Land That Crazy Job
To land a so-so job, you can show up so-so prepared. But to go for what you truly want, to stretch and reach your potential, to land that most crazy job, you want a crazy method to show up crazy prepared.
We all want to go for what we truly want!
Where do we get stuck?
Why do we stay stuck in jobs we hate?
Year after year the statistics tell us—
Some two-thirds of us are disengaged or actively disengaged in our jobs.
Yet, we stay in them.
In personal development it’s cool to say, you must start with the why?
But who needs a bigger why than feeling stuck in a job you hate?
The why’s not the problem.
It’s nobody teaches us HOW.
Growing up we’re told we can do what we want, we can be who we dream…
Yet, who ever teaches us how?
Who teaches us how to get unstuck in our jobs?
How to get unstuck in our thinking?
How to even figure out what you want.
The best advice we get is get a good job, whatever that is, or follow your passion, wherever that can be found!
And even if you can figure it out, who ever teaches you how to get it?
They say, you’ve just gotta get out there? Out where?
Gotta get your resume around. To whom? How?
You better practice answering 100 obvious interview questions like an answering machine.
Thanks a lot, nobody!
We deserve more.
20 years of so-called education you’d think we’d be taught the most important things that relate to living your grandest life.
Of course much of what we need is left out.
Including how to land that job that will occupy most the hours of most the years of your life.
Even in leaving a top college nobody even teaches you the basics, let alone advanced processes and skills to go for that job you truly want.
And it’s the same all the way throughout your career.
How do you get to that next promotion?
What about make a leap to another job elsewhere?
Nobody teaches you any of that, let alone how to go for the job you truly want.
And it’s not just a lack of what we’re never taught, but also what we’re led to believe.
Why do we settle for less than we deserve?
One of my partner’s former colleagues is in a big Wall Street job.
He’s had a very solid 25-year career and is proven a top number 2 or 3.
He’s right at that level where a CEO job is within reach.
But he doesn’t believe he can get there.
Doesn’t believe that he’s worthy of the role, or that he can convince others of it.
So he keeps playing smaller in a job that is well within his comfort zone, rather than go for what he truly wants and leap.
It’s hard to do, isn’t it?
To give up the good or even great to go for the crazy, you need to know you can stick the landing.
And unless you’ve got a method to go for that crazy job you truly want, it’s hard to believe.
Go for CRAZY!
This Masterclass isn’t just about going for the job you truly want.
It’s for landing your most crazy job.
That job everyone else might perceive is way out of reach… Even if you massively stretch.
A job that you may be “unqualified” for.
An opportunity you may have no clue how to create.
That you think you might have a shot, but you’d need to pull off some crazy triple spinning backflip move to land there!
The job that is a crazy leap for you. That you’d be crazy excited to land. That others might think you’re crazy to even think you can land.
Well, our job is to make this crazy leap possible for you.
And not just once…
As I have, you might build your career off this method focused on making one crazy leap after leap.
But keep in mind, crazy demands crazy!
Anyone can use this Masterclass to land any job they want, but ultimately it’s created for landing the hardest job you can imagine.
It’s not called land that EASY job.
That’s easy…
It’s called Land That Crazy Job because crazy is what it demands.
To go for what you truly want you need more than rah rah go for it.
More than a way to dream it up.
You need a hardcore method to pull it off.
Sure to some people, this might be too hardcore.
Too crazy.
Too extreme.
You’re investing too much to settle for less.
The REST OF YOUR life.
That is basically what is at stake here.
What you do most days for most of your life is on the line!
You can settle for a so-so method to getting a so-so job or put to work this crazy method to Land That Crazy Job.
Think about all the kids in college dreaming of their career.
They’ve invested tens of thousands of hours, years, decades, perhaps millions of dollars in their education.
Yet how many show up TRULY prepared to Land That Crazy Job?
What about those early, mid, or even late in their careers?
They’ve invested more tens of thousands of hours building to this point, why would you settle for a less than crazy approach to making a crazy leap in your career?
Go for what you TRULY want.
A philosophy of mine is that you can go for what you truly want.
But there’s a proviso…
So long as you are willing to do what it takes.
And I’ve proven to myself over and over again that you never need to settle.
In my own life.
With clients.
I’ve seen that no job is out of reach.
Merely, if something seems out of reach, then your choice is to give up, or to figure out how to stretch further.
