Focus Tools
Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Nothing is more important. Nothing is more elusive!
This Masterclass is short and devastatingly sweet.
Just three powerful tools for quickly, deeply training your focus.
You want this to be short and focused…
Because nothing matters more.
In The Snowball, a biography of Warren Buffett…
Alice Schroeder recounts a story of Bill Gates, Sr. asking Warren—
“What factor did you feel was the most important in getting to where you’ve gotten in life?”
“Focus,” replied Buffett.
Gates said the same.
And not only is focus the most valuable skill for creating billions of dollars of wealth…
It’s perhaps the most valuable skill in life. Period.
Truly, what matters more?
What is more important than focus?
Does anything matter more to the quality of our lives than where we are focused?
Attention is everything.
Every second, every day, where you are focused, is your life.
Our society has lots of trite ideas on focus like, time is precious…
But if you look at where many of us focus our time, how much do we honor it?
Each day how many of our seconds, minutes, hours are focused on what truly matters?
Or are so much of our lives distracted by junk?
How much of our focus is wasted on low value junk?
How many minutes, hours, days, weeks, years of our lives are wasted on things that simply…
Do… not… matter.
How many people reach the end of their lives regretting they didn’t spend more time procrastinating?
Avoiding the tasks that most matter?
Failing to take action on their goals?
Reading the news.
Surfing the web.
On social media.
How many people lie on their death bed wishing they’d spent more years of their life reading tweets?
All we have is time!
So what’s more important than the skill of focusing our time where it truly counts?
The greatest wasted resource on the planet…
Is human potential.
Imagine you could harness all our focus on the planet, what would be possible for humanity?
We can’t make any more time, but we can most certainly make the most of every second of our time.
All the time people talk about us only using a fraction of our brain.
It’s bogus neuroscience, but one thing is for sure, we only focus a fraction of our potential.
Constantly thinking about the past, future, things we can’t control.
Worried about this or that.
How much do we focus our potential on what matters most?
Forget about humanity as a whole, just imagine what more is possible for you in unleashing all your mental power!
Think about this in the context of business.
A company might not be able to hire more people or get them to work longer hours, but how much more focus can they get in their days?
It’s said that on average workers are productive for 2 hours 53 minutes a day!
That’s 64% wasted time.
Because many of us procrastinate, avoid, resist.
With our minds jumping around like frogs, how much real production do most of us get done?
I even saw this on Wall Street where people pretend to work 80 hours a week, with perhaps 35% yield.
What about you and your business?
What more would be possible if you could focus your time?
How much better would your business be if everyone was focused driving their best actions?
In so many ways focus is…
A superpower for success.
Success, achieving, winning, getting what you want is certainly one goal of focus.
Often focus is talked about in terms of its superpower for success.
We all know success at anything takes serious focus, often a one-minded dogged approach to driving your goals.
And if you can never get yourself to focus on your goals.
Nor stay deeply focused when you are, well, of course you’re most likely to fail.
Quite simply, if you want more success you must start by asking, can you put more time and focus into your goals?
But focus is about far more than success, isn’t it?
The other night I was watching a young family at a restaurant.
A young boy came back from the restroom all excited to see his Dad, climbing all over him looking for love.
Dad didn’t even look up from his phone.
One day he’ll wish for just a few more seconds with his son, never thinking about all those moments he wasted.
How can you have successful relationships if you’re never focused here?
If you pretend to have a conversation with the people you pretend to love in between emails, status updates, or other junk you allow to dominate your mind…
How much are you actually relating with those you pretend to value?
How are you relating to your life?
Life is happening whether we’re focused on it or not!
How many of us wish we could get more time?
Watch the days, weeks, months, years fly by wondering where has the time gone?
We may not be able to slow the hands of time.
But we can most certainly make the most of our time.
By training the skill of directing our mind.
Notice I used the words “skill” and “training?”
Coz that’s what focus is.
THE life skill.
See, we typically think about focus as “What?”
What are we doing? What actions are we taking, or not taking?
But before we’re focused on things “out there,” it’s crucial to recognize that focus begins in here…
In our minds.
Think of the brain as an organ, and our mind as how we direct its attention.
And you can see the skill of focus is, how good are you at using your mind to direct your brain?
In the context of taking action, this is where we often get stuck.
