whole lot better than poor Michelle awkwardly reading her bridesmaid script.
But it was still massively lacking.
And when it came to a much harder form of public speaking, doing live TV, I knew it would be a total failure.
Taking it live.
On live TV, you don’t even know what questions you’re getting, let alone your best answers.
And, by the time I was lining up to do live TV, I’d still done little public speaking, and I was showing up to talk about a very challenging topic…
My book on how Trump won.
I knew it was an inflammatory topic, people would try to pull me into politics, when I was only there to talk about how he used influence to win.
So I needed to prepare myself for battlefield conditions, having never done any TV!
At this point I was natural with all the topics on public speaking we discuss in this program.
Getting your mind into the right place.
The principles of public speaking, and so on.
I’d modeled TV presenters and trained.
But it was the work I did on bringing together your messaging that capped off this program for me.
Prepare for public speaking natural, FAST.
I needed to bring together the best I had studied and trained on public speaking with what you need to well deliver a message live.
Not reading a script. Not even knowing what you might be asked.
But to have a method for “loading up” your best ideas in your mind so you can confidently just…
Well, speak naturally.
Just like you would in any regular conversation.
You don’t call up your Mom and read a script, and don’t we want to publicly speak the same way?
Isn’t that what we want?
So if someone asks you to stand up and say a few words right now, do you want to tell them you need a couple of weeks to prepare?
To write up your script, memorize it, Thomas The Tank Engine yourself into it—
I think I can, I think I can…
Of course not.
When it comes to public speaking naturally, well, you want to learn and do this FAST.
Hence, what we’re doing here is the opposite of public speaking unnaturally, slow…
In this program you’re learning to become a Public Speaking Natural, FAST!
By working through a powerful method to:
Prepare yourself to engage your audience.
Seeing speaking as about your audience, you free yourself to deliver your best performance for them.Quickly master the principles of public speaking.
Not a bunch of long-winded ideas on how you master public speaking, but the principles you can learn and use right away.How you deliver for your audience.
How do you best load up your ideas in your mind? And have a method to move your audience from beginning to end?
Public Speaking Natural, Fast
Discover the proven system for Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
Here’s just some of what you get with this 7 hour masterclass.
- A Systematic Method.
We begin by discussing five massive whys, 3 big mistakes, and what it takes to quickly master Public Speaking Natural, Fast. - Preparing For Your Audience.
Public speaking isn’t about you, but your audience. Preparing for your audience takes the pressure off you and them on a deep journey. - 10 Principles of Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
There’s lots of good ideas on public speaking, but the 10 Principles are all you need for getting great, fast.
- Preparing Yourself To Speak.
Like a pro athlete, you want a consistent, methodical approach preparing for top performance. The Four-Step protocol is how. - Speaking Protocol.
You’re learning to do this naturally with the Speaking Protocol for easily moving your audience to your desired outcome. - Deep Learning Track.
Here you sit back and listen, integrating deeply, fast, your skills of being a Public Speaking Natural.
Track One
Introducing Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
5 massive reasons why.
There’s lots of reasons why I wanted this program for myself and I’m betting the same is true for you.
These are the 5 big reasons why:
- 1. More fear than dying: Yes, we do! How sad ;(
- 2. No way to look like more of a loser… Especially if you’re a leader, there’s no worse way to diminish your credibility.
- 3. Why, fast? How many shots do you get to be good at this?
- 4. To drive massive results: Do this well and you will drive the results you want.
- 5. To feel amazing doing it: This may be the biggest why to me. Who wants to live in fear of anything, let alone doing this and not loving it!
3 massive mistakes we make.
Again, there are surely lots of mistakes we all make public speaking, but these are three massive ones:
- 1. We spend lots of time thinking about what we will say, and far too little time thinking about what we want our audience to hear.
- 2. Doing it with scripts ensures most people will never be very good. Even professional actors struggle to naturally deliver lines, how could we nail it??