People really try. By the low standards society sets they seem to be doing everything right.
They got that expensive education. Look for jobs in the obvious ways. Network. Get their resume around. Talk to some people.
They say they are doing everything they can, but how many are showing up crazy prepared?
Spending years honing winning processes and skills?
Like a high school athlete who dreams to play in college. Or a college athlete who dreams to take it pro. What’s required to elevate to the top of your game?
When there’s only ONE.
A friend is a professional cellist.
I don’t know if you know much about his profession, but top jobs in his world are very hard to come by.
There are few top orchestras around the world, and when people land in these seats they rarely leave.
So it can take years, even decades before just one opportunity opens up.
Just like an Olympic athlete or astronaut who trains their entire life to achieve a crazy goal, my friend knew that when that job came up he needed to be his best prepared.
Over years, nearly a decade he consistently trained for that one job interview.
In his business that’s not about answering questions, but sitting behind a screen playing your absolute best.
What don’t you think he did to optimize his performance?
If I told you his method you’d say that’s even crazier than what we’re about to do!
Don’t see it as interviewing.
A reason this method might seem extreme is because we’re not thinking of this as interviewing at all…
Here we’re bringing the most advanced methods of selling, communications, influence, and ultimately personal change to the context of interviewing.
Coz that’s what it is, right?
It’s not this thing we call interviewing…
You are meeting to sell your most precious asset, YOU!
To approach this like a pro you want to know, exactly, what leads them to buy?
And most importantly, how do you best influence their decision to buy you?
When you recognize this process as selling it makes it a whole lot clearer to you.
But we don’t just stop there either.
Going deeper into hardcore strategies and tools of hardcore influence, we delve into…
What does it take to move someone from being uncertain to certain about hiring you?
To elicit their problems, their pain, what is missing, and lead them to you as their solution!
So they go from looking at a number of candidates to being absolutely convinced they must hire you.
And we’re not just talking hardcore selling and influence here.
The philosophy, processes and skills of selling, communications and influence are powerful, but what you’ll see is here we’re bringing together the best methods I know…
Into a highly systematic method that you can quickly learn and powerfully use.
See, coz we’re not talking about selling as many people might perceive it.
But highly structured influence, laid out in a simple method that you can easily learn and then lead someone through.
And that’s not all either.
This Masterclass isn’t just about what you do when you walk in the room.
That’s the execution that you’ll find becomes straightforward because you’re doing all the right preparation ahead of time.
In detail you’re thinking through your story and how you best position yourself in the same way Apple sells its products!
They make perhaps the most amazing products on the planet, yet they’re even more amazing at the way they position and sell them, aren’t they?
What about you?
How do you best position and sell you?
And how do you show up game ready?
Instead of just walking into an interview as regular old you, how do you prepare yourself to show up your best like a pro athlete on Game Day?
And what about before you’re showing up to Land That Crazy Job?
Where are you showing up?
How do you hone in your crazy job?
Get clear on what you’re targeting and how you keep moving towards it, perhaps over years!
And once you have targeted it, instead of following the basic advice like floating around a resume or networking, how do you source opportunities like a top salesperson?
See it like lead generating?
Spin up sales funnels for identifying opportunities?
Qualifying leads?
And working your sales funnels like a pro, getting them spinning into vortexes?
I told you we’re gonna get crazy.
Into a crazy extreme method to do something crazy extreme.
For you to hone in on that crazy job that you truly want.
To prepare like crazy so when you show up you’re crazy prepared, knowing exactly how you’re selling you.
Showing up in the room like a pro athlete on Game Day, game ready.
Knowing exactly how you move your interview from front to back.
Shaking hands to walking out with your offer.
For Landing That Crazy Job!
When it really counts you want a crazy method to—
Target your crazy job:
Not just to see what opportunities come your way, but to source opportunities like a top salesperson.Prepare a sale your greatest product deserves:
YOU are your greatest asset… How, specifically, do you convey it telling your story, positioning yourself, and driving your sale?Show up like a pro athlete on Game Day:
Top athletes have crazy routines for showing up their best on Game Day and you want a crazy method too.Land That Crazy Job:
Once you’re in the room, it’s game on, your time to bring all your crazy preparation together and Land That Crazy Job!
Land That Crazy Job
Discover the proven system for going after that job you truly want.