It’s not that we’re stuck “out there” distracted. Resisting. Avoiding. Procrastinating.
We’re stuck in our minds, lacking the skill to get our brains to focus on what we want to get done.
The mind is a muscle, and focus its strength.
It’s a skill of directing our brains to what most matters.
And it’s also…
THE skill of happiness.
We don’t often associate focus to happiness, but they go hand in hand.
How bad do we feel when we are procrastinating? Avoiding?
Failing to get done what matters?
Failing in our goals?
Wasting time on junk, failing to focus on what matters most in our lives?
More so, lacking the skill of focus is the cause of ALL unhappiness in our lives.
How do we feel when we’re focused on the worst stuff from our past?
Or thinking about the worst fears, anxiety, overwhelm, uncertainty in our future?
How bad does most the population feel all day every day feeding on the worst of the world we call news?
On the flip-side, how good do we feel when we’re focused on things that are great in our lives?
Absorbed in things that truly matter?
Immersed in our goals?
Deep in the flow state, the peak state for performance and happiness, taking our best actions?
Focus is the key skill to unlocking our lives that…
Nobody ever teaches us.
Perhaps the saddest thing on focus is, given how much it matters to our lives, what are we ever taught?
Massive amounts of noise, distraction.
Everyone fighting for our attention—media, politics, advertisers, noise makers—means we have zero focus left for ourselves.
And of course it’s only getting worse.
Because I know people like studies, I saw one the other day that confirmed our global attention span is shrinking due to information overload in our digital age…
But you see the mistake in that?
It blames the world around us, rather than seeing that there is actually something we can do about it!!
See and that’s the real tragedy here. Focus is seen as a thing. Like it’s happening to us.
When it’s the ultimate survival skill nobody teaches us.
And worse, it’s a survival and thrival skill our doctors tell us can’t be trained.
How many parents want their kids popping pills for focus?
I know this is a controversial topic, but how many parents want their kids dropping speed every day just to get through school?
How many of them feel satisfied talking to doctors who have no other prescription but the former street drug?
Are our kids really struggling with focus?
It’s not surprising how many kids who struggle to focus have zero problem focusing on video games.
Or when they’re in the middle of sports, or something fun.
See, the problem with defining lack of focus as a disease is that it’s confused as something you have or you don’t.
Whereas like most things in life, focus is a skill that can and MUST be learned.
And, now, I’m sure that some kids may have a problem with focus that drugs can help.
But what about the rest of us?
Is it just our kids struggling with focus?
Or don’t many adults struggle here too?
Is that because of a lack of speed in their system?
Or is that we live in a world of massive distraction.
Where different things are constantly coming at us.
Where our biology is perhaps genetically mismatched to our fast-paced environment.
Where unless we actually train ourselves to focus, our attention is constantly getting blown around like a flag in the wind.
We can see focus as some mysterious thing that you either have or you don’t…
Or take a leaf from Einstein.
Einstein’s practice for focus…
Was super simple.
It didn’t involve some fancy new technology.
Like a brain scan or EEG.
It didn’t involve sitting in a silly meditation posture, pretending to focus, while your mind still wanders.
When reading, to train his focus, Einstein simply kept a pencil and pad next to him.
Every time his mind wandered he’d make a check mark on his page and utter to himself—
That won’t distract me again.
And then he’d just get on with reading.
It’s said that in his lifetime, he trained himself to 42 minutes of uninterrupted focus!
Einstein’s success wasn’t that he had a bigger brain, but that he trained how to best focus it.
We can all train like Einstein.
That’s all I’m saying here.
Focus isn’t a thing.
That some of us are somehow magically gifted with, and the rest of us are destined to waste our lives.
Focus is a mental muscle.
It’s a skill of thinking, the way we direct our brains.
How we take that brain of ours that is constantly swinging from one thing to another like a monkey in the trees.
And bring it to attention.
How we harness the tremendous, LIMITLESS power of our minds.
And direct it to what matters most to us.
When we see focus in this way, well, then you simply want the most powerful tools for training it.
That’s what I wanted.
When I first started going deep into this topic…
I already thought I was good at focus.
Having worked around the clock my entire adult life I was pretty good at getting things done.
But, when I took on this job that was way too hard for me…
For the first time in my life I found myself struggling to focus.
