What’s so amazing about this speech is it brings together the best of western science with eastern spiritual tradition.
A problem many people face on spirituality and consciousness is it is too far off the track. It’s one thing to hear the Dalai Lama speak of life and purpose and spiritual experience, yet few of us can associate with those ideas, let alone imagine what that would be like in our own lives.
Beyond that, the eastern traditions leave us with few tools to experience what they know.
They talk meditation. Or yoga. But few people can or will spend hours a day for decades in order to experience what the Dalai Lama talks of and knows.
What you see in this speech by Jill Bolte Taylor is the fast-track to enlightenment. You see how quickly you can become enlightened if only you COULD DESTROY THE LEFT HEMISPHERE of your brain.
Of course none of us want to do that and you’ll see in this speech you wouldn’t be much good in the world if you did, but the experience of doing so was truly transformational and life changing for Jill.
I can talk till I’m blue in the face on the virtues of meditation, hypnosis, and the true journey of life, the journey of consciousness, but few people can open their minds to those types of ideas.
But what’s so powerful in this speech is you see it right in front of you on your screen. You see a woman. A researcher. A brain scientist. Transformed by an experience in consciousness.
Open your mind for 18mins and that’s what she delivers you too.