- 3. We see public speaking as something different from regular speaking. This drives us into “presentation mode” vs. just being ourselves on a stage
How do we solve for this?
Well, I’m glad you asked…
These are all reasons why I built Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
For myself. For my clients.
And now for you!
Track Two
Preparing for your audience.
Where many speakers start wrong.
They think a lot about what they want to say, and how they want to sound. Or the standing ovation they want to get.
But give too little thought to, what do I want the audience to hear? To feel? What behaviors do I want them to take by the end?
- It makes it harder to prepare yourself because now the pressure is on you. It’s about you. When it’s never about you.
- It’s like if you were rescuing a person from drowning. You wouldn’t be thinking about how good you look diving in the water, you’re just fully engaged in what you’re doing.
- You want to speak the same. It’s not about you. You are merely a vehicle for your message, for your audience.
Two words: Steve Jobs.
When he launched iPhone, in every way he brilliantly captured the audience’s attention and pulled them into his messaging.
Teasing the audience, he in effect said, it’s not just a phone. Or a web browser. Or email device but all three things in one!
It wasn’t about what Apple built, but about what it did for his audience, and soon the world!
Not just talking, changing.
Famous public speaking coach Dale Carnegie said he didn’t teach public speaking. He taught confidence.
If you can get beyond this basic fear of public speaking how much confidence do you unlock?
- This is a reason we’re doing it naturally. So when you have the confidence to get up and do it naturally how much are you now free to best deliver for your audience?
- Most speakers lack power. They are imparters of knowledge, not imparters of states.
- Not people who can actually lead and influence people’s behavior from the stage.
3 big steps we take in this track.
We drill deeper into this notion of preparing for your audience by honing in on:
- 1. Taking your audience on a journey: Designing your speaking as a journey in acts like a play or movie.
- 2. Getting clear on what you want to deliver them: Here we talk about the process and outcome of your communications.
- 3. Building your messaging to do it: Here we talk about messaging pyramids. Far beyond a script, how you stack your messaging from a simple message to a deeper message that you unfold for them.
Track Three
10 Principles For Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
Of course you can see millions of ideas on these topics, but to master any topic fast, you want the principles.
It’s like Dale Carnegie’s famous book How to Win Friends and Influence People.
It’s timeless because he lays out 21 powerful principles that you can use all the time.
Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the same. It’s a small number of powerful principles.
And that’s what we’re hitting here too.
- 1. Be natural
We learn fast by seeing you already speak naturally in public! - 2. Energy.
Your energy is everything for you and your audience. - 3. You’re performing.
Not just speaking, performing for your audience. - 4. Your voice.
Is your instrument for bringing words to life. - 5. Language as a vehicle.
Not just words, but a vehicle for your influence. - 6. Herding.
You’re leading the audience, as a group, a herd. - 7. Powerful gestures.
As opposed to weak ones 🙂 - 8. Standing, walking and talking.
How? How not? - 9. You’re changing people.
How are you influencing how they think, feel, behave? - 10. Anchors and future memories.
The hardcore pro magic!
- 1. Be natural
Track Four
Preparing yourself to speak.
Showing up ready to perform.
The Four Step Protocol you see in a number of my programs where it counts for you to show up your best.
Like a pro athlete on Game Day, when you need to perform your best, you want a rigorous method for being prepared.
So you’re not just standing in front of the mirror trying to talk yourself into it. Or walking up there imagining the audience in their underwear.
But you have a rigorous method for preparing your mind and tools for delivering your absolute best performance public speaking.
20 years of researching personal development in one simple tool.
As I like to say, knowledge is impotent.
Thousands of podcasts, books, all suffer the same fatal flaw. Words. Words. Words. They’re full of them.
Top performance isn’t about knowing what to do.
- It’s having powerful routines, processes, protocols, to consistently, repeatedly put to work the best of what you do.
- In this context it’s about showing up your absolute best, prepared to deliver your best performance.