It wasn’t that I couldn’t get myself to focus on my work, it’s that when I did…
My brain would resist doing it!
I’d never procrastinated in my life, and even though I thought I was good at focus.
Taking on a task that was too hard for me proved I needed much more.
Knowledge is impotent.
It’s not what you know, it’s what you’re able to do that counts.
And even though back then I considered myself a so-called expert on the mind and time management.
When it came to tackling the hardest goals in my life…
Well, no matter what I thought I knew, I wasn’t able to get myself to focus on doing it.
This led me to go deep into these topics of focus.
And even deeper into topics of the mind.
Clearly seeing that no matter what you think you know, what matters is…
How skilled are you at actually doing it?
Watching Arnie Pumping Iron doesn’t get you strong any more than thinking about focus is training it.
Being stuck in my work forced me to come at this in different ways.
Whereas in the past I thought I knew much about these topics now I only focused on training it.
Powerful tools for training focus.
It’s cool to talk about meditation for training focus, but as we’ll talk about later, it’s a weak tool.
The Dalai Lama, who has meditated his entire life, meditates 5 hours a day, while living in the isolation of a monastery!
So how much do you expect 5 minutes a day of meditation to do for us in the real world?
A lesson I learned over years doing hours a day of meditation and trance is it’s not enough!
To become highly skilled at focus you want continuous tools that you can use all day every day.
But what tools?
I didn’t know.
So I stopped at nothing to hunt down and build the absolute best tools.
Reading hundreds of books just on this topic alone.
Dozens of audio and video programs.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars invested traveling the world training with the best teachers.
Testing EEGs, and other meditation and mind training devices.
Over say 30,000 hours.
I researched, developed, tested thousands of different tools.
A couple of hours a day practicing meditation, hypnosis, and other mind training tools.
Before I got serious…
And trained the mind 6-8 hours a day.
Before I got even more serious…
And baked these Focus Tools I’m sharing with you into my Ultimate Days System for doing them all day every day!
My most powerful and important tools.
I’ve stopped at nothing to build these tools because…
Nothing else matters more in our lives than how skilled we are at focusing our minds.
I simply cannot say how much these tools have improved my life.
On a scale of 1-100 for focus and happiness, some ten years ago I would have said I was say a 7-8 out of 10…
Whereas today I see that 7-8 was out of 100, and today I’m at about 90.
Literally, I cannot convey how much using these tools every day has transformed my mind and the quality of my life.
I can only say I’m sharing my most treasured tools hoping they will for you do the same!
Short but devastatingly sweet.
As I said this is a short Masterclass but it might be the most potent because it gets to the heart of how you use your time every second of every day.
It’s not short because we couldn’t talk for years about focus and these Focus Tools, but because we’re very focused.
Not a bunch of talk on focus.
Just the most important knowledge that I perceive matters.
And the most powerful Focus Tools.
That’s all. Just a couple of hours. Just three tools that you can use in 5-8 minutes!
And while these tools are incredibly powerful, what’s so valuable in this Masterclass is how easy and effective they are for you to put to work right away.
These are not tools you listen to once.
Like a bench press, to get strong you want to use them repeatedly, and ideally, all the time!
The mind is a muscle, and only you can choose how strong you want your focus to be.
So this is short. And the tools are simple.
Yet, they are by far the most powerful tools for focus that I use all day every day!
Here’s some of what Focus Tools will do for you:
Stop avoiding, resisting, procrastinating.
Immediately shift your mind from wandering to deeply focused. And stay focused.Feel amazing at will.
Stop your mind from wandering to lesser thoughts and feelings and feel amazing at will.Unleash your potential.
At will access the flow state, to unleash your peak performance and peak happiness.Constantly condition your best thoughts, feelings and actions.
Using these tools once you’ll see their benefit, but conditioning them over and over they will transform your life!
Focus Tools
Discover my most powerful Focus Tools.
Here’s just some of what you get with this devastatingly potent Masterclass.
- Introducing Focus Tools.
There’s zero fluff in this Masterclass. We cut to the truth on focus and how you can quickly train it. - Heightened State of Awareness.
The most simple, effective tool I know for training your focus. It’s 5 minutes, and worth decades of research!
- The Cure.