Here’s just some of what you get with this 17 hour masterclass.
- Why? What? How do you go for crazy?
Crazy is settling for a mediocre job, when with the right method you can land your most crazy job. - A System for Landing That Crazy Job.
Not just some random ideas here and there but an end-to-end method, The Crazy Job System, for going after the job that’s out of reach. - Targeting your crazy job.
Your crazy job might be right in front of you, or take years to navigate towards. How do you keep your eye on the prize and systematically create opportunities? - Principles of Selling YOU!
Calling it interviewing you fail to see this is selling your most important asset, you! We go deep into the principles.
- The Four Step Protocol.
You see this protocol in many of my programs. Like a pro athlete, how do you best show up game ready for crushing your interviews? - The Black Book.
Here we go deep into your Black Book for how, specifically, you best prepare to walk in and Land That Crazy Job. - The Interview Protocol.
You can walk in and just answer questions, or you can drive your interviews like a chess grandmaster to checkmate and Land That Crazy Job. - Crazy Job Deep Learning Track.
We bring together the Masterclass by integrating The Crazy Job System deep in your brain.
Track One
Introducing Land That Crazy Job.
Why don’t we go crazy?
Many of us feel stuck in jobs that are wrong for us. Complaining, disappointed, knowing we deserve and are capable of more, yet we stay stuck.
Isn’t it crazy to stay stuck in a job that’s beneath you when you can leap to your most crazy job?
- So many of us are stuck in the World Wide Web: Wasted educations. Wasted lives. Wasted human potential.
- Caught up in our own B-SMS we fail to get the message: Lacking belief we stay stuck in mediocrity settling when we deserve so much more.
- It’s not for a lack of “Why?” Nobody teaches us how to go for what we truly want.
Who doesn’t want to go crazy?
Who doesn’t want to be in a job they truly love? Where they are getting paid as they want? Have the opportunities they want? Love the people they work with?
Are doing something that deeply matters to them? Unleashing their potential and all that’s possible.
Sure, that sounds like a TV ad, but this is possible for all of us, when we have a rigorous method.
- Forget about going for your most crazy job, nobody even teaches us how to go for a regular boring old job.
- Drop your resume. Network. Get yourself out there. Couple mock interviews. Pathetically weak methods lead to pathetic results.
- If you knew you could Land That Crazy Job, why wouldn’t you go after it in a way that others might perceive is crazy?
You want an end-to-end method.
The Crazy Job System I’ve been using for over 20 years is what I’ve needed time and time again in my career—for figuring out the next leaps to make, lining it up, and making it happen.
Doing it for clients has demanded even more rigor which you see in the Crazy Job System today.
- A highly systematic method for targeting your crazy job, showing up your best prepared, and best driving your sale.
- It’s one thing to spend a few minutes preparing for an interview or even in detail prepare to answer the obvious questions, but what is being crazy prepared?
- How skilled can you get at walking into an interview and making the job yours?
Crazy job takes crazy processes and skills.
Instead of seeing it as interviewing, seeing it as selling you can now show up your best prepared.
- How do you best prepare your sale and position yourself like a top company does in selling their best products and services?
- What does it take to show up your best like a pro athlete on Game Day?
- What are the most advanced processes and tools you want to walk in and crush that crazy job interview?
- How do you build your capabilities becoming the person who can reach taller and leap further?
Three “simple” things.
Although we’re going real crazy together here, we build up this Masterclass methodically, and ultimately keep coming back to honing three simple things.
- Starting with you: How do you prepare yourself to show up as your best you?
- Preparing your sale: What’s your story? How do you best answer questions? Position yourself as professionally as Apple?
- Structure of the sale: Why do we buy? How do they hire? How, specifically, do you navigate the hiring decision with them?
Track Two
The Crazy Job System.
Even the best ideas are not enough.
All of my work is highly systematic because that’s what you want.
As you see in my Do What You Want books, I’ve taken the entire notion of getting what you want, thousands of books on personal development, tens of thousands of hours of research and broken it down into a simple 5 step system.
The Crazy Job System came about the same way.
- See, here’s the thing, knowledge is impotent. It’s not about what you know, but how good are you at putting it to work?
- Systems drive your best process, results, and give you a powerful method for continuously improving.
- People hear the word system and it can sound all fancy, but in the end what matters is how good you can get at consistently, repeatedly putting them to work. So it must be simple.
