On Mission Serving Humanity
I dream of our best world and I know that you do too. We build our best world when we help
every single person create their best career, business, life. Short or tall, thick or thin, we all have
limitless potential and deserve the best solutions that I strive to build for all humankind.
“The Transformer”
This is what clients call me.
My specialty is transforming people, processes, and most importantly, RESULTS.
I am WRONG for people who are looking to make little changes at new year’s or over years.
My work is for people focused on TRANSFORMING, rapidly.
For people like you seeking to unlock ALL that is possible, as quickly as possible.
And immediately, right now, make QUANTUM leaps.
Ready to Quantum Leap?
My clients want quantum leaps.
They want more than a career or business or life that gets a little…bit…better…SLOWLY…over…time.
They’re looking to leap as far as you can as quickly as possible.
And it’s not all about business and winning either, by the way.
They want what I did when I started this work more than 24+ years ago
- To live the life that you TRULY want
- To think and feel your absolute best
- To unlock your full potential and become the person you dream to be
They know that they and their family deserve it.
And they’re SERIOUS about achieving it.
You know what most saddened me working at two of the best firms on Wall Street?
You see that even many top professionals NEVER go for what they truly want.
They are going for what they think they can get and end up with regret.
A reason is that many people DON’T know what they want.
You can get STUCK at a certain level of success, and not know what’s next.
Or you’re dreaming big, but you don’t know how to take the right steps.
It’s NEVER your fault.
All of us have fears, limited thinking, inhibitions, etc. that hold us back and limit your potential.
Also, you spend the best decades of your life in school but NOBODY ever teaches you anything about creating the career, business, life that you TRULY want!?
Let alone thinking, feeling, being your ABSOLUTE best!?
People come to me for the ACTUAL SOLUTION.
This isn’t for everyone
Many people are just looking to make it through the day.
My work is UNIQUELY for highly successful people who are serious about going all the way.
That’s exactly how I felt when I stepped back from my career at Goldman Sachs 24+ years ago and began this work.
Half the office was laid off and I was asking—
Is this it?
Is this the life that you dreamed as a kid?
The life that you TRULY want?
I didn’t know.
Maybe you’ve been here?
It’s this place in life where you’re not sure that you want to stay where you are.
But you don’t know how to go ahead, and you certainly don’t want to go back.
My head-down, work-hard method had ENORMOUSLY catapulted me in life from working class roots to Goldman Sachs, and I wanted to keep leaping.
But unfortunately I NEVER found anyone credible to guide me.
You need more than basic ideas
Even reading thousands of books on these topics I NEVER found the actual solution that I needed.
This is because the average book is written for the average achiever, not for a serious professional who is already achieving at the highest levels.
The same is true with your average executive coach, podcast, expert, so on.
They can be good enough for some people.
But if you’re a highest achiever looking to leap as far as you can as quickly as possible you need MUCH more than basic ideas.
At least I did.
This led me to build the most advanced methods for myself that I now share with clients and others like you.
You deserve what you want!
Like a client who left a top private equity firm to start his own.
He could have kept stepping up year-after-year alongside everyone else but he was DREAMING BIG.
They’ve now got $5bn+ under management and he’s massively leapfrogged his old bosses.
Another client wanted to become a ‘6 million dollar man’ on Wall Street.
He wanted to go from one of many earning $1-2mm to the few earning $6-10+ and is now earning closer to $20mm.
My clients earning 8 figures want the same—How to make quantum leaps from here?
Same with our institutional clients.
Which CEO doesn’t want their company to keep getting better and better and better and… keep winning more and more and more and…?
Again, this isn’t for everyone.
One thing that I learned from deeply studying Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk and building this trillion dollar method is that they think in leaps.
And my obsession is building the best methods so that YOU too can make quantum leaps.
How do you ACTUALLY do it?
In my books, programs and with clients I deliver SOLUTIONS to this most elusive question—>
How do you ACTUALLY do it?
This is ALL I wanted to know when I started this work back at Goldman Sachs in 2000.
How do you ACTUALLY live the life that you TRULY want? (including ACTUALLY figuring out what this is!)
How do you ACTUALLY drive your career to the TOP?
How do you ACTUALLY leave your job and start your OWN BUSINESS?
How do you ACTUALLY scale your business enormously, FAST?
How do you ACTUALLY think and feel your absolute best?
How do you ACTUALLY unleash all of your potential and be the person that you dream to be?
Ultimately you see that these methods are for best driving your career and business as the vehicle for living the life that you TRULY want.
This what these solutions do for you, fast.
So, if you’re looking for transformational leaps in your business, career, life, welcome, you are in the right place.
I have your solution.
Your solution built for YOU
When it comes to getting unstuck and achieving all that you TRULY want there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution.
There is only your solution built for YOU.
In my books, programs, and hundreds of articles, you’ll find limitless ideas on building your own best solution.
Or if you’re serious about making a QUANTUM leap and want to discuss building your solution with me reach out.