Short for The Cure for The Human Condition! Over countless hours I built this most potent tool for feeling amazing at will and getting deeply focused. - House Of Flow.
The king of the hill on focus is the flow state, the peak state for performance and happiness. You can live here inside The House of Flow!
Track One
Introducing Focus Tools.
Focusing on focus.
As we’ve covered above, perhaps nothing in our lives is more important than focus.
Yet, who ever teaches us this most crucial life skill?
- Who even gives us the slightest hint how to teach ourselves to focus?
- What does it take? How do we train focus?
Focus is two things.
There’s lots of noise in our world about focus.
But, ultimately, focus is two things.
- First, it’s being able to prioritize. To cut out the noise and get yourself focused where it counts.
- This requires dialing in mechanics of time management like I cover in my Ultimate Days and Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Masterclasses. We’re not focused on this topic here.
- We’re focused on the second part—Once you’ve decided where to focus, how do you become more skilled at doing it?
- That is, quickly getting yourself focused and to staying focused. This is what Focus Tools are built to do for you.
This is top performance.
Again, there’s lots of noise in our world on what is top performance.
But again it comes down to how good you are at focusing on what matters.
- Imagine you can cut out every second of that mind wandering? Procrastinating. Resisting. And just get yourself deeply absorbed in what matters.
- What more is possible for you when you’re 100% absorbed in what you’re doing, giving your brain zero room to wander?
- How much more can you unleash your capabilities? How much more performance can you deliver?
- We expect an Olympic bobsledder in the middle of a run to be 100% focused, and we unleash top performance the same way.
Unfortunately, there is a side effect too.
Training Focus Tools you will also be training feeling amazing at will.
Damn it I hear you saying! Are you really willing to put up with feeling amazing to get more focused?
- We are our happiest deeply absorbed in doing what matters most, ideally immersed in the flow state.
- We are least happy when we are thinking about crap, feeling like crap, procrastinating, resisting, avoiding what matters most.
- Using these Focus Tools you will be unleashing your best and feeling your most amazing too.
20 years of research in these simple tools.
I didn’t do a little meditation and pretend I had found the answer!
Anyone who is serious about conditioning the mind knows meditation is a limited and weak tool.
To tap into your best and bring it into what you do, you need much more powerful, active, open-eyes, flow-based tools.
- These Focus Tools are simple tools that came together through thousands of iterations and tens of thousands of hours researching how you best condition the mind.
- Don’t let their simplicity fool you. A wheel is a simple tool, but look what it has done for humanity!
Only the best tools I know.
There’s zero fluff in this program.
I don’t spend hours rambling on about mindfulness or the latest neuroscience or whatever whatever people talk about on focus!
- I only share with you the knowledge you might need and the most powerful tools I have spent near a decade researching, building, testing, using.
- This Masterclass isn’t for people who want to do a minute of meditation and pretend to be training their mind.
- Or those who want to go to a dinner party and talk about mindfulness.
- Focus Tools is for serious people who want to get down to business and train the most hardcore tools of focus I know.
Not just to be listened to.
Focus Tools aren’t built to be listened to like a podcast and say, wow, that was interesting.
They are more like a bench press.
- Looking at that machine. Listening to someone talk about how a bench press works does nothing to get you strong.
- Yet, when you get on it every day and lift, well, how do you not get strong?
- Focus Tools work the same way.
- They are simple tools built to powerfully work for you.
Track Two
Heightened State of Awareness.
“Pull” focus.
There are lots of ways to think about training focus, but ultimately there is one simple principle to keep in mind.
Rather than clearing the mind, it’s easier to pull all of your attention into this moment.
- Focus is the opposite of your awareness jumping around failing to be absorbed in this moment.
- Using your senses it is easy to direct your awareness, pull your attention, into the now.
- Which through repeated use is training your brain, conditioning your mental muscles, to live here all day.
The tool I keep coming back to.
I’ve spent some 20 years playing with these types of tools.
And around 10 years, hardcore, hours a day, testing and building the best tools for training focus.
- Yet, this one simple tool I continuously come back to.
- In my experience, it’s far far far far far far far far far far far more powerful than meditation or other tools I’ve come across.
Meditation is a weak tool.
I get in trouble when I talk about this because of the cult of meditation.