- Like an auto production line. There’s a lot that goes into putting a car together, but laid out on a production line it’s just a series of small steps.
Too many incomplete solutions.
In life we come across many basic and incomplete solutions.
If you’re hunting for a job people say you just have to get out there. You have to network. OK. With whom? Where? When? How?
It’s a decent sounding idea but it’s weak.
- Who do you talk to? Where do you talk to them? What do you say? How do you even know what you’re looking for?
- Much deeper, how, specifically, do you target your crazy job? And best prepare yourself to show up and land it?
- Learn what they need to “buy you” and sell yourself all the way through?
An end-to-end method.
Like an auto production like you want a complete system for Landing Your Crazy Job.
People say, well you have to do some preparation. OK, but what preparation?
Or they say spend a few minutes in front of the mirror answering questions. Or doing a mock interview. But what, specifically? And how do you do it like a pro?
- Preparation is how you show up your absolute best. Not just showing up a little prepared, showing up prepared to win like a pro athlete on Game Day.
- Flawless execution too comes through flawless preparation, where we focus on exactly how you move your interview from shaking hands, to offer in hand!
- Winning takes skills. We don’t explicitly cover these Power Skills in this program but give you bonus tracks for quickly building winning skills.
Why settle for one crazy system?
In this track we also introduce the Macro Process which is a systematic method for how you source, process and close your crazy job opportunities.
We go deeper into this method in the subsequent tracks.
- Sourcing, we’re not just talking about headhunters or job boards. That fails even a regular job search let alone your crazy job. You want a highly systematic method.
- All the way through to the way you run your best process and close in on them handing you that crazy job!
- Coz, that’s what matters right? Which is why closing tactics and leverage are built into every step of the Crazy Job System.
Track Three
Targeting Your Crazy Job.
Dreams aren’t enough.
People talk about going for their dream job. That’s the problem…
It’s a dream!
Not a reality.
How do you dream up what you truly want and lay out a process for actually making it happen?
Well, that’s what we’re doing in this track, going beyond targeting to Landing That Crazy Job!
Goals aren’t enough either.
In our society there’s a massive problem with the way we set goals.
First, not knowing what we want, many of us don’t even have goals.
But then we’re often told to define our goals specifically, when what we most need is to define a process for achieving them.
- You might not even know what your crazy job is. It might be years out. So how do you define a process to target your crazy job, and every day bring it into focus?
- What does it take for an Olympic athlete to stay focused on a goal that is all the way out there? To keep training towards it? Taking the actions to keep making it more real.
- They need more than a powerful goal, right? But a way of keeping it front and center in their mind.
From here it’s about navigating.
How, specifically, do you keep navigating towards your crazy job?
Even if it’s years or even decades out?
- Even if you don’t know what it is??
- You need a powerful framework like the Dual Track Roadmap we talk about.
And crazy method to get in front of the right jobs.
For targeting and navigating, you also need a way to keep identifying opportunities and getting yourself in front of them.
- The weak approach is to say, talk to some recruiters, or float your resume out there, or hunt around on job boards.
- The pro-level method is to approach targeting your crazy job just like a professional salesperson.
- Spinning up sourcing funnels that you consistently, systematically work over and over again navigating towards your crazy job.
Along with this track we include a Deep Learning Track for getting your crazy job targeting deep in your mind!
Track Four
Principles of Selling YOU!
This is SELLING, baby!
See I thought about calling this Principles of Interviewing. Or How They Hire You.
But no, I wanted to keep this pure to what a job interview really is.
- It’s ONLY a specific form of selling.
- ONLY it’s selling your most important asset, YOU!
- Here we go deep into five principles of selling as it relates to selling you.
Not just selling, hardcore principles of influence.
In this track we’re doing a primer on something that is far more massive than even Landing Your Crazy Job.
That is knowing what actually leads us humans to buy? What sells?
And, ultimately in our context, what leads them to hire you? And how are you best selling you?
- What really goes on inside our brain when it comes to buying? To deciding? To making decisions?
- Coz that’s really what the hiring process is, isn’t it?
- It’s like showing up at Best Buy to buy a new fridge. You know you need a new one. You might not know exactly what you’re looking for. It’s not called Best Sell. How do they help you buy?
- Here we’re talking hardcore tech. Not long winded ideas on what is selling, but specific protocols you can use right now.
