Although Steve Jobs was a perfectionist, he brilliantly grasped the power of evolutionary change.
If you contrast iPhone 6 to the first generation iPhone, while you see obvious similarities, you clearly see just how far the device has progressed.
When Jobs first presented iPhone in 2007, it was a radical revolution in technology.
We take it for granted today, but back then bringing to market a fully integrated phone, web browser, and email device was an enormous leap forward.
Beyond that, Jobs brought to us technological revolutions that have become mainstream, such as the touch screen.
But although iPhone was an enormous advancement, it was also merely the base upon which Apple would keep innovating.
Comparing my iPhone 5s to my iPhone 6s, I see just how far their evolutionary leaps keep taking them.
The innovations might be more subtle these days, but in form-factor, weight, and look and feel alone, iPhone 6 is a significant upgrade.
Of course when iPhone was first presented at the Macworld conference, it was the pinnacle of technological advancement.
It was as good as it could get at that point in time.
And the genius of Jobs wasn’t just to re-imagine the phone, it was to keep evolving iPhone to make it the best it can be.
Good companies and good people do good things.
Great companies and great people take what they do good and constantly seek to evolve and do it better.