- From tens of thousands of hours researching top performance I built the Four Step Protocol to bring together four of the most important aspects of top performance into one simple tool you can easily and powerfully use.
Start with clear intent.
We all know goals are crucial to top performance, but how often do we have them, let alone keep driving them deep into our brains?
- Ahead of public speaking, drill deep into your brain, why are you here?
- What do you want to deliver to your audience? For them to receive? How do you want them to be different?
- And how you intend to be this way for them.
What Character are you being?
Who are you showing up as?
- That regular old you who might be OK talking to one person?
- Or the version of you who massively delivers for your audience?
What’s your state?
Top athletes are maniacal about getting in a peak performance state for playing their best game.
What is your peak performance state for showing up and delivering your best on stage?
- The world of personal development is full of talk on state…
- Yet what specifically are your peak performance states and your processes for igniting them?
- What is your state of body? State of mind? And how do you tap the elusive, flow state?
Excellence takes tools and skills.
It’s one thing to have read books on communications and influence, body language, and public speaking.
- It’s another to have deeply trained these skills.
- And it’s another thing altogether to bake into your Four Step Protocol your best tools and skills for Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
Track Five
The Speaking Protocol.
For delivering beginning to end.
Imagine you could stand up on a stage and deliver your performance without scripts, or even without notes…
Knowing with complete confidence how you are moving your audience from beginning to end?
Wouldn’t that be something?
That’s what the Speaking Protocol is built to do, by seeing your speaking in acts, stages.
Act 1: Opening and Engaging.
How do you open? With a story? Thanking the audience?
Like TED with the applause and dramatic opening?
There’s lots of ways to do it and here you want to be thinking ahead to, what gets your speaking started right?
- What vibe are you setting? Why? Who are you conveying yourself to be? How do you want your audience responding?
- And how are you doing it in an engaging way so you quickly grab their attention?
Act 2: Rapport and Content.
All communication happens in the context of rapport.
You’re taking them on a deeper journey with you, so how, specifically, do you first build rapport?
- Here we talk about three levels of rapport: Being relatable. Conscious. Unconscious.
- And discuss 5 methods for you to think about the way you package your content for speaking.
Act 3: Outcome States and Behaviors.
OK, so this is what you and they came here for!
You’re not just speaking because it’s fun. You’re not presenting for a standing ovation.
You’re here to influence them towards an outcome.
- There’s lots of ways for you to think about your desired outcome. What? How?
- How do you want them to now be thinking? Feeling?
- What behaviors do you want them to exhibit? Actions to take? How have you left them more capable, etc.?
You decide. Coz now you’re a public speaking natural, FAST!
Track Six
Deep Learning Track.
This track is a not-so-secret weapon to Public Speaking Natural, Fast!
A reason this method works fast for you is because it’s not built just for regular old learning, but to deeply, quickly get these ideas stuck in your mind.
As you know, the trick to great learning is for it to happen automatically, unconsciously, like driving a car, and this track works the same way for you.
In the previous tracks you’re doing a lot of work, listening to the tracks, doing the work in the Workbook, training yourself for Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
And in this track, you sit back, relax, and allow it to do all the work on you!
- A deeper learning experience.
This track reviews the program in a way it becomes deeply ingrained in your mind. - Not just a review.
This is a different type of learning experience many of us aren’t used to, one that quickly, deeply, gets Public Speaking Natural, Fast, locked into your brain. - So you don’t just walk away from this program knowing what to do…
And delivering your best performance right now, but this program is working away on a deeper level enabling you to automatically perform better and better over time.
What's Public Speaking Natural, Fast Worth To You?
Value of This Program.
Here’s some of the value you get from this 7 hour program for Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
Like no other program I’ve seen.
- There are tons of great resources on public speaking.
- How to stand on stage. Engage an audience. Best use your voice. Gestures. Speak like TED or Jobs or other great speakers, etc.
- But none I’ve found bring even the fundamentals together into a systematic method you can put to work. Let alone bring together all the ideas we do in this program.