- Simple, systematic methods that lead people to buy you!
What actually sells?
All day every day we’re being sold to, or selling.
Yet, we’re never taught what actually sells, let alone how to do it.
- Nobody ever says, hey this is why it works. Why do we think nearly every product is sold using sex? A beautiful woman? An attractive man?
- What emotions are they stimulating in us and then attaching to their product? Duh!
- See the point I’m making here isn’t selling your sex appeal, but that there is a very predictable and usable process of selling that you too can use.
To get excellent fast, get the Principles.
Everything I do is systematic and principles-driven. Why? Because it is by far the best and fastest way to master anything.
Don’t just take it from me. As billionaire investor Ray Dalio puts it in his book Principles—“Principles are concepts that can be applied over and over again in similar circumstances as distinct from narrow answers to specific questions.”
- In fact, as I write about in my Do What You Want books, with just five principles you can master anything.
- And here we dive deep into 5 Principles of Selling YOU!
Track Five
Four Step Protocol.
Showing up pro.
This track, a previous version of me walks you through The Four Step Protocol from the Winning Every Meeting Masterclass.
- The Four Step Protocol you see in a number of my programs where it counts for you to show up like an absolute pro.
- Game ready to drive your top performance comes down to the way you prepare your mind and tools to crush your game.
20 years of researching personal development in one simple tool.
As I keep saying… Knowledge is impotent.
Winning isn’t about knowing what to do.
- It’s having powerful routines, processes, protocols, to consistently, repeatedly put to work the best of what you do.
- Just like a pro athlete on Game Day, this is what the Four Step Protocol is built for you to do.
- To show up for your interviews in your peak state, ready to drive peak performance.
Start with clear intent.
We all know goals are crucial to top performance, but how often do we have them, let alone keep driving them deep into our brains?
- Ahead of every interview, what is your clear intent? Is it just showing up, or performing your best Landing That Crazy Job?
- What is your process intent? How exceptional do you intend to be? What about your outcome? What specific result are you driving towards in this meeting?
- All in, like a pro athlete, how are you showing up your best to win?
What Character are you being?
Every pro knows who you show up as defines the results that are possible for you.
- Which version of you crushes that crazy job?
- Who must you be in your interviews to grab their attention and best position yourself for Landing That Crazy Job?
What’s your state?
Top athletes are maniacal about getting in a peak performance state for playing their best game.
What is your peak performance state for crushing your interviews?
- The world of personal development is full of talk on state…
- Yet what specifically are your peak performance states and your processes for igniting them?
- What is your state of body? State of mind? And how do you tap the elusive, flow state?
Winning takes tools and skills.
It’s one thing to know a lot about selling, influence, and Landing That Crazy Job.
- It’s another to be highly skilled in landing it.
- And it’s another thing altogether to bake into your Four Step Protocol your best tools and skills.
Track Six
The Black Book.
Show up crazy prepared.
Some people spend a few minutes looking at a company website and think they’re well prepared.
Others go much deeper, researching topics like the 100 questions you’re likely to get, writing up their best answers, doing mock interviews, and so on.
That’s pretty good, but it’s still weak compared to how you’re showing up Black Book prepared.
Your crazy job bible.
In short, the Black Book is where you capture all of your best ideas on how you best Land That Crazy Job.
It’s your bible of sorts. Where you go to town on how you best position yourself to win.
This idea I lifted from the craft of selling where a top salesperson, knowing they describe their product, tell the same selling stories, discuss the same benefits, clear the same objections over and over again…
Captures their best ideas in their selling Black Book.
- Like your study notes for an exam, it’s where you capture all of your best ideas.
- Like the play book for a sports team, it’s where you lay out your best plays, how you’re best driving your sale, selling yourself into your crazy job.
- So you can review it over and over, practice over and over, for Landing Your Crazy Job.
3 things your Black Book does for you.
The worst approach is to write no notes at all. A better approach is to have some ideas floating around here and there.
The best method is to capture your best ideas in one place, your Black Book, where together we walk through three types of ideas:
- How do you tell your story, best position yourself as a candidate? This is the obvious Q&A but much deeper, laying out selling yourself like Coke sells cola! This is section 2 of the Black Book called Preparing Your Sale.
- The third section of the Black Book is capturing your best ideas on why they hire you. What leads them to buy? What are the most common needs, wants? Emotional drivers? Logical drivers? Objections, so on.