The truth is I love meditation. Hours a day for years I trained it, and still meditate a lot.
But not as a tool of focus, and not in the strictest sense of the way this tool has been marketed and taught.
I won’t go into it here, only to say the performance tool of meditation has been confused with the belief systems and rituals around it.
Putting all that aside, you see meditation is simply a weak tool.
- Meditation is incredibly inefficient. For the amount of time you must put into it, you get so little yield on time.
- Most people pretending to meditate are simply “relaxing.” Their mind is still jumping around like a monkey and little conditioning is achieved.
- It’s like the many people you see at the gym, doing a few things here and there, pretending to be working out, but never breaking a sweat.
- 5-10 minutes a day of meditation is like doing half a push up expecting to get strong! Even 1 hour a day is weak, still leaving most the day to the monkey mind.
Heightened State of Awareness is so potent because…
Unlike meditation it doesn’t require you to do something incredibly hard that even few top meditators can do—clear the mind or get it focused deeply on a sensation. (a benefit of TM too)
Instead Heightened State of Awareness simply uses your senses to pull your attention, which leaves zero room for the monkey mind.
- It’s not a tool that requires any belief systems or mantras or postures or burning incense or a dedicated time to sit down and close your eyes.
- This tool is built to be used anytime, anywhere, all day every day for training focus, conditioning your mind.
- It is devastatingly powerful in the simplicity to “pull” your focus anytime into the now.
Use it to quickly focus anytime, anywhere.
You can easily and immediately use this tool to get focused anytime you choose.
This might be most valuable to you in getting beyond all the noise in your mind and bringing your focus into this moment.
For being more present in business, with your family, anytime, anywhere.
- Struggle to focus in business? Imagine looking into a corner, and automatically pulling yourself into this focused state.
- Or walking down the street, or anytime, anywhere, fixating your attention so you can quickly focus in the now.
- Or while someone is speaking to you, realizing your mind is wandering, having a way to quickly focus now.
Years to figure out this tool.
First it took me some 13 years of researching personal development to come across this tool which I learned from one of my mind training teachers.
Then, honestly, it took me years to see its true power.
- You’ll hear this is a very simple tool, that I for too long overlooked.
- Years after learning this tool I was still doing lots of “downtime” (eyes closed) training meditation and hypnosis.
- But I kept coming back to see you want tools you can use all day every day, anytime, anywhere.
Anyone can learn to use this immediately.
Anyone can use this tool easily and quickly.
It’s less than 6 minutes. It requires no special mantra or posture or beliefs.
- You keep your eyes open, so you’re training yourself to use it anytime, anywhere.
- Just like a kid fixated on a TV or video game, you can easily train yourself to focus so intently on things that matter most to you.
- There are two short tracks for Heightened State of Awareness: One 8 minute track explaining the tool. And the Heightened State of Awareness exercise in 6 minutes.
A ridiculous ROI on your time!
Track Three
The Cure.
Whoa, what I would have paid for this tool!
What I did pay for this tool!
Tens of thousands of hours researching all topics of the mind from psychology to neuroscience to personal development to Eastern and other philosophies to training with the best teachers in the world on these topics.
Then spending countless hours building and testing thousands of these types of tools, bringing together the elements you learn in The Cure.
What didn’t I pay for this tool?
It was well worth it to build…
The Cure for the Human Condition.
It’s a massively bold claim.
But that’s exactly what I perceive this tool does for me.
Coz especially back when I start building this tool some 10 years ago, the Human Condition had an awful grip on me!
- The tools I was building weren’t just so I could get deeply absorbed in the work I’d been stuck in.
- But seeing through the illusion of how I felt being stuck in my work, I discovered the truth of happiness.
- How we think and feel has NOTHING to do with what’s happening in our lives, but how we are using our bodies and minds.
Over tens of thousands of hours researching I built The Cure to:
- Get yourself feeling amazing at will.
- No matter what is going on in your life, anytime, anywhere, this tool is designed to get you pumped up and chilled out!
- Feeling more energized and happy.
- And of course, focused, deeply absorbed in what you’re doing right now.
Too good to be true?
Too amazing not to be true!
And too simple as well.
There are five simple steps to The Cure:
- 1. Get yourself pumped up.
- 2. Let it all go… tension, worry, whatever, using your breathing.