- None I’ve seen come at public speaking naturally, but instead seek to help you build confidence, rather than seeing you already speak in public confidently!
- Only select advanced teachers train you to see public speaking as influence, honing in on how you change an audience and lead them to behaviors.
- And I’m yet to come across any program whatsoever on building messaging the way we do here, making it easy for you to speak without a script, naturally.
I built the program that was most valuable for me.
- If I could start again learning public speaking, this is where I would have wanted to begin.
- First, we bring together the fundamentals, such as we cover in tracks 1-3, in such a simple and powerful way that I failed to get from reading dozens of books and trainings.
- Also we bake in advanced methods like the Four Step Protocol for showing up game ready to perform and Speaking Protocol for how you best drive your message.
- On top, perhaps most importantly, for what I was seeking on live TV and for all speaking, is the Messaging Pyramids technology I built to do this naturally.
- This program has been priceless to me, and I can’t say what I would have paid for it had I been given the chance!
A custom-built method to get good at this, fast.
- Over years of research and thousands of hours on the topic of public speaking alone, I built the best public speaking program that I needed!
- And not just bringing together the best ideas on public speaking, but also what I’ve learned from tens of thousands of hours researching topics of mindset, communications and influence, and top performance.
- Also embedded in this program are ideas from the most advanced form of public speaking, NLP and conversational hypnosis, which enable you to deeply change people from the stage.
- None of this came together simply for me, but drawing from tons of research I built the public speaking program that I needed to get good at this, fast.
I hope this is priceless to you!
- If you need to get good at public speaking, there is typically a lot on the line.
- In business, this skill can make or break a leader. And more generally can govern how effective you are, and what is possible for you.
- In life too, like our friend Michelle, failing at these skills when it counts can be a real letdown, and shining can be hugely beneficial for you.
- I can’t know why you want to get good at public speaking, yet I do imagine that if you do, it’s because it matters.
- And I’m hoping this is valuable to you. Perhaps even priceless!
I also imagine if you need this, you want to learn fast too.
- When it’s time to speak in public it’s unlikely you have years of your life to perfect this craft!
- Perhaps you have something coming up. Perhaps you still have plenty of time to get good at public speaking, but even then, how do you?
- Read some books? Practice in front of the mirror? Go to Toastmasters speaking to a fake audience, getting fake accolades for months or years?
- If you’re looking to get good at these skills, and I mean really good, really fast, then this program is built to work for you!
Access to the ideas clients pay me 5 or 6 figures to learn.
- Until now this program has only been available to my private clients.
- Just like them you get an exclusive audience with me ranting and raving in your ears!
- In a program you can listen to over and over again, anytime, anywhere you choose.
- At a fraction of the investment clients pay me for one hour of my time.
An end-to-end system built for YOU!
- This Masterclass is far beyond some random ideas on public speaking—Seeing your audience in their underwear. Getting yourself pumped up. Using your voice and body language, so on.
- This is a comprehensive system built to work for you all the way from how you best prepare, to stepping up game ready, to a sophisticated method for unpacking your ideas and moving your audience from beginning to end.
- Also, although I’ve endeavored to share with you my best ideas, because this method is process-driven, it’s highly customizable for you to incorporate your best ideas.
- So not only are you getting the best method I can imagine for learning Public Speaking Natural, Fast, it’s also a method you tailor best for you!
7 hours plus Workbook.
- This is designed as a comprehensive program to bring all these ideas together for you.
- 7 hours of action packed audio.
- And a Workbook in document format you can easily fill in.
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The program I wanted.

If only I could have learned this way…
Hi, I’m Geoff Blades.
Of all the things I’ve learned, public speaking might have been the most confusing…
That’s because in some ways it ought not be a thing to learn at all.
We’re speaking to people in public all the time, right?
So what should be so hard about doing it to a larger group of people?
Um, everything!
I remember back to some of the presentations I did in my career on Wall Street.