- Which leads us to what comes first… YOU! This notion of Starting With You is all about how are you showing up your best for Landing Your Crazy Job?
BONUS: You get the Black Book.
We don’t just talk about the Black Book in theory.
Included with this Masterclass is a template for your Black Book, which is some 30 pages we walk through in this track.
Now I want to say again…
It’s pretty extreme for me to share with you a Black Book for crushing your crazy job.
Not just in actually having a Black Book, that many people might think is crazy.
But we’ve gone to this extreme of giving you the Black Book because I want to deliver you the absolute best for Landing That Crazy Job.
Track Seven
The Interview Protocol.
How you crush your crazy interviews.
It’s one thing to show up your best prepared, and another to show up best prepared for driving your interviews from beginning to end.
The Four Step Protocol prepares you like a pro athlete stepping into your interviews game ready and the Interview Protocol is for driving top performance once you’re there.
- All sports teams have plays. Chess grandmasters know their opening, middle and closing moves.
- The Interview Protocol is your map for game-winning moves.
- How, specifically, you’re driving the meeting from open to close, from shaking hands to Landing Your Crazy Job.
- In this track we review each step and cover 3 powerful tools of influence, framing, and conveying a point for each step.
Making your best opening moves.
What does it mean to pre-frame?
We all know what it means to build rapport. But, how, specifically, do you walk into a room and deliberately, rapidly, build rapport?
Then, what do you do with it?
Stop answering questions and discover…
A not-secret-anymore move to the System For Landing That Crazy Job is that you’re not just stepping into the room to answer questions…
You’re seeing every question as an invitation for you to take the conversation where you choose…
And to discover exactly what they are seeking in a candidate, to keep influencing them to hire you!
- You can’t turn the interview around and start peppering them with questions, but you can certainly turn it into more of a two-way exchange for you to discover…
- Why will they hire you? Why won’t they? What best sells you? How are they deciding hiring you?
- What are their needs? Their pain? Aspirations? What is missing for them? Why are they so crazy over you?
Benefits and Objections are the core of selling.
We talk about them as Drivers and Roadblocks.
Coz here in this Interview Protocol you’re discovering what drives you forward to be hired and what blocks your way?
- Every salesperson knows selling is about benefits, but, how, specifically do you frame up your benefits?
- How do you best lay them out in your Black Book?
- Same with Objections… Why wouldn’t they hire you? How do you navigate Roadblocks to Landing Your Crazy Job?
Driving to Next Steps.
A mistake many candidates make is they make the next step too big.
They walk into an interview thinking they need to land the job, when in nearly every interview you’re simply trying to reach the next step.
How, specifically, do you keep driving forward just one next step at a time to Land Your Crazy Job?
Track Eight
Deep Learning Track.
This Crazy Job System goes deeper than regular old learning to a crazy level, deeply, quickly get these ideas stuck in your mind.
As you know, the trick to great learning is for it to happen automatically, unconsciously, like driving a car, and this track works the same way for you.
In the previous tracks you’re doing a lot of work, listening to the tracks, doing the work in the Workbook and Black Book, training your System For Landing That Crazy Job.
And in this track, you sit back, relax, and allow it to do all the work on you!
- A deeper learning experience.
This track reviews the program in a way it becomes deeply ingrained in your mind. - Not just a review.
This is a different type of learning experience many of us aren’t used to, one that quickly, deeply, gets the System For Landing That Crazy Job locked into your brain. - So you don’t just walk away from this program…
Knowing exactly how to Land That Crazy Job, but you’re automatically living your process of continuous improvement driving towards That Crazy Job better and better over time.
What Is Landing Your Crazy Job Worth To You?
Value of Land That Crazy Job
Here’s some of the value you get from this 17 hour Masterclass.
Only you can know what this Masterclass is worth to you?
- What $$ value might this be worth to you in even just using this program to land a better job, let alone your crazy job?
- But if you feel stuck in your current job it’s about far more than $$’s isn’t it?
- What’s it worth to you to have a program that enables you to get out of a lesser job into the crazy job you truly deserve?
- How much might this be worth to you today, let alone over 40 years of your career!?
This program has been priceless to me.
- Priceless. Literally, priceless.
- The first incarnation of these ideas helped me some 22 years ago to make a massive leap from my working class roots to Goldman Sachs.