- 3. Ready for it… A big smiley face. Smiling we feel happier. So why not bake it into a tool you’re using all day every day feeling happier?
- 4. A mantra, an affirmation of sorts. Something you say in your head that gets you feeling amazing, like “I’m loving it.”
- 5. Heightened State of Awareness, to bring all this good feeling focused into the now.
So simple and amazing to use!
Plenty of people don’t believe you can feel amazing at will…
Then, they go have a few drinks and whoa, suddenly they feel different.
Nothing has changed in their life but by changing their neurology automatically they feel “better.”
Well, here we’re simply activating our neurology the same way.
At will changing how you think and feel, getting yourself fully absorbed in the now.
So simple. And amazing to use! Anytime. Anywhere.
Learn it fast and use it immediately.
Anyone can quickly learn and use The Cure.
- It’s not rocket science, but the best brain science and practical experience of how easily we can elevate our energy, change our body chemistry, brainwaves, so on.
- Again, it sounds so damn simple… Because it is.
- Just the most powerful tool you can use for feeling amazing at will, getting yourself deeply focused.
- There are two short tracks for The Cure: One 6 minute track explaining the tool. And The Cure in 8 minutes.
For feeling amazing at will, being focused, this is my go-to tool.
Track Four
House Of Flow.
Live in the House of Flow.
I’m greedy like that…
When I started getting deep into building these tools, I didn’t just want to benefit some of the time.
It wasn’t enough to feel amazing at will, get deeply absorbed, and unleash my potential when I chose.
I wanted to live here!
Why live any other way? Who doesn’t want to live at your peak?
Living in the flow.
You may not be familiar with the flow state as popularized by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.
But you’re most likely familiar with the same idea of an athlete being in the zone.
And you’ve certainly also experienced this flow state yourself.
- Those moments you’re so deeply absorbed in what you’re doing.
- Like 10 minutes into a run, you just stop thinking.
- Or you’re so focused fully absorbed in a task that time passes in the blink of an eye.
- It is here we unleash our peak performance bringing all of our capabilities into what we’re doing.
- It’s also a peak state for happiness because, well, that monkey mind is the definition of unhappy, and here we’re absorbed beyond it.
Is flow being limitless?
In my book Building Your Limitless Mind I write about unleashing your potential akin to the movie Limitless.
When the main character Eddie Morra pops a pill, NZT, his mind opens up to perceive more of reality, while also enabling him to deeply focus.
- I perceive the movie to be a metaphor for the limitless power we can unlock focusing our minds.
- As the movie describes, using drugs to achieve focus you never train your capabilities.
- But training your mind for flow you can live here in expanded awareness, unlocking and focusing more of your capabilities.
Meditation in action.
A way to think about the flow state is to see it as meditation in action.
That is, you bring some of the most powerful benefits of meditation directed into what you’re doing.
- Instead of sitting eyes closed, legs crossed, gazing your navel, flow is akin to meditation in action.
- It’s not about achieving a transcendental state sitting on a mountain top, it’s accessing and directing all of your brain into something that deeply matters to you.
- So you’re not pretending to have a transcendental experience, but transcending that mind in everything you do.
How do you access flow at will?
Is a question that many researchers are focused on.
Unfortunately, many of them are focused on identifying others doing it. Or talking about what it means.
When anyone serious about flow wants a tool to train it.
- This is hard to figure out.
- The fact is, the flow state gets “pulled” or triggered in us when circumstances demand it.
- Consider how people often describe a car accident, like time was slowing down. It’s not that time has slowed, only our conscious minds are no longer trying to keep up!
- The same is true on that run. At some point, your conscious mind lets go and your body and mind become one with the flow of running.
- House of Flow isn’t a perfect tool for accessing this naturally occurring flow state, but you’ll find it quickly sets up the conditions for flow, and keeps training you to more naturally live here.
Best modeling and mimicking flow.
I built the House of Flow when I was most stuck in my writing and needed to get beyond that thinking mind and deeply absorbed.
- From doing the research I discovered many powerful ways of thinking about flow.
- And drawing from my own flow experiences from extreme sports like skiing, MMA fighting, driving race cars, and other peak experiences…
- I modeled the flow state in me and built the best tools I could imagine to mimic quickly getting here.