Even just to small groups of people it felt scary and hard.
One time I just had to introduce a management team to a crowded ballroom with hundreds of people.
Perhaps I only had to speak for 2 minutes…
But I remember standing up there, feeling awkward, knowing exactly what to say, but not feeling confident doing it.
The same was true at the public speaking training I talked about earlier.
Perhaps it was a five day training where we had to stand in front of a large group every day.
All of those presentations felt nerve racking to me, including on the final day.
But so it goes with top trainers, over the coming weeks and months it felt different.
And then, having done the work you now see in this program it began to feel easy to me.
Bringing it all together.
I remember the morning I woke up to do the live TV appearance on my Trump book.
Again, I knew it was a lightning rod topic.
I had no idea what I was in for, but it felt completely normal to me.
I got dressed for the day, got in a car, showed up at the studio, sat on set, did my thing, then got back in a car and came back to work.
I barely thought about it beyond that.
What in the past would perhaps have been a terrifying moment.
All morning thinking about it. Sitting in the green room nervous to go on live TV. Walking out there uncomfortable.
None of that.
Because I’d brought all this together, it felt completely natural to me.
It can be natural, fast!
We speak in public our entire lives and when our brain recognizes it the same…
We can feel completely natural.
And even though there’s lots of stuff we want to learn for doing public speaking well, such as getting your mind into the right place, and the principles of great public speaking…
Well, when you have the principles and powerful routines like The Four Step Protocol and Speaking Protocol, you can do this more easily, and fast too.
But the massive evolution for me in this work came back to the messaging.
In designing the Messaging Pyramids over months, it became easy for me to show up to what might have been a scary live TV gig, feeling completely free.
I knew my messaging.
I had designed it so simply in my mind, I could respond to whatever was thrown at me.
And the same is true now in every setting for me.
Speak naturally anytime anywhere.
As you get in the habit of preparing yourself for public speaking this way, it becomes easy.
No need to step back and write up a script you memorize and hope to remember on the stage.
You know your structure.
You’re clear on what you’re delivering.
You’ve got the principles and protocols to show up best prepared.
And then it’s just a matter of doing what you’re there to do…
Best engage your audience and deliver them what they need.
It’s easy for you now…
Coz Public Speaking Natural is what you are… Fast!
Purchase Public Speaking Natural, Fast today and get 30% off
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Why Learn This Any Other Way?
You could learn this unnaturally slow…
Or get excellent at Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
That’s what I wanted.
My clients want this, I’m betting you do…
And this is what our brains want too.
Neuroscience tells us that our brains are learning machines that want two things:
- 1. To learn something as fast as we can.
- 2. To quickly run that knowledge automatically.
That’s what we’re doing here—Fast and natural.
So it’s not a thing that you do.
Just you speaking naturally, learning it fast!
See the point isn’t to make you look like this perfectly rehearsed public speaker but that you can stand up and do it naturally, fast.
And there’s a trick here to learning fast.
You already know how to speak naturally.
You’re already a natural speaker, coz you’re speaking all the time!
This is merely taking what you do naturally, speaking, and doing it in front of more people.
So rather than doing it for 20 years memorizing scripts and doing it over years trying to feel confident…
Instead, you’re starting confident, diving in, just doing what you already naturally do for a bigger audience.
3 Massive goals for this program.
As I said, famous public speaking coach Dale Carnegie said he didn’t teach people public speaking.
He taught them confidence.
So you can just speak naturally in public and be more confident everywhere else too.
You’ll get this from Public Speaking Natural, Fast.
And achieve these three massive goals for this program I have for you:
1. You can publicly speak naturally.
You can just get up there and be natural, looking completely comfortable, delivering as effortlessly as to one person.2. You can quickly, powerfully prepare for your audience.
You know how to easily prepare for your audience. And prepare yourself to just stand and speak.3. You are using your speaking deliberately.
Not just talking, but influencing. Moving your audience from where they are, through a journey, to a desired outcome!