- Since then I’ve used it to make a handful of massive leaps, to today doing my most crazy job…
- My best win-win, where clients pay me handsomely to help them make crazy job leaps…
- In 7+ figure jobs!
But of course this didn’t come to me without a massive price.
- The Crazy Job System brings together the best of what I’ve learned in over 20 years of best engineering this method.
- From where I started making up this approach, to what today incorporates my learnings from thousands of books, hundreds of training programs, hundreds of thousands of dollars invested traveling the world training with the best experts on these topics.
- All boiled down into a simple end-to-end method you can use for right now Landing Your Crazy Job.
- What wouldn’t I have paid for this System if I had the chance to just buy it? I can’t say!
You get all this for a hugely discounted one-time investment.
- Access to ideas clients pay me 5 or 6 figures to learn.
- Until now this program was only available to my private clients.
- Like them you get an exclusive audience with my Aussie accent in your ears!
- In a program you can listen to over and over again, anytime, anywhere you choose.
- At a fraction of the investment clients pay me for one hour of my time.
An end-to-end system for Landing Your Crazy Job.
- Not just some random ideas on floating around your resume or networking or scripting up answers to obvious questions…
- A proven system that I’ve used over and over again, and so too have my clients.
- An end-to-end method for targeting, best preparing, and Landing Your Crazy Job.
Custom-built method designed to work for YOU!
- This program brings together the best ideas I’ve developed for myself and my clients, yet this isn’t about me or their crazy job.
- It’s a custom built method for you and your crazy job.
- A systematic method we work through together in this Masterclass to build your custom-tailored method to Land Your Crazy Job.
17 hours plus the Workbook and Blackbook.
- This is designed as a comprehensive program to bring together all these ideas for you.
- 17 hours of action packed audio.
- A Workbook in document format you can easily fill in, that we work through.
- And the crazy extreme Black Book for you to best prepare Landing Your Crazy Job.
BONUS: Wait there’s more 🙂
- To augment the Skills pillar of the Crazy Job System we included two tracks for rapidly building skills.
- From the System For Winning Masterclass included is a track for rapidly Getting Skills.
- From the Winning Every Meeting Masterclass, included is a track for specifically building the 3 Power Skills—Communications, Selling and Mindset.
Again, not to harp on this but… What ISN’T this worth to you?
- A simple, systematic, powerful end-to-end method for landing the job you truly want.
- What’s it worth to get out of a job you feel stuck in?
- Or to dream up that most crazy job you truly want, and stick the landing?
- Or even just to know with certainty that you have a method you can use for showing up your best prepared?
What wouldn’t I have paid for this?
- To maximize my chances of landing at Goldman Sachs.
- To have a method for making moves from here.
- To keep taking leaps to where I am today.
- I certainly have paid a far greater price for what you can just buy this for!
Purchase Land That Crazy Job Masterclass today and get 30% off
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A Program I Would Have Gone Crazy For!

Crazy, what?
Hi, I’m Geoff Blades.
Back when I put myself on this crazy aspirational path in life I had no clue how to make crazy leaps.
Just a teen back then, growing up in working class suburban Melbourne, Australia, I had no idea how to even get a top job…
Let alone land my most crazy job.
Back then I bought some career guides that were tailored to investment banking.
They gave me some good ideas on how to think about it, but they did little for how to best prepare for Landing Your Crazy Job.
I didn’t know—
- How do you even get yourself in front of the right opportunities?
- What’s the best way you can prepare yourself to show up for an interview?
- In the interview, what’s the absolute best approach you can use to Land That Crazy Job?
Without any clue I did all I knew how.
I wrote up dozens of pages of notes.
I’d been a good student.
I had a really successful method for studying for exams and I approached the job interviews the same way.
Writing up tons of pages of notes.
Trying to memorize them the best I could.
And walking into interviews hoping to put my best foot forward answering questions.
It was a good enough start but it’s nothing compared to what I’m now sharing with you.
Over now 22+ years this method has massively evolved.
When I stepped back from my career at Goldman Sachs and began doing this work…
Looking at other job changes inside Goldman I had to once again think about how you best prepare yourself for making career-defining leaps.
See, we all know it’s easy to stay stuck in a job for lack of a better option.
And back then I was focused on, how do you create your best options? How do you hunt them down?
And what’s the best you can do to maximize your chances of landing your most crazy job?
Over the years in working through my big questions—What do I want? And, how do you get it?—I kept refining this method.
First integrating lots of ideas from what I was learning on selling, communications, and influence.
At the time I used this for my last crazy job leap into a really hard job to get at The Carlyle Group…
I would have said this method was incredibly rigorous.
Yet some 12 years later it’s INFINITY better!
That’s because over this time, in building my business today, my most crazy job, I’ve had to go deep into much more hardcore tools and skills.
To drive a public message and work with clients I’ve had to massively leap my skills to a crazy level.
Too, now deep in the world of personal change I’ve learned the most powerful tools of covert influence.
How you quickly, deeply, get to the heart of how someone decides, and then powerfully influence them.
Also, in doing this same program with clients I’ve been challenged to make it even more simple, so it’s easy for clients to learn and powerfully put to work in landing their crazy job.
Today, all this comes together for you…
For decades I’ve massively benefited from this program.
In the last decade my clients have too.
And now it’s your turn.
I’ve created my life with this program and I’m hoping it does the same for you.
Whether you’re using this to Land Your next Crazy Job now.
Or to live a lifetime of leaping from crazy job to crazy job.
I so deeply hope you too are looking back decades from now seeing this program has massively paid off for you!
Purchase Land That Crazy Job Masterclass today and get 30% off
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Here for the CRAZY ones!
To those of you who dream massively to Land Your Crazy Job.
Who look at the lengths we’re going to in this program and say to yourself…
That’s not crazy…
What’s crazy is to stay stuck in a job that you dislike.
To settle for goals that are well within reach.
Give up stretching, striving, setting your sights on what you truly want.
Who give up the great to go for the CRAZY.
Now, that’s not to say there’s anything wrong with not going for your crazy job.
One great thing about being human is that we all have the opportunity to choose.
I can’t know what are the right choices for you.
But I can know that unless you want a crazy method, this approach won’t be right for you.
Look, just to say it again…
Basically everything about this Masterclass is crazy.
First of all, it’s 17 hours.
17 hours on how to prepare yourself for Landing Your Crazy Job is about 16 hours more than many people spend thinking ahead to a job interview that might transform their life.
And that’s only the beginning.
To really learn this method, and to prepare yourself for Landing Your Crazy Job, you might spend hundreds or thousands of hours on this.
Not just really learning this program.
But also working through the crazy Black Book perfecting your sale.
That’s crazy for many people.
This program isn’t for them.
It’s not for the people who want to do a few minutes work before walking into an interview.
And I feel I should say here that this isn’t for people who are looking for basic instructions like how to do your resume, or 100 interview questions to prepare for.
You can find that stuff just about anywhere, when we’re focused on the most advanced topics you will find nowhere.
A highly systematic method, the most advanced and simple approach I can imagine for how you best prepare yourself for Landing Your Crazy Job.
This isn’t a method for people focused on landing that easy job.
It’s for people like my clients.
A client I’m working with on making a crazy career leap puts it simply—it’s only crazy to people who settle for small goals.
He’s in his forties. On top of going to great schools, he’s spent 20 years driving his career to a prominent position.
But that’s not enough for him. Now he’s looking at the biggest leap of his career, he’s putting it all on the line.
Not just giving up the good to go for the great. But the great to go for the crazy, he’s risking a lot, and he must get this to pay off.
What about you?
What are you looking to do?
Do you really want to do what it takes to get this paying off for you?
Or are you OK with the tortoise career?
As one of my clients says this is about compressing time.
So you can make the type of moves much faster that others might take decades to achieve.
She’s focused on a massive leap.
She’s already at a senior level but she wants to go from a services firm to CEO of a company.
She’s highly capable, but she’s never done that job before. Most people she speaks to are skeptical she can make the leap.
Jobs aren’t being thrown at her, and the onus is on her to target that crazy job, sell herself in the door, all the way through to landing it.
To her it would be crazy to go at this any other way.
But only you can know what is right for you.
For the crazy ones.
If you don’t want to really go for it, then you are best not buying this program.
There’s plenty of free resources out there, books, and other coaches who can help you with a basic job change.
But if you’re focused on crazy…
Welcome to the club.
If you’re willing to do what it takes, this program is designed for you to leap all the way to Landing your most Crazy Job!