- Over years I built hundreds, maybe thousands of tools, refining how to access and condition the flow state.
- The trick you’ll see isn’t just with the tool, but with your entire setup to help you quickly get absorbed in the flow state and stay here.
Learn it fast and practice it often!
Again you’ll hear this tool is built to be ridiculously easy for you to use.
But given it only mimics a state that our bodies and minds “pull” in fully-immersed conditions, you want to train getting here and staying here.
- Research the flow state and you’ll discover there are some important conditions required for our neurology to access the flow state.
- Such as you must have a goal. And the task must be challenging enough that it requires all of your focus.
- So you’ll see we’re not just covering the House Of Flow but also ways to best set yourself up to access flow.
- Here we cover three short tracks for the House Of Flow: The first track is 25 minutes explaining the tool. Then we include two versions of the House of Flow…
- One is 5 minutes and another, for deeper training, is 20 minutes.
For quickly, powerfully, deeply getting yourself focused, absorbed in what you’re doing…
Accessing your flow state for peak performance and peak happiness…
Training yourself for living inside the House of Flow!
What are Focus Tools Worth To You?
Value of Focus Tools.
Here’s some of the value you get from this Focus Tools Masterclass.
This program would have massively helped me.
- When I needed these tools I REALLY needed them.
- And I had nowhere to go. No idea how to find powerful tools for focus that you can put to work right away.
- I’d already read thousands of books on personal development. Thought I knew about mindfulness, focus, time management, mental mastery, etc.
- But facing a goal that was way too hard for me, none of that was good enough to get beyond where I was stuck and absorbed in my goals.
I would have paid near anything for this.
- For a way to get beyond where I’d been stuck and get focused in my work.
- When I was feeling my worst, to have performance tools for feeling amazing at will, and quickly, deeply, powerfully getting absorbed.
- Without these tools or any idea of what I needed, I went deeper into hundreds of books and training programs, and traveled the world training with the best teachers on the mind.
- On top I dedicated myself to meditating, trancing, and doing mental exercises hours a day.
- And over thousands of hours, built thousands of tools to eventually discover these Focus Tools.
- If I’d simply been able to buy this program, I can’t say what I would have paid.
- You can only see what I did pay to create this for myself, and now you!
How might this be valuable for you?
- I can’t know why you’ve read all the way down this page, nor why these tools will be valuable to you.
- Do you find yourself stuck taking action focusing on your most important goals?
- Are you struggling with focus, directing your mind to what matters most in your life?
- Do you simply want to feel more amazing at will every day?
- Unleash your potential?
- I can’t know how Focus Tools will be valuable to you, but I do know how hard it is to solve these problems.
How else might you solve these problems?
- Where do you go to learn more focus?
- What, you’re gonna sit in meditation minutes a day hoping that it somehow gets you beyond where you’re stuck in your goals or life?
- Go to the doctors whose only prescription is jacking our kids up on speed?
- Or if your struggling to feel good, go to a shrink who’ll jack you up on some other pills?
- What about if you want to learn the flow state? What’s your solution? How do you actually do that?
Or you can download this program and…
- Within minutes be getting each of these tools powerfully working for you.
- Quickly, easily, have tools that enable you to train focus right now, and keep building your mental muscles over time.
- Consider that if these tools improve every second of your life, what is this worth to you?
- Every second be better focused.
- Get yourself feeling better. Thinking better. Taking your best actions.
- Unlock your greatest potential right now.
- How transformational might this be for you?
Access to tools clients pay me 5 or 6 figures to learn.
- Until now these Focus Tools have only been available to my private clients.
- Just like them you get an exclusive audience with me ranting and raving in your ears!
- And short powerful recordings that you can listen to over and over again, anytime, anywhere you choose.
- At a fraction of the investment clients pay me for one hour of my time.
Here you get my most powerful tools.
- The best tools I’ve developed for my mind that I use every day.
- Bringing together the best of what I’ve learned from 20 years researching topics of mindset, top performance, and building powerful performance tools.
- Packaged into the most simple tools that you can use right away, and all day every day for getting more focused and happy.
- Unleashing the best of you!
Just a brief introduction and 3 powerful tools.
- Zero fluff.
- Just the best tools I have that you can use right away.
Purchase Focus Tools and get 30% off
Secure checkout / 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

These tools are my life.

I can’t say what these tools are worth to me.
Hi, I’m Geoff Blades.
Quite simply…
They are everything to me.
And that’s not hyperbole.
I mean it literally.
These tools are everything to me.
They gave me back my life. They are my life.
When things were real hard for me.
When I was so stuck in my mind and my work…
In every way I felt my life was spiraling down.
Not knowing what to do, how to do it, or even how to get myself to do it…
My brain was getting the better of me.
Fear. Overwhelm. Anxiety. Resisting. Avoiding.
I’d never suffered those ways of being, but taking on this goal that was too hard for me drove me to my edge.
Already thinking I was an expert on topics of personal development like mindset, crushing goals, and so on…
I felt even more lost.
I didn’t know where to turn.
So I turned to new teachers and building tools.
And began the deep mental conditioning that would transform everything for me.
Again, I mean, EVERYTHING.
How I think. How I feel. How I use my time.
How effective I am at driving my top performance and charging down goals.
All of these things that I thought I knew from decades of achieving, and more than a decade of personal development…
I was now mastering by seeing…
It’s an inside job.
No matter what you are looking to change you must start inside.
If you’re feeling stuck in your goals and you need to focus.
This begins inside.
If you’re focused on things that drag down your happiness, this begins inside.
If you’re looking to drive your absolute best performance, tapping into your peak performance states like flow.
Once again, this begins inside.
And not by knowing this.
Not by reading some books thinking you know this.
Or listening to so-called experts who like to write or talk about this.
But by doing the training.
By finding the absolute best tools that you can, and conditioning yourself over and over again putting them to work.
Thousands of diet books we only get fatter.
Nobody gets strong watching Arnie Pumping Iron.
You build physical and mental muscle by finding powerful tools and continuously putting them to work.
I can’t say what it means to share with you these tools.
Truly, I simply can’t convey it.
Tens of thousands of hours I invested in researching and building these tools that have transformed everything for me.
I want so much for each of us.
And for all of humanity.
These tools have given me back far more than focus.
They’ve transformed my life.
And I know if you put them to work as many seconds a day as you can, they will do the same for you!
Purchase Focus Tools and get 30% off
Secure checkout / 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

Not for everyone!
Please keep in mind…
In the Matrix, handing Neo the red pill Morpheus says to him…
“Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more. ”
Now, I’m most certainly not Morpheus.
And I’m not offering you the truth of reality.
But on these topics of focus, all I’m offering…
Is my truth.
Over tens of thousands of hours researching these topics…
These are the best tools I have discovered and built for quickly developing your focus.
For getting yourself beyond where you might be stuck in taking actions.
To get beyond that noisy mind jumping around like a monkey.
And pulling yourself into the now, getting deeply focused on what you’re doing.
But this is no magic pill.
Like the bench press I keep referencing, these are merely a set of tools.
Nobody gets strong looking at a bench press.
Watching someone else press weights.
Listening to someone talk about getting strong pressing weights.
You only get strong when you use the tool for what it’s for, and the same is true with these Focus Tools.
I have stopped at nothing to discover and built these tools.
But more so, I’ve stopped at nothing to all day every day train these tools.
And the same must be true for you.
Plenty of people want to learn more about focus.
Talk about mindfulness.
Do a few minutes meditation.
Listen to a podcast on focus.
Watch a TED talk on neuroscience or the flow state or unleashing their potential.
But most of them have never done or ever will do anything to train their focus.
This Masterclass is not for them.
It’s for people like you and me!
I’m betting that if you’ve read all the way down this page…
It’s because you think about these topics like me.
You are no longer willing to put up with a noisy mind.
Unwilling to have a lack of focus distract you from what truly matters.
Unwilling to let resistance or avoidance or procrastinating get in the way of your goals.
Unwilling to put up with the average level of happiness that most humans suffer!
Instead, you are looking for the absolute best tools.
Without the fluff.
Just simple, powerful tools that you can put to work right away.
In unleashing you and your mind to be focused on what matters most in your life.
As I have said these tools have MASSIVELY transformed my life.
And I’m only offering you my truth.
They’re not for everyone.
Yet, if you’re serious about putting these Focus Tools to work, I’m certain they’ll unlock the greatest